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  • Collage Video Blog - This page is used as a platform for us at Collage to share valuable information with our customers including tons of free tips, suggestions, and advice on subjects related to fitness and living your best and healthiest life. These journal pieces act as an enhancement to our wide selection of workout DVD’s, both provided to you with the purpose of aiding you in your success with your fitness goals. Whether it be tips for weight loss, motivational pieces, advice for workout issues, or how to maximize your efforts that you put into your workout – all of this is right here provided for you!
  • Angie's Corner - Instructor Angie Miller combined her passion for teaching and her love of fitness and embarked on a life’s purpose of living healthy and bringing the positivity of physical fitness to better the lives of others. In Angie’s Corner, instructor Angie Miller talks about a variety of subjects from health and diet tips, to workout struggles and how to overcome them, and more. Come and see what there is to learn in Angie’s Corner!
  • Ask Gilad - In Ask Gilad, two time National Fitness Hall of Fame member Gilad answers questions submitted by you, the readers, weekly. Gilad personally answers questions submitted on exercising, gives advice on a variety of weight loss struggles, and serves as a support for his fans.
  • Cooking Light & Right - Chef Patricia Smetz gives readers step by step instructional recipe video recipes and healthy eating tips!  Chef Patricia also runs successful “Wife with a Knife in the Kitchen” series on social platforms. Checkout her recipes here!
  • Gilad's Healthy Tips & Recipes - Readers are welcome to come experience some great tips to stay healthy outside of workouts along with great recipes that focus on the many aspects of what makes for a healthy diet whether it is recipes with low carbohydrates, pre-workout shakes and meals, protein rich low-fat dinners, and tips on how to make your workouts more effective. Get it all here from fitness and healthy living expert, Gilad!
  • Fit Forever - Fit Forever features fitness guru Kathy Smith who gives you her personal best tips for weight loss, stretching, and how to achieve an effective workout.  Kathy has taught fitness for over 15 years, starred in over two dozen fitness videos, and received IDEA’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003. Come check out Fit Forever’s great content ranging from instructional workout videos, to advice filled articles, and photo step-by-step movements to make your workout the best it could be!
  • Functional Fitness - Suzanne Andrews is a fitness expert as well as a jack of many trades including having a certification in strength training, group fitness, water aerobics, personal training and yoga. She also regularly updated her state approved medical certification to ensure the content she produced was the best quality and founded in science. Suzanne, a grandmother of three gives readers a great wealth of information that she has learned throughout her many years involved with her medical, health, and fitness orientated lifestyle.
  • Love Notes by Jari Love - Fitness guru Jari Love lets readers in on some great fitness advice! From making the most out of every minute of your day to how to get toned and how to get ripped! Love Notes takes us through a wide range of content including but not limited to staying healthy, life hacks to workout throughout your day, and substitutes for high intensity training that work just as well but cause less stress on your body.  

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210 W. Parkway, Suite 7, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 ● © Collage Video ● Exercise Video Specialists ● Fitness Videos and Workout Videos ● 1-800-819-7111 / 201-464-4921 ●

From Our Blog

  • Collage welcomes instructors Brook Benten & Aimee Nicotera to the shop!

    Exciting news! We're welcoming two highly qualified instructors that will help you crush your fitness goals, shake up your routine, and offer a new source of motivation!   Brook Benten, B.S. in Exercise and Sport Science from Texas State University. Masters of... read more

  • Two More Happy Yoga DVDs Coming to Collage Video

    Happy Yoga from Sarah Starr is designed to bring you the beauty of Mother Nature as you receive yoga's rejuvenating benefits, including flexibility, toning, clarity and balance. Want to learn more about Sarah? Visit her instructor profile here. These titles... read more

  • What is Callanetics? Is it for me?

    Some people swear by it. Some people have never heard of it. It’s Callanetics. Callanetics became a revolutionary method of exercise and gained international recognition for its speedy body-shaping results. Some of the noise behind Callanetics may have softened over... read more