Angie's Corner

Are You Ready for Change?

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

Have you ever found yourself making excuses or searching for reasons to hold on to a person or situation that you know isn’t in your best interests, yet you can’t seem to find the courage to change? As the saying goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” Meaning that often we choose to deal with the familiar even when the familiar isn’t ideal, as opposed to facing the unknown. Frankly it’s why so many people get stuck, in unhealthy relationships, jobs, and even unhealthy lifestyle decisions- smoking, sleep deprivation, overeating, or lack of exercise. Maybe in the past we’ve tried to change, but somehow we revert back to old patterns. Maybe we see the need for change, but we have no idea where to begin. Or maybe we don’t have what I call a driver and change isn’t even in our radar. To me a driver is something that motivates us to change, something that is making us uncomfortable enough to override our fear of the unknown.

Research supports that for lasting change to take place we have to go through a series of stages. These stages help us approach change gradually, thus preparing our mind and emotions and setting us up for success. The Transtheoretical Model is one such model of change. The Transtheoretical Model assesses our readiness for change and helps provide us with strategies to adopt new behaviors. There are six stages in the model, but we don’t necessarily go through them in a step-by-step fashion. For instance, we might backtrack if the change is especially difficult. The model reinforces the type of effort and commitment required for lasting change. Whether it’s exercise, healthy eating, or some other change you need to make in your life, check out these stages and see if you are ready for change.

Transtheoretical Model

  1. Precontemplation- In the precontemplation stage a person has no intention of changing. Maybe they’ve tried in the past and given up, maybe they’re in denial, or maybe they’re completely unaware they have a problem. In terms of exercise, a person in this stage is saying, “Exercise, what is exercise and why would I want to do that?”
  1. Contemplation- In the contemplation stage a person recognizes that they have a problem and they start to consider the need to change, but it’s not immediate. A person can stay in the contemplation stage for months or even years. After all, old habits die hard. In terms of exercise someone in this stage might say, “I really should exercise. My jeans are starting to get tight and my doctor says it would help me lose weight. Maybe I will someday.”
  1. Preparation- A person in the preparation stage is much closer to taking action. Rather than just thinking about change, someone in this stage is starting to develop a plan and identify what he or she can do to get started. In terms of exercise a person in this stage might say, “Next week I’m going to hire a trainer and start exercising two days a week.”
  1. Action- This is the execution stage where thoughts turn to action. A person in this stage has hired the trainer and started their exercise plan. This is an exciting stage, but there can be a downside. If we jump into the action stage before working through the other stages our likelihood of success decreases. Without preparation and realistic goals our exercise routine is typically abandoned long before it becomes a lifestyle; thus why the earlier stages are important.

Action, when it’s well planned and executed, is where we start to see results. When it comes to lasting change, however, there’s more work to be done. Next week I’ll share the final two stages for successful behavior change, and how to avoid relapse and common pitfalls that stand in the way of our success.

Read Part II Here

Best In Health~

- Angie

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


Girl Power II

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

5 Reasons You Need A Girls Getaway Part II

Here’s a link to Part I

Nothing parallels the power of female connection and few things soothe the soul more than a girls’ getaway. Women for me have always been a source of comfort, security, and unconditional love, and it’s because of their profound support that strong female connections have become my life support. It’s also the reason I foster my friendships and find ways to make girls getaways not a luxury, but a necessity.

I’ve had two girls’ getaways in the past few months. The key I’ve decided is to be flexible in your standards of how you define a getaway, and to be spontaneous in taking what you can get when the opportunity arises.

 Here’s five lessons I learned from my girls’ getaways, and why I think you should grab your girlfriend/s and go, as soon as possible:

  1. You’re not alone. Nothing is more validating or comforting than knowing that your girlfriends share similar thoughts, experiences, worries, and doubts, about parenting, relationships, ageing, careers, you name it. What we reinforce in one another is what female connections and true friends are so good at offering- love and companionship, and a gentle reminder that we’re all doing the best we can and thankfully we’re not alone. We have the support and validation of friends who only want the best for us, who have our back, and who are there when we need them the most.

Me with my college girlfriends- Nancy and Michelle- in Cancun, Mexico

  1. Time may pass, but connections are never lost. Before we met in Mexico, my two college girlfriends and I hadn’t all been together for a girls’ weekend since 2009. Since that time we have navigated our way through life situations that have forever changed our perspective, yet we discovered that we’re still the same girls we were in college- young at heart and happy to share new adventures. We seemed to pick up where we left off, and with shared history and a connection that has stood the test of time, we accepted our common, yet unique struggles with an empathetic ear and an open heart.
  1. Wine, chocolate, and fine dining- in abundance. Does fine dining include beach drinks and outdoor restaurants where bathing suits are the dress code? We thought so. Mix that in with a good meal or two, great dessert, and some Mexican beer, and/or margaritas, and it’s amazing the laughter and direction of the conversation. Better yet, no one’s judging if you go back for another round, or decide that one dessert isn’t enough.
  1. There is always someone who wants to give you a massage-for a price. I’ve had few girls’ getaways where I couldn’t justify the need for a massage, facial, or both. Not only do you get a special treatment, you also get to share it with special people. Not to mention, you get invited into that quiet little room where there’s unlimited dried fruit and every tea imaginable at your disposal. Afterwards you and your besties can bask in your luxurious robes and cute little slippers. With all the toxins removed from your body you’re able to look at life through a different lens- one that feels a little less overwhelming when your muscles feel like Jell-O.

Who doesn’t feel more relaxed with blue skies and a beach?

  1. There’s no need to hold back- it’s a judgment free zone. I consider myself a fairly private person. I often hold on to things, maybe more than I should. I need internal processing time if you will, before I can talk about the “big stuff.” Well something about girlfriends, a beach, some margaritas, have I mentioned those, and spa treatments, seems to act like truth serum to the soul. I found myself spilling it, and I came home five pounds lighter as a result, (okay not really, but five pounds lighter in the burdens I had been carrying). Here’s what I’ve discovered about baring your soul on girls weekends: If your teenager is making you question your parenting skills, you’ve discovered that your extended family might be crazy after all, you’re questioning your career choice, life choices, you name it, you’re not alone. Everyone on some level has been there, and sometimes it takes girls getting away, where they feel safe and supported, before they can open their heart and lay out their worries and doubts, all to be picked up by you and your friends so the burdens can be shared. When the words come out of your mouth and the faces around you show support and understanding, when you relay stories and situations and you feel validated knowing that you’re not crazy after all, then you know you’re in the right place with the right people.

Remember, we can love our kids, spouse, significant other, and jobs to pieces, but our girlfriends get us and that’s why getting away with them is pivotal to our health. It doesn’t have to be a weekend in Mexico. You can grab your girlfriend next door and spend a day shopping and an evening out for pizza. Either way, it’s amazing what girlfriends, laughter, and connection can do for our perspective and our attitude, something everyone around us can appreciate long after the party is over.

I’d say I look pretty relaxed, beach hair and all.

Here’s to Girl Power!


- Angie

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


Girl Power

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

5 Reasons You Need A Girls Getaway

Nothing parallels the power of female connection and few things soothe the soul more than a girls’ getaway. Women for me have always been a source of comfort, security, and unconditional love. I grew up in a female only household- four sisters and my mom, and my husband and I raised two daughters. I also have girlfriends throughout the world, thanks to multiple moves and plentiful work travel over the years. These women are sustenance to my soul. I count on them to be there when the tears won’t stop flowing or my heart feels like it may never be whole again. They are also the first ones I text to share a random “girls only” story that I know will make them laugh; or maybe an “I need to vent” story that I know will be returned with just the right amount of validation. It’s because of their profound support that strong female connections have become my life support, and it’s also the reason I foster my friendships and find ways to make girls getaways not a luxury, but a necessity.

I’ve had two girls’ getaways in the past few months. The key I’ve decided is to be flexible in your standards of how you define a getaway, and to be spontaneous in taking what you can get when the opportunity arises.

Getaway #1: A few months ago I was scheduled to lead a professional training in New York and I had planned to leave a day early, something I often do so I can enjoy the city and spend time with local friends. Though it may be work related, travel to a different city is one of the best times to catch up with someone who lives in the area, or to have someone join you who can share in your adventure. The day before l left I called my friend April in Philadelphia and asked her to join me. It was spur of the moment, but I knew she was going through a difficult situation and I swooned her with thoughts of wine, girl talk, shopping, and a weekend in New York City. It worked. The very next night we were hugging in the hotel lobby, laughing, and picking up where we left off, (I don’t remember how long it had been since we had last seen one another). The following day we met another friend of mine, Nancy, from Long Island, a single mom with limited time to spare, but a smart mom who knows how much her sanity depends on getting a break once in awhile. My two friends had never met, but you wouldn’t have known that based on the laughter and easy conversation. The three of us only had a couple of hours together, but it was time well spent and those moments are precious whenever you can get them. The rest of the weekend with April was a mixture of wine, laughter, sightseeing, and work, but I can’t think of a better way to enjoy my work than to share my travels with women who make my world a better place.

 Nancy, April, and Me at New York’s Battery Park

What’s not to love about New York?

Getaway #2: Picture three college friends, living in three different cities, 7 kids and three husbands between us. One just lost her father, the other just helped her parents move into an assisted living facility as her father’s health is declining, and I lost my mom nearly three years ago after caring for her through her battle with dementia. I also sent my baby off to college this year and found my recent empty nest status not all it’s cracked up to be. Lets just say that when I proposed a girls getaway it didn’t take a lot of convincing to get my girlfriends on board. Once we picked a date, I performed a power search through Google flights and it seemed that a weekend in Mexico was in the cards: Affordable, quick flight, sunshine, and the number one criteria- a beach. Okay, maybe it was the margaritas


My college girlfriends- Nancy, Michelle, and Me- at our resort in Cancun, Mexico

Can you imagine waking up to this type of serenity everyday?

Both of these getaways provided much needed connection and support and filled me with a renewed sense of belonging. The reality is that we can love our kids, spouse, significant other, and jobs to pieces, but our girlfriends just get us, and that’s why getting away with them is pivotal to our health. It doesn’t have to be a weekend in Mexico. It can be a work trip where you call up a local friend and meet for lunch, or a business trip where you invite a friend to come along. If all else you can grab a friend and spend a day at a local spa. No matter how you make it work, it’s amazing what girlfriends, laughter, and connection can do to lift our spirits and give us perspective; something everyone around us can appreciate long after the party is over.

Next week, check back for Part II of Girl Power~ 5 Reasons You Need A Girls Getaway. I’ll share five reasons why I think you should grab your girlfriend/s and go, as soon as possible.

Here’s to Girl Power!



- Angie

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Motivation, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Five Fitness, Diet, and Workout Mistakes You Might Be Making

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

We all want to look and feel our best, but sometimes we make decisions that get in the way of our ability to do just that. Below I have listed five of the most common fitness, diet, and workout decisions that I have witnessed in my 20 plus years as a health and fitness leader. We’ve probably all been guilty of at least one or two, but knowledge is power and reminders help keep us real.

 1. Going on a diet. Yep, that’s right, I said it. Lets face it; just saying the word diet makes us hungry. It’s a loaded word that says it’s time to chuck the chocolate and every other food we enjoy, and chew a lot of gum to keep our mouth active and mind distracted. There’s power in words, and the word diet has too many negative connotations. What if instead we decide to do one of the following: cut back, reduce our calorie intake, lower our sugar consumption, or start tracking our daily food intake using one of the many awesome sites that allow us to do so? It’s amazing what it does for our psyche to change how we approach a situation and the words we use to describe our goal. Down with the word diet. Set yourself up for success rather than dread.

  1. Not surrounding yourself with like-minded people. If you want to get fit and feel good, hang around others who have the same goals. The people you surround yourself with influence your lifestyle, decisions, and even attitude. If you hang out with healthy eaters, chances are you’ll become more aware of your own daily diet decisions. If you hang out with friends who like to workout, chances are you’ll be inspired to do the same. On the other hand, if you hang out with people who don’t have those goals, you’re likely to feel guilty or defensive for the time you spend boosting your buns and growing your guns. We all need support, encouragement, and understanding from our family, friends, and significant others on any goal we hope to achieve.
  1. Relying on the scale rather than your measurements for signs of progress. I know this is tough one. After all, who doesn’t love a morning where we see a number on the scale that excites us? But the scale is a finicky, deceptive little guy who is likely to set us up for self-doubt. If you love to see numbers that excite you, focus on the numbers you see when you measure yourself. Measurements are better indicators of progress, and the way your clothes fit speaks volumes. Muscle really does weigh more than fat, and it’s denser so it takes up less space, which means that your clothes fit better and you feel better. Not to mention, water weight and fluctuating hormones can make daily weighing disastrous. If you insist on weighing yourself, do it only once a week so you’re more dependent on factors that are better indicators than body weight alone.
  1. Being scared of the unknown. There’s no greater mistake than doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. The more we’re willing to get uncomfortable and challenge our body in new and unique ways, the more our body will respond and pay us back in spades, aka help us meet our goals. We have to change our routine to change the outcome. I’m not saying we have to do everything different. I’m talking about small changes to wake our body up, stimulate our brain, and activate our senses. Adding an additional strength training workout once a week, a morning walk, or changing our regular exercise routine one day a week can do wonders in terms of both results and burnout prevention. Remember that your body is a machine and it’s designed to take the path of least resistance. It learns to work smarter, not harder, so you have to give the machine new challenges for it respond accordingly.
  1. Getting our information from the wrong sources. It’s the Wild West out there on the Internet and it seems that knowledge and credibility are determined by the number of followers and likes on social media sites rather than certifications, education, licensures, and degrees. While some social media savvy individuals may have a lot of exposure and visibility, that doesn’t always translate to knowledge, experience, and proper education. When you get your workout information from blogs, websites, and You Tube, check out that person’s credentials. If you can’t find them, take that as your first sign and run for the hills. Enough said.

Stay tuned next week, because there’s more to come on Monday.

Best in Health~

- Angie

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


By Collage Video | | Angie Miller, exercise, fitness, Healthy, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

How to Achieve Better Balance

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

~Going from Chaos to Calm

Balance means something different to everyone, but personally when my life is in balance I feel calmer and more at peace, as if everything is in sync. Balance is something that we strive for in a physical setting and in life, and there is a strong parallel between the two. In a physical setting, balance is required for all athletic endeavors and everyday functional movement. In everyday life, balance is required to successfully manage our time and responsibilities. Good life balance means that we can juggle personal and professional commitments in a healthy, positive way.

In a physical setting I help individuals achieve better balance by implementing four variables. These variables are meant to manipulate the environment and teach the body how to maintain balance even when the environment becomes less stable. These physical variables are the same ones we use to create and maintain balance in our everyday lives. When an event occurs that threatens our stability, we turn to these variables to get back on track. There are four variables we use to “fight” for our balance in a physical setting, and how we can apply them to everyday life.

Four Variables:

1. Support- In a physical setting, the more support we have the more stable our environment and the better our balance. Support in a physical setting is generally defined in terms of how many contact points, or areas of the body that touch the ground, (ex. two feet vs. one). It could also be any object that adds additional stability.

In life, we also need support when our balance becomes compromised. Support comes from our friends, family, and those we lean on in times of difficulty. They are the people who offer us shoulder to cry on, or who help us out when we can’t be three places at once. The stronger our support system the more likely we are to feel emotional, cognitive, and spiritual well being, and the stronger our foundation.

2. Visual- In a physical setting our visual focus can alter our level of stability. When we’re standing on one foot and we turn your head, or close our eyes, our stability is challenged. The clearer, more focused our vision in a physical setting, the better our balance.

In life, we don’t have a crystal ball. We don’t know what might happen unexpectedly and change our lives in ways we can’t imagine, but we do know that when we have a clear vision of what’s important to us our decisions will be easier to make and our vision will less clouded. Good vision in life means that we can maintain our focus even when things happen that temporarily obstruct our view.

3. Movement- In a physical setting, adding movement and range of motion increases the balance challenge. If I ask you to stand on one foot, then I give you a gentle nudge it forces you to fight for your balance. In a physical setting, the more you add movement and range of motion the more difficult it is to maintain balance.

Life is much the same way. Life is constant motion. Life doesn’t slow down when our parents get sick, or our spouse loses their job. Life demands that we maintain balance even when it seems like the ground beneath us is no longer stable. Things may happen fast or unexpectedly in life, but like visual, movement can be managed by knowing our priorities and what supports our foundation. The stronger our priorities and our understanding of what’s most important to us, no matter what our circumstances, the less movement will throw us off balance.

4. Added Resistance- In a physical setting, added resistance is any additional weight, such a free weight, medicine ball, or body bar that adds to the balance challenge. The more resistance you add, the more difficult it is to maintain your balance.

Life is much the same way. The added resistance in life is the additional responsibilities that can throw us off balance if our circumstances change: Job loss, divorce, financial setbacks, or any obstacles that get in the way. The less resistance, the easier it is to maintain balance. That said, if we’re able to work with the resistance rather than against it, and temporarily ride the waves, we can achieve better balance no matter how challenging our circumstance.

Balance is the foundation for stronger, more peaceful existence. Applying the four variables can help us stay on track and maintain a healthy life balance no matter what comes our way.

Best in Health~
Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


By Collage Video | | Angie Miller, fitness, Healthy, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Total Body Machine Makeover Part II

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller



 Here's Part I of Total Body Machine Makeover



 Station Five: Biceps Machine
You’ve targeted the large muscles of the back, chest, and shoulders. Now it’s time for single joint exercises that target the biceps.
Tip: Perform 16 reps of a bilateral (two arm) biceps curl, or 8 reps each of single arm biceps curl.


Station Six: Triceps Extension Machine

Say goodbye to bye-bye arms. Triceps are stubborn and hard to work, and that’s all the more reason to make sure you don’t leave the gym without a triceps challenge that will make you proud to show off lean, sculpted arms.

Tip: Perform 16 reps of a bilateral (two arm) triceps extension, or 8 reps each of single arm extension.

Station Seven: Glute Machine

Your glutes are your powerhouse. They improve your posture and assist you in everything you do. They’re also your back’s best friend, giving it the stability and support it needs.

Tip: Perform 16 reps with both legs, or 8 reps on each side.


Station Eight: Abdominal Machine

You’ve worked the back end, now it’s time to target the front. An abdominal machine will keep you safe and stable, giving you the six-pack of your dreams while keeping your alignment secure.


Spring renews our energy and inspires us to seek new challenges. If you’re looking for a fun, alternative workout, machines can’t be beat. They’re safe and effective and they give you great results!

Happy Monday!

~ Angie

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


Total Body Machine Makeover

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller


Sunshine, warm weather, and longer days have finally arrived, and with that come fresh goals and a renewed sense of energy. It’s the perfect time of year to take on a new challenge and shape our muscles to show them off for spring. Here’s a circuit workout sure to stave off boredom and deliver results. Whether you’re new to strength training or an old pro, mixing it up with machines is a great way to keep your body challenged.



Circuit Workout: start with the Elliptical and rotate through the machines for three complete cycles:

  1. Elliptical Machine for a warm-up and cardio.
  2. Rowing machine for the large muscles of the back.
  3. Shoulder machine.
  4. Chest machine for the pectoral muscles.
  5. Biceps machine.
  6. Triceps machine.
  7. Glute machine for a strong, powerful gluteal muscles.
  8. Abdominal machine.

Before you begin, keep in mind that if machines aren’t a part of your normal routine they can be intimidating. The good news is that today’s fitness machines are better than ever. With visuals and instructions they’re easy to use. Unlike free weights, body bars, and exercise bands, they provide stability throughout the exercise. They also guide your movement patterns, helping to keep your range of motion safe and effective and reducing your risk of injury.

Station One: Elliptical Machine

Start out with elliptical training for an active, full body workout. For a safe, proper warm up, stay on the elliptical for 10 minutes. If you have more time, increase the resistance or speed and add 10 more minutes for a quick cardio blast. 

Tip: Watch your foot placement on the elliptical. For smaller women it may be best to step to the inside of the pedal for the narrowest, most comfortable stance. Use your arms to get a full body workout and to better engage your core


Station Two: Rowing Machine

Now that you’re warmed up and ready to go, start with the large muscles of the back and challenge them with a machine that is fun, functional, and easy to use. Rowing machines are incredibly versatile. They strengthen your back muscles as well as your arms, legs, and core.

Tip: Depending on your fitness level, your initial rowing time may vary anywhere from five to ten minutes. Increase the time or level intensity as you feel stronger and your body feels ready for an additional challenge.


Station Three: Shoulder Machine

Next up, it’s time to train the upper body with a cable machine that trains your shoulders and arms while engaging your core for improved strength.

Tip: For added stability and support, perform a one-arm shoulder press in a seated position. Once you have that mastered try adding a two-arm press. When you’re ready for the next level perform the exercises standing.

Tip: Perform 16 reps of a bilateral (two arm shoulder press), or 8 reps each of a single arm shoulder press. 


Station Four: Chest Machine

A total body circuit wouldn’t be complete without a chest workout that also targets the arms and front of the shoulders. For versatility and best results, perform both a chest press and a chest fly to target all of the surrounding muscles.

Tip: Perform 16 reps of a chest fly and 16 reps of a chest press


Here's Part II of Total Body Machine Makeover

- Angie

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


Bedroom Body™ Total Body Circuit Workout

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

Body confidence comes from knowing, trusting, and understanding your body and its true potential. Body confidence goes deeper than that which the eye can see, it touches your heart and gets to the core of how you carry and represent yourself to the world. It helps you to not only accept, but also embrace your body and all that it is capable of achieving. Best of all, body confidence transfers into everyday life and a little confidence goes a long way. Confidence gives you moxie and helps you go after your goals. It allows you to set standards that help you live an empowered life. The key is to keep your body moving and keep challenging any self-imposed limits!


Circuit Workout

This circuit workout challenges your heart and keeps your brain and body active. Each of the eight exercises is a compound, multi-joint exercise that recruits multiple muscle groups, burns calories more efficiently, and gives you a time efficient, total body workout.

Complete all eight exercises just as they’re listed, then start again and go through the circuit three times for an amazing, full body challenge.

  • Exercise #1: Kettlebell Swings
Muscles Targeted: Full Body
Repetitions: 4 Double Arm Swings; 4 Single Arm Swings each arm
  • Exercise #2: Kettlebell Cleans
Muscles Targeted: Full Body
Repetitions:  4 Cleans each arm
  • Exercise #3: Kettlebell Rows
Muscles Targeted: Back
Repetitions: 8 Rows on each arm
  • Exercise #4: Alternating Reverse Lunges
Muscles Targeted: Legs & Glutes
Repetitions: 4 Alternating Lunges, 4 Stationary Lunges each leg
  • Exercise #5: Squats
Muscles Targeted: Legs & Glutes
Repetitions: 8 Total
  • Exercise #6: Power Squats
Muscles Targeted: Legs, Glutes & Cardio
Repetitions: 8 Total
  • Exercise #7: Push Ups
Muscles Targeted: Chest & Core Stabilizers
Repetitions: 4-8 Total
  • Exercise #8: Glute Extensions (Also known as Hip Thrust & Glute Bridge)
Muscles Targeted: Glutes & Hamstrings
Repetitions: 8 Total


Best in Health~

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


By Collage Video | | Abs, Angie Miller, exercise, fitness, Healthy, Motivation, practice, tips, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

How to Live a Stress Free Life

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


By Collage Video | | Angie Miller, Healthy, Motivation, practice, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Eight Fun Facts About Diet & Exercise

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller


Did you know?

Eight Fun Facts About Diet & Exercise

  1. Did you know that 3,500 calories equals approximately 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat? That means you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. If you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day you'd lose about 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
  2. Did you know that only doing crunches will not get rid of belly fat? Unfortunately we can’t spot reduce. The best way to target abdominal fat is to reduce your overall body fat, which means plenty of cardio, combined with strength training. Stick to it, because oftentimes the first place you gain weight is the last place you lose it. 
  3. Did you know that eating after 8 doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll gain weight? The fact is: what you eat, how much you eat, and how much physical activity you do determines whether you gain or lose weight. Morning noon or night, when you eat too much your body stores excess calories as fat.
  4. Did you know that exercise could help reduce anxiety? Exercise provides distraction, reduces muscle tension, improves resilience, builds brain resources, and sets you free from disabling thoughts and emotions. Exercise frees your mind and helps you take action. 
  5. Did you know that effective goal setting is still one of the most proven methods for losing weight and breaking exercise plateaus? Exercise alleviates the ambiguity of “doing your best” or “trying your hardest.” Specific, challenging goals lead to better performance and more commitment. 
  6. Did you know that boosting your calorie IQ is one of the most effective ways to control your weight? Tracking your food and drink consumption, using pen and paper or one of the many online tools, is one of the most successful, proven methods for keeping weight off. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll learn and how easy it is.  Before long you’ll be a calorie connoisseur. 
  7. Did you know that if you’re trying to lose weight, the three most helpful sections of the food label are right at the top: Serving size, servings per container, and calories per serving? Read the label and be careful. If there are two servings and you eat both, unfortunately you double the calories, double the fat, and double the trouble.
  8. Did you know that we are all motivated to exercise and stay healthy for different reasons? It’s also important to recognize that our motivations may change over time. Being clear about your motivations and embracing the types of exercise that you enjoy and make you feel successful are key factors toward adherence.

    - Angie

    Angie Miller, M.S., is a fitness educator, university instructor, and Licensed Professional Counselor who blends her skills and expertise to empower individuals, mentally and physically, and provide them the tools they need to succeed. A veteran group exercise instructor and personal trainer, Angie is the star of acclaimed exercise DVD’s, including the Bedroom Body™ workout. Her passion for progressive education brought her to Northern Illinois University, where she teaches in the Dept. of Kinesiology & Physical Education. Outside of the university, she presents at fitness conventions worldwide and leads industry trainings as an AFAA Certification Specialist and Kettlebell Concepts Master Instructor. Angie writes for fitness journals and digital communities, and blogs for Collage Video. Connect with Angie at:


    By Collage Video | | Angie Miller, exercise, fitness, fitness success, Healthy, Motivation, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

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