Angie's Corner

Stack your Deck for Success

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

One of the best lessons I’ve learned over the years in working as an educator, counselor, and fitness professional, is that adversity is sure to come our way and stress affects us all. But one thing that has potential to set us apart is our ability to rise to the occasion.

How effectively do you manage stress? Do you see the problem coming and watch it approach, like an oncoming train, but wait until it hits you to react? Or do you turn problems into goals and attack the issues at hand? Maybe you’re like most people, and your response depends on the situation and whether or not you have any control over the outcome.

Despite the fact that life can throw us curveballs, or maybe because it can, it’s important to adopt critical techniques that can help you take stress in stride. One of my personal favorites is a technique that can help you achieve balance in your life and maintain perspective in times of crises. Best of all, it will help you avoid a serious setback if one area of your life falls short of your expectations. It’s about self-preservation, and it’s simple. All it requires is that you diversify your interests, aka; don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

I call it stacking your deck. Imagine that your life is a deck of cards and every card represents something special and unique about you. This could include your talents, education, career, experiences, and even personality traits. If you pursue a variety of interests, your deck is dynamic and it evolves as you explore different areas of your life. This instills confidence, and opens your world to endless possibilities. When we focus on diversifying our interests, it continues to propel us forward and encourages us to pursue healthy challenges. More importantly, we don’t allow our identity to be so wrapped up into one aspect of our lives that we are devastated when something goes wrong.

My challenge to you is to take a moment and reflect on you and your life. I encourage you to get out a piece of paper and do a little soul searching. Start by numbering one through fifty-two. Every card/number represents your best qualities, strengths, achievements, and accomplishments. It might include awards, hobbies, special talents, or even physical characteristics. These are things that define you and speak to who you are. They are all the qualities that make you proud.

If you’re struggling to come up with fifty-two cards, ask someone you trust to help you. If you’re still struggling, ask yourself, “What additions could I make to my life that would challenge me and give me greater purpose?” It’s never too late to pursue a former interest you put on the back burner, or go after that degree you’ve always wanted. As a matter of fact, the fitness industry is the perfect feeding ground for a person inspired to diversify their interests and embrace new challenges. The industry has gained increasing credibility and attention in recent years, as exercise continues to prove itself as one of the best preventions against disease. If you’re willing to expand your knowledge, the world of health and wellness promises endless growth and opportunity.

When your list is complete, I recommend that you look it over and appreciate the qualities that make you unique, as well as all that you have accomplished. Acknowledge where there is potential for growth and use that as impetus for change. Setbacks are bound to happen, but when we diversify our interests we create options that open the door to possibilities. We have a healthier perspective in times of crisis, and we rebound more quickly. Stacking your deck encourages you to expand your knowledge, seek challenges, and pursue opportunities. In the end, it helps you live a balanced, rewarding life.

How to Stack your Deck in the Fitness Industry~ Seven Savvy Suggestions

  1. Explore the world of one-on-one training: If you’re a group exercise instructor, consider getting your certification as a personal trainer. Even if one-on-one training doesn’t speak to you now, the additional knowledge and education will enhance your skills and give you added credibility. When you decide to start training, you have a ready-made clientele who trust and believe in your expertise.

  2. Appreciate the benefits of large group leadership: If you’re a personal trainer, consider getting your certification as a group exercise instructor. The camaraderie and sense of community that is created in a group exercise setting is the perfect place to build the trust and loyalty of potential clients. Not to mention, you’ll learn important techniques that instructors utilize to create safe, motivating environments for large groups of people. These techniques can be applied to small group training, which is a great way to increase your revenue and reach more clients in less time.

  3. Market your Skills: If you haven’t already, start a website that advertises your talents and expertise. Set up a blog on your site where you post tips and advice, and allows you to connect with your clients. Social Media is the perfect place to promote your site and share your professional activities.

  4. Pursue Continuing Education: Nothing can replace the knowledge and inspiration we gain when we pursue new certifications and training. The fitness industry is growing leaps and bounds, and the best way to compete is to continually improve and build on your own strengths. Recognize what you are passionate about, and consider ways to expand your reach. Explore certifications and trainings that compliment your goals, but also challenge you to tap into new markets and work with different clientele.

  5. Tackle new Teaching Opportunities: If you’re currently only teaching one group exercise format, such as indoor cycling, consider learning a new format. Not only will this enhance your teaching skills, it will add to your marketability, help prevent burnout, and reduce personal injury. Tackling a new format is a great way to challenge your skills, and can do wonders for your confidence as you grow stronger as a leader.

  6. Academic Options: Industry certifications and trainings are great, but don’t forget that there are other options to learn and expand your expertise. Taking a course at the local university or community college is a great way to immerse yourself in content that is industry related, but has applications outside of the industry as well. Courses in Nutrition, Business, and Coaching have endless potential to build your brand and give you added credibility, and they could be the start to a new degree, or an area of interest that adds to your skill set.

  7. Seek New Settings: If you’ve only taught or trained in one setting, remember that there are a lot of places for you to share your passion and talents. There are group exercise, personal training, and leadership opportunities in spas, universities, corporate fitness centers, gyms, private clubs, and even some physician clinics to name a few. There are guest instructor and training opportunities on cruise ships and at resorts. And there’s always space to rent where you can bring in your own clientele and share what you do best.

 - Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


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Alzheimer's Disease: So Many Questions

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, with an estimated five million men and women affected. Analysts project that by the year 2030, the number will reach 7.7 million, and by the year 2050 more than 11 million people may be affected.

According to Lome Label, MD, MBA, Director of Center for Longevity of the Brain in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and Associate Clinical Professor of Neurology at UCLA, "If you do not currently know someone with memory loss-a family member, friend, neighbor or co-worker-then you most certainly will know someone in the near future:' Label states, "Dementia is a subject that most people try to avoid. Just the thought of memory loss-in a loved one, friend, co-worker or, worse yet, ourselves-makes us terribly uncomfortable. Unless we are confronted directly with dementia, we prefer to think of it as 'someone else's problem." But as Label points out, dementia is one of the world's fastest growing diseases and soon it will become "everyone's problem.'

These statistics, due in large part to a population that is expected to live longer, has leading researchers, scientists and experts in the field of neurology searching for answers. The question on everyone's mind is, "What can we do to prevent this disease?"

Read the full article HERE (in pdf form).


Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


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Test Your Knowledge, Part II: The Real Truth About Resistance Training

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

Multi-joint exercises:

A. Train multiple joints and muscle groups at the same time

B. Are known as compound exercises

C. Both A and B

Multiple-joint exercises, also known as compound exercises, train multiple muscle groups and joints at the same time. The advantage of these exercises is that they are time efficient and they lead to great results. By performing 8-10 multi-joint exercises you can train most every muscle group, spend less time at the gym, and achieve positive changes in body composition. They are also functional, since movements that you perform in everyday life such as sitting and kneeling involve multiple muscles and joints. (C)

An example/s of a multi-joint exercise would be:

A. Squat

B. Chest Press

C. Lunge

D. All of the Above

All of these exercises are multi-joint exercises, along with an overhead press, leg press, and many more. (D)

3. Loss of muscle mass and strength with aging is called:

A. Muscle Wasting

B. Sarcopenia

C. Muscle Atrophy

Around age 30, men and women begin to lose muscle mass. Those who are inactive can lose as much as 3-5% per decade, but even those who are active will still lose some natural muscle mass. The best defense against Sarcopenia, age related muscle loss, is to perform resistance training exercises that increase muscle strength and endurance. Resistance training will significantly slow natural muscle loss. (B)

Which is an advantage of using machine weights over free weights?

A. Safe and less intimidating for beginners

B. Incorporates balance and movement patterns that resemble real life sport and activity

C. Allow your body to move past its natural range of motion

If resistance training is new to you, machines are a great place to start. They’re safe and less intimidating for beginners and they’re quick and easy to use. They also provide stability and support, and they guide you through proper range of motion. (A) See my blog titled, “MIX IT UP WITH MACHINES,” posted on January 19, 2015, for more information on this topic.

5. The acronym FITT stands for:

A. Fitness, Intensity, Training, Toning

B. Fast, Isolated, Timed, Training

C. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

The acronym FITT stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. These factors help you determine how often (frequency), how hard (intensity), how long (time/duration), and what kind (type) of exercises you’ll perform to meet your goals. One factor affects the other; therefore an increase in intensity will generally require a decrease in duration. FITT principles and ACSM guidelines help you design safe, effective fitness programs to achieve the results you’re looking for. (C) See my Blog titled, “HOW DO I BUILD AN EXERCISE PROGRAM TO HELP ME ACCOMPLISH MY GOALS?” posted on July 21, 2014, for more information on designing a personalized fitness program.


- Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


Test Your Knowledge: The Real Truth About Resistance Training

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

Test taking can be fun and stress free. Check out these three questions and see what you know about strength training.

1. Which is true about the effect of strength training in women compared to men?

A. There is no benefit for women compared to men.

B. Women have less gain in muscle strength than men.

C. Women increase in muscle strength and endurance just as men.

On average, men have larger and more powerful muscles than women because they produce more testosterone and their nervous system signals muscle contractions more rapidly, allowing for greater power. Since men have more muscle, their absolute strength is greater than women’s, but when muscle mass is compared pound for pound women are equally strong. Ultimately women, like men, will increase in muscle strength and endurance by performing regular resistance training exercises. (C)

2. Which type of body composition change occurs as a result of resistance training?

A. Fat cells decrease in size

B. Fat cells decrease in number

C. Fat cells turn into muscle cells

When you perform regular resistance training exercises you experience positive changes in body composition. Lean tissue increases and fat tissue decreases, thus the ratio of lean to fat improves. It’s important to understand that the number of fat and muscle cells remains the same, however, as fat can’t convert to muscle and vice versa. Instead, fat cells decrease in size and muscle cells increase in size in response to regular resistance training and a proper diet. (A)

3. After completing a strength-training workout, it is important to let the affected muscles rest ____________ before working them again with resistance training exercises:

A. 12-24 hours

B. 48-72 hours

C. 24-48 hours

After you perform a weight training workout it is important to let the affected muscle groups rest 24-48 hours to allow for full recovery. Weight training causes micro damage within the muscle cells, which is a natural desired outcome for muscle growth, provided adequate rest follows for repair and adaptation. Adaptation will result in stronger muscles over time, whereas overtraining, (skipping rest periods), can lead to injury and fatigue. The more intense your session, the longer the rest period required. However, too long of a rest period between sessions can negatively affect your outcome and your goals. Listen to your body, allow adequate rest, and avoid doing too much too soon. (C)

Great job! Remember that knowledge is power and the more we read and learn about fitness and health the easier it is to make decisions that get us closer to our goals.

Best to you in Health,

 - Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


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Two More Surefure Ways to Sabotage Your Self Esteem

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

A few weeks ago I posted a blog about self-esteem, and an ironic look at how we sometimes sabotage it with negative decisions and behaviors. Though there are many, today I came up with two more self-esteem destroyers that undermine our ability to experience joy and appreciate the lives we have created:

1. Compare Yourself to Others. Seek and you shall find all kinds of people who are thinner, smarter, prettier, and more successful. Lets face it, our world is filled with people who could make us feel bad about ourselves if we were so inclined to use them as a yardstick with which to gauge personal value. People with good self-esteem, however, recognize that personal acceptance comes from within and comparisons only serve to undermine our worth and deflate our sense of self. People with good self- esteem focus on their personal strengths and use their weaknesses as opportunities for growth. While they may admire others and aspire to emulate some of their qualities, they’re realistic enough to know that each person has his or her own insecurities and demons to face. Far be it for us to decide that their lives are perfect based on our own fabricated perceptions. It may seem like some have it better, and it just so happens that they might, but remember that life is a journey, not a competition. If you want to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to the person you were yesterday and the person you hope to be tomorrow.

2. Surround Yourself with Negative People. If you really want to feel bad about life in general, and you want a partner in crime, surround yourself with negative people. Those who are never happy, constantly complain, and are always quick to judge are the best. After all, misery loves company. But if you tired of hearing their incessant litany of reasons that others do them wrong, or life in general just isn’t fair, or if the decisions they make seem to rub you the wrong way, you might want to consider spending less time in their company. It’s a well-known fact that those we spend the most time with have a profound influence on our attitude. People with good self-esteem surround themselves with positive individuals who inspire them rise to the occasion, live their best life, and be their authentic self. They know that positive energy is contagious, and when we’re in the company of those look for reasons to be grateful and experience joy, we are inspired to do the same.

Our self-esteem is something that is cultivated over the years, a make-up of our personality, upbringing, and experiences. It’s an overall sense of being in control of our attitude and approach to life. Ultimately we are the creators of our self-esteem through the decisions we make and the behaviors we adopt. With added insight and a little humor, we can steer clear opportunities that sabotage our self-esteem and adopt behaviors that make it stronger.

- Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


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Five Decisions To Make for a Better Day

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

Decide to smile. Let go of your gadgets when you’re waiting in line, walking, or surrounded by other people, strangers or not. Take the opportunity to smile, make eye contact, and show that you’re aware of another person’s presence. Better yet, go the extra mile and engage them in conversation. You’d be surprised how everyday interactions can have a positive impact on our day. They keep us connected to the world around us through simple, yet powerful communication.

Decide to be present. Wayne Dyer, a renowned author and speaker, known for his work in positive psychology said that much of our stress and anxiety is caused by our inability to live in the present. We’re often consumed with guilt over the past or worry about the future, rather than living in the here and now. The truth is, we cannot change what is behind us, nor control what is ahead of us, but we can learn to experience life as it is happening now. We can embrace the joy that today brings and be mindful of the opportunities that surround us.

Decide to control your emotions. Remember that people who can’t control their emotions control other people with them. Life is unpredictable and things happen everyday that trigger our defenses and give us reason to be frustrated and angry. We can surrender to those emotions or we can manage the only thing we do have control over, our attitude. We’re much more likely to let the small stuff go if we have a healthy outlet for all of life’s demands. It may be exercise, journaling, talking to friends, reading, or even a glass of wine and some reflection time before we go to bed. Whatever it is, if it helps us keep our emotions in check, it’s all good.

Decide to be grateful. For all of the things that don’t turn out the way we planned, for all of the unpredictable things that happen in our lives, from small disappointments to devastating losses, there are always reasons to be grateful. It’s these reasons that get us out of bed every morning. The key is to focus on these reasons, and to build our sense of purpose around that which is most meaningful to us. List what is most meaningful to you. Write down your reasons to be grateful. Let them wake you up in the morning and put you to sleep at night. Let them inspire you to achieve great things, and to live life to your highest potential.

Decide to exercise so you can feel better, not look better. Forget about the skinny jeans and six pack abs. The bottom line is that we feel the way we think, and the best way to adjust our thinking is to exercise. Exercise clears away the clutter and gives us healthy perspective. It’s a proven mood elevator. When our thoughts are positive, we feel good about who we are and how we look. Confidence comes from within and it transfers to everything we do.

 - Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


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Three Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Self Esteem

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

According to, self-esteem is defined as: a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities; a confidence and satisfaction in oneself. Our self-esteem is something that is cultivated over the years, a make-up of our personality, upbringing, and experiences. It’s an overall sense of being in control of our attitude and approach to life. That being said, a lot of us have adopted behaviors that sabotage our self-esteem and “let us off the hook.” Annoying behaviors that allow us to relinquish ownership and personal responsibility for what we say and how we behave. There are many, but if you really want to sabotage your self-esteem start with these three behaviors:


1. First and foremost: Make Excuses. Never own your behavior. Always blame someone or something else. While people with good self-esteem take ownership of their behavior and actions, people with low self-esteem blame those around them. When they don’t get a project completed on time they blame their boss for giving them too much work, rather than recognizing their proclivity for procrastination. Excuses abound in our society: “I don’t have time.” “I don’t have willpower.” “I’m too busy.” But the truth is, we all face obstacles and contend with triggers… people or situations that dare us to behave in inappropriate ways or say things we wish we wouldn’t have. The defining difference is that people with good self-esteem own their stuff. They don’t use excuses as opportunities to escape their demons. They use them as opportunities to face them head-on so they can grow and learn.

2. Second: Behave Like a Victim. Whenever something in your life goes wrong, ask yourself, “Why Me?” Then say things like, “I don't deserve this. How come everyone is against me?” People with good self-esteem don’t adopt a victim mentality. They do the best they can at all times, but they’re aware that even then things can go wrong and situations can change. People with good self-esteem spend their energy moving forward, rather than looking back. They focus on ways to deal with the situation or setback in a positive, productive manner. Their goal is to come out stronger and more resilient, using their experiences as building blocks for a better future.

3. Third: Seek Endless Approval from Others. You may not be part of the generation that posts a slew of selfies, seeking endless social media approval, but you might vie for attention in other not so subtle ways. “I feel so fat.” “My hair looks terrible today.” “I wish I was as smart as you.” Begging for someone to tell you that you’re not fat, you’re hair looks awesome, and you really are brilliant, can be annoying to those around you. It’s exhausting to be the owner of someone else’s self-esteem. The sooner you find ways to build yourself up rather than tear yourself down, the better you’ll feel. Best of all, others will invest trust and respect in your abilities. We don’t need to look outside of ourselves for approval. We need to seek approval from the inside, and use the support of our closest friends and family to help us through this journey.

Sabotaging our self-esteem is easier to do than we realize, and sometimes we adopt behaviors that act in opposition to our goals. Next time you’re tempted to make an excuse, act like a victim, or seek approval from others, remember that you’re the holder of your self-esteem. Good self-esteem starts with personal responsibility and a willingness to accept that we’re not perfect. As the saying goes, “We have to claim it to tame it.”

- Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


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Mix it Up with Machines

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

It’s that time of year when we’re inspired to dust off our fitness DVD’s and lace up our tennis shoes. With fresh goals in mind and a renewed sense of energy we’re prepared to get results. That being said, it’s also the perfect time of year to try something out of the ordinary. Something that will inspire us with the novelty of change and take us out of our comfort zone; which is the best place to be if we want to learn and grow. It happened to me recently and it inspired me to share what I learned with you. I was asked to research popular exercise machines that are available at most fitness clubs and even in homes. Being that I don’t use exercise machines as part of my normal routine, I was curious to see what today’s machines have to offer. After all, who am I to pass on the opportunity to challenge my brain and body differently? With my new project in mind, I headed to my local gym and picked out eight machines that would target most every major muscle group in a safe, effective manner. Here’s what I came up with:

1. An Elliptical Machine for a warm-up and cardio.
2. A rowing machine for the large muscles of the back.
3. A shoulder machine.
4. A chest machine for the pectoral muscles.
5. A biceps machine.
6. A triceps machine.
7. A glute machine for a strong, powerful gluteal muscles.
8. An abdominal machine.

I recommend doing the exercises circuit style. Start with the Elliptical, and then rotate through the other machines for three complete cycles. Before you begin, keep in mind that if machines aren’t a part of your normal routine they can be intimidating. But the good news is that today’s fitness machines are better than ever. With visuals and instructions they’re easy to use; and more so than free weights, body bars, and exercise bands, they provide stability throughout the exercise. They also guide your movement patterns, helping to keep your range of motion safe and effective and reducing your risk of injury.

Station One: Elliptical Machine

Start out with elliptical training for an active, full body workout. For a safe, proper warm up, stay on the elliptical for 10 minutes. If you have more time, increase the resistance or speed and add 10 more minutes for a quick cardio blast.

Tip: Watch your foot placement on the elliptical. For smaller women it may be best to step to the inside of the pedal for the narrowest, most comfortable stance. Use your arms to get a full body workout and to better engage your core.


Station Two: Rowing Machine

Now that you’re warmed up and ready to go, start with the large muscles of the back and challenge them with a machine that is fun, functional, and easy to use. Rowing machines are incredibly versatile. They strengthen your back muscles as well as your arms, legs, and core.

Tip: Depending on your fitness level, your initial rowing time may vary anywhere from five to ten minutes. Increase the time or level intensity as you feel stronger and your body feels ready for an additional challenge.


Station Three: Shoulder Machine

Next up, it’s time to train the upper body with a cable machine that trains your shoulders and arms while engaging your core for improved strength.

Tip: For added stability and support, perform a one-arm shoulder press in a seated position. Once you have that mastered try adding a two-arm press. When you’re ready for the next level perform the exercises standing.

Tip: Perform 16 reps of a bilateral (two arm shoulder press), or 8 reps each of a single arm shoulder press.


Station Four: Chest Machine

A total body circuit wouldn’t be complete without a chest workout that also targets the arms and front of the shoulders. For versatility and best results, perform both a chest press and a chest fly to target all of the surrounding muscles.

Tip: Perform 16 reps of a chest fly and 16 reps of a chest press


Station Five: Biceps Machine

You’ve targeted the large muscles of the back, chest, and shoulders. Now it’s time for single joint exercises that target the biceps.

Tip: Perform 16 reps of a bilateral (two arm) biceps curl, or 8 reps each of single arm biceps curl.

Station Six: Triceps Extension Machine

Say goodbye to bye-bye arms. Triceps are stubborn and hard to work, and that’s all the more reason to make sure you don’t leave the gym without a triceps challenge that will make you proud to show off lean, sculpted arms.

Tip: Perform 16 reps of a bilateral (two arm) triceps extension, or 8 reps each of single arm extension.


Station Seven: Glute Machine

Your glutes are your powerhouse. They improve your posture and assist you in everything you do. They’re also your back’s best friend, giving it the stability and support it needs.

Tip: Perform 16 reps with both legs, or 8 reps on each side.


Station Eight: Abdominal Machine

You’ve worked the back end, now it’s time to target the front. An abdominal machine will keep you safe and stable, giving you the six-pack of your dreams while keeping your alignment secure.

It’s a new year, and with that comes new opportunity. If you’re looking for a fun, alternative workout, machines can’t be beat. They’re safe and effective, and they give you the results you’re looking for without all the guesswork. Remember: It’s not the workout so much as the effort you put into it. So today, go all in!

Best to You in 2015~



- Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


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The Pitfalls of Procrastination

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

Last week I blogged about New Year’s Goals, and this week I’m wondering how many of us have taken on those goals with a vengeance and how many are still procrastinating? Sometimes, when one of our goals seems daunting, so much so that we can’t bring ourselves to break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces, we are paralyzed by our own internal struggles. At the core of those struggles is often that doubting, nagging voice inside us that says that our goal is too challenging, something we don’t deserve, something we don’t have time for, or any other multitude of self-sabotaging thoughts. It’s those thoughts that stand in the way of us accomplishing that which propels us forward and helps us realize our dreams.

None of us wants to wake up one day and feel that we have let time slip away and we aren’t where we aspired to be. Life is too short to have regrets. So today, once and for all, it’s time to start start realizing our potential and attacking our goals. But in order to do that we first have to recognize why we procrastinate. Though the reasons are vast and varied, fear seems to be most compelling. When it comes to self-defeating behaviors that stand in the way of our goals, fear trumps.

Do we fear failure or success?

If procrastination is a means of self-sabotage, and it is, then fear is it’s greatest ally. Fear is that ugly beast that lurks unknowingly just under our consciousness and undermines our ability to succeed. Fear comes in two forms: Fear of success, and the flip side of the same coin, which is fear of failure.

Fear of Failure: Those who fear failure often don’t try at all, with the mindset that if that if failure is an option, and it is anytime we put ourselves out there, they’d rather chalk it off to lack of effort as opposed to lack of talent or intelligence. It’s when we say, “I’d rather fail because I didn’t try at all, rather than put all of my time and effort into something and take the chance that I might fail regardless.”
Fear of Success: Often stems from the fact that subconsciously we don’t feel good enough, or we feel guilty, believing that we don’t deserve the opportunities that could stem from our success. Fear of success also comes from the fact that we might be concerned about the additional responsibility and visibility that accompanies success, thus added pressure and higher expectations from others. We may worry that our relationships could suffer, or that our success will expose us to too much scrutiny.

If fear is our nemesis, how do we conquer it? Realize that fears are that which we create in our mind, so our mind is where we need to start.

1. Analyze your fears. Write them down on a piece of paper, evaluate them, and decide whether or not they are rational. Take a realistic look at what will happen if you succeed. What are all the potential outcomes? Remember that the more you own your fears the less power they have over you. When you take a good hard look, you may find that you can make your fears disappear just by accepting that they exist and recognizing that they’re bigger in your mind than they are on paper.

2. Take the first step. Set aside a small, manageable amount of time, 15 minutes or 30 minutes at the most. Set a timer, and then start tackling your goal. Your mission here is to break down the magnitude of that seemingly overwhelming goal, and to complete one task or one objective that gets you closer to your long-term goal. When the timer goes off, allow yourself permission to move on to something else. Chances are you’ll be immersed in your project and you won’t want to, but either way you took the first step and that’s always the hardest.

One step leads to the next, and just like weight loss, slow, consistent patterns of behavior lead to long-term results. When we face our fears and take that first step, we can realize our goals and maximize our potential. Remember, goals are the driving force behind our success and our ability to lead purpose driven lives.

Best to you in 2015!



Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


By Collage Video | | Angie Miller, Weekly Blog | 0 comments | Read more

Forget About Resolutions: Set Goals

by Angie Miller

Angie Miller

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” ― Melody Beattie, The Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency.

In her book, Codependent No More, Beattie addresses the difference between and New Year’s Resolutions and New Year’s Goals. Her emphasis is on the fact that resolutions are often short term, rarely do they last; but goals give us direction and help us lead a purposeful life. Goals are meant to be impactful, something we work toward to make our lives better in the here and now and over the course of time. Goals help us begin each day with intention and they build our self-esteem. For every goal we accomplish, we realize our potential and we are inspired by our own success. Undeniably, goals are the impetus for change.

Beattie suggests that in order to get started, we need to ask ourselves a series of questions. I couldn’t agree more. I believe that questions, and the process of seeking answers, helps us to lead a happy, fulfilling life. Questions inspire us to take stock, and they make us aware of our surroundings. As we look for answers, we pay close attention to the opportunities around us to learn and grow.

Here are some suggested questions:

What do you want to happen in your life this year? Think in terms of friendship, family, and love.
What do you want to happen in your career?
What would you like to do or accomplish?
Where would you like to grow?
What would like to change?
What problems would you like to solve?
What decisions would you like to make?

What obstacles might get in the way? (This is huge! You have to know your barriers, people or situations that get in the way of you achieving your goals. You also have to recognize your own behaviors and actions that get in the way.)

As you ask these questions, along with any others you can come up with, write down your answers. Be sure to let your thoughts flow, without judgment or self doubt.

After you brainstorm, categorize your goals into short-term and long-term goals. Short terms goals might include daily goals and weekly goals, while long-term goals might take you a month, two months, or even a year or more to accomplish. For long-term goals, be sure to break them down into smaller, more manageable steps, such as daily and weekly objectives to keep you on track and prevent you from taking on too much too soon. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Anything worth accomplishing is going to take hard work, dedication, and patience.

Three of Beattie’s additional suggestions for success:

1. Turn everything into a goal. Everything we’d like to do accomplish or change should be turned into a goal. Nothing is too big or too small. Maybe we want a new career, or a higher salary; but first we’d like to plan a vacation to clear our head. Remember, one of the best ways to build self-esteem is to turn everyday tasks into goals; therefore every task that you accomplish is one more reason to celebrate.

2. Write your goals on paper. Writing your goals on paper makes them more concrete. There is a level of commitment when you see something on paper and you can reference it for inspiration. More importantly, writing down your goals keeps you focused.

3. Check off your goals once you reach them. Checking off your goals gives you a sense of accomplishment. It allows you to recognize that you have the ability to set your mind to something and accomplish it. If you don’t achieve your goal by the date you set, reevaluate. The main reason we don’t achieve our goals is that we don’t break them down, we expect to accomplish them too soon, or we don’t have a concrete plan for how to get to there.

Keep in mind that things happen when the time is right, but sometimes the right time is when you set your mind to something and you have a plan for how and when to make it happen. May today be the start of a new year, and many new goals.
Best to you in 2015!

- Angie

Angie Miller is the star and creator of the Bedroom Body™ Workout and other top selling exercise DVD’s. Passionate about fitness and education, Angie teaches at Northern Illinois University and is a Certification Specialist for the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She is a freelance writer, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and proud mom. Learn more about Angie at:


By Collage Video | | Angie Miller, exercise, fitness, Weekly Blog, wellness | 0 comments | Read more

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