Skip the Butter
Question: I have been buttering my toast for as long as I can remember. And before that, I was served buttered toast. I can't imagine eating toast dry as you suggest in the 'Eat Right Now' nutritional guide. How do you do it?
Answer: You need to become aware of the foods that are good for you and focus on them. Personally, my diet has improved a lot over the years. For example, when I was growing up, I liked to butter my bread like everyone else I knew. Of course, I didn't have any awareness that butter is loaded with fat and not good for me. And truly, I didn't care. Now that I am older and a little more aware of the importance of what goes in my body, I try to avoid using butter. Now, if I taste a slice of buttered toast, it tastes very strange to me. It is just a case of choosing to modify your behavior for your benefit.
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