Ask Gilad

Posts in the Abs category

Gilad's Workout Routine

Question: What is your personal workout routine?

Answer: My own personal exercise regimen involves quite a bit of cross training. I vary my program all the time. For instance, I used to combine both long distance and short distance running, but lately I have been more into riding my bicycle. I swim in the ocean. Of course, living in Hawaii is like having a pool right at your doorstep. Occasionally I will play soccer or do other sports activities like scuba diving. I strength train with weights on the average of three times per week, and of course I teach aerobic classes.

Mix up your routine and it becomes a lot more fun.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Drinking Water

Question: Lately we have been hearing a lot about whole communities being poisoned by contaminates in the water system. How do we know if our water is safe to drink?

Answer: The quality of tap water varies greatly throughout the world, even throughout the United States. Rarely will you find tap water that has not been tainted by chemicals, either in the chlorination process or through ground seepage.  In general, I recommend buying bottled water or installing a water filter in your kitchen. The small cost is definitely worth the investment in long term health.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Abs, Ask Gilad, health, Lord of the Abs, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Stress and Exercise

Question: I have a lot of stress in my life right now and because of it I have basically quit exercising and I am eating too much and gaining weight.  What can I do to get out of this downward spiral? 

Answer: The truth of the matter is, exercising is an excellent way to fight stress. The stress cycle is normal for the body, but when it is repeated too frequently and too intensely it begins to affect our overall health.  A body that is constantly subjected to stress will have higher blood pressure, tense muscles and digestive problems. Continual stress also taxes the immune system so it becomes harder for us to fight off disease. Eventually, too much stress leads to illness and exhaustion.Try to avoid food when you feel stressed. The tendency for many people is to eat too much of the wrong things when under stress. You want to eat only when you feel calm and under control, and when your digestive system is functioning smoothly.So get up off that couch and start working out. It may be tough at first, but once you get started you will find yourself blowing off steam and feeling better and better. This is the way to start getting out of that downward spiral.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Making Time for Your Health

Question:  Lately I have been skipping my workouts.  Not on purpose, but I find myself at the end of the day wondering where the time went.  I was just too busy all day to take time to exercise.  Does this happen to you?

Answer: I schedule a time for my workouts.  It's right there written in my appointment book.  It is the same as any other important appointment or scheduled activity.  It's like piano lessons or school meetings or an important business meeting. You will always be able to think of a good reason to skip a workout or eat a meal that isn't healthy for you.  There are always things to be done that seem more important...but you know what?  Nothing is more important than taking care of your health.  That is the most important lesson that fitness has taught me. 


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Skip the Butter

Question: I have been buttering my toast for as long as I can remember.  And before that, I was served buttered toast. I can't imagine eating toast dry as you suggest in the 'Eat Right Now' nutritional guide. How do you do it?

Answer: You need to become aware of the foods that are good for you and focus on them.  Personally, my diet has improved a lot over the years. For example, when I was growing up, I liked to butter my bread like everyone else I knew. Of course, I didn't have any awareness that butter is loaded with fat and not good for me. And truly, I didn't care. Now that I am older and a little more aware of the importance of what goes in my body, I try to avoid using butter.  Now, if I taste a slice of buttered toast, it tastes very strange to me.  It is just a case of choosing to modify your behavior for your benefit.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

The Best Low Impact Workouts

Question: Which of your workouts are low impact? I have knee problems and even though I love your high impact workouts, I just can't do them anymore.

Answer: I get asked this question at least once a week. If you have back or knee problems you are wise to avoid high impact aerobics. Never push to the point of pain. 

The truth of the matter is, all of my workouts can be done without using high impact moves.  All you have to do is keep one foot in contact with the floor. When I hop or step.  "But I am not getting as much of a workout" you say. To increase your cardiovascular work, increase the size and range of your movements or the extension of your arms, all the while keeping it low impact.  If you find yourself working too hard (if you feel out of breath and uncomfortable) reduce the size of your movements or eliminate your arm movements altogether.  You should be able to breathe comfortably during the whole workout.

So choose your favorite Gilad DVD and turn it into a low impact workout.  You will still reap the benefits.  And remember to listen to your body...and your doctor...they will let you know what your limitations are.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

The First Steps to Being Healthier

Question:  I am pretty set in my ways and I have a hard time changing old habits to benefit my health.  Is there some kind of system I can use to help me change for the healthier?

Answer: First you have to identify the health and fitness goals you want to achieve.  It helps to write them down.  Then, identify the lifestyle changes you need to make to achieve these goals.  Be sure that your lifestyle changes are not ones that seem impossible to you.  Remember, you want to build success into your program.  Here are some examples of clearly defined goals and the lifestyle changes that will help you achieve them.

Goal 1:  I want to cut down on the amount of red meat I eat.
Lifestyle change:  I will eat red meat only once a week and the rest of the time I will substitute chicken or fish.
Goal 2:  I want to exercise more than I do now which is only once or twice a week. 
Lifestyle change:  I will set aside 3 weekday mornings where I will get up 45 minutes earlier to walk/jog. I will also exercise one hour on the weekend.
Goal 3:  I want to cut down on my snacking so I can lose a little extra weight.
Lifestyle change:  I especially like to snack during the evening hours so I will switch from potato chips and corn chips to a bowl of fresh fruit and a couple of whole wheat crackers.
Tailor these changes to your own special wants and needs and you will be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.


Question: I started an exercise regimen a couple of months ago and I am feeling better every day. The problem is, I don't seem to be losing any least not very fast. What is my problem?

Answer: It sounds like you are on the right track...and there may not be any problem at all.  Since muscle is 2 and a half times heavier than fat, the answer is very simple, and it ties in to both exercise and nutrition. When you exercise on a regular basis and eat a healthy diet you are constantly challenging your muscles to perform causing them to get stronger and denser and to weigh more. At the same time you are burning off fat. In other words, you are turning your body into a lean and healthy machine. You are gaining muscle weight and you are losing body fat. 

People who are very muscular can weigh more than people of the same height who are sedentary. But the people who are more fit will be slimmer and wear smaller sized clothes. Enjoy the change!  

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Abs, Ask Gilad, exercise, fitness, Gilad, Healthy, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more


Question:  How often should I exercise?

Answer: No matter what kind of training you do I recommend you do something at least 3 times a week. If your fitness level is high enough, you should be exercising more often.  Maybe 5 or 6 times a week. But I do believe that everybody should take at least one day a week off from any exercise program. One day of complete rest for the body will vastly improve your performance on the other 6 days. 

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Abs, Ask Gilad, exercise, fitness, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Gain Back Control

Question: I am tired of making progress and then losing ground. My weight, bad habits, sticking to an exercise routine. It all becomes so frustrating. How do I gain control?

Answer: The best way to stay on track and to be able to see your progress is to set goals you can accomplish and measure. That way, you can actually see your progress taking place. By taking controlled and measurable steps to achieving your goals, you can alter, change or eliminate bad habits. Through the same process, you can also introduce and cultivate new good habits in your life. 

When it comes to your health and fitness there are no shortcuts and no miracles. You need to take a step-by-step approach, setting small goals and achieving them one by one. A series of small accomplishments over time will bring on big improvements before you even realize it.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Abs, Ask Gilad, exercise, Gilad, Motivation, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

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