Love Notes by Jari Love

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by Jari Love

Stroll through any gym and you’ll notice many mistakes. Mistakes that waste time. Mistakes that put people in danger. And mistakes that are just plain crazy.
Maybe you even make a few of these mistakes yourself.
By avoiding these common blunders, you’ll put yourself on the fast track to results.

Check out the following 5 fitness mistakes and the solutions you need to avoid danger and to get fit fast.

Mistake 1: You use the wrong weight
The goal is to challenge your muscles, not to simply go through the motions. If you are able to complete 15 repetitions easily, then the weight is too light. On the flip side, if you aren’t able to perform an exercise through its full range of motion, and find yourself cheating on form, then the weight is too heavy.
The correct weights will feel challenging by your last few repetitions, but won’t force you to sacrifice form.
Mistake 2: You do the same routine
You may have noticed that most people do the same exercises each time they visit the gym. Maybe you’ve been doing the same exercise routine as long as you can remember – if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it, right?
The truth is that exercise routines have expiration dates, and that is the date that they begin to lose their effectiveness. As a rule of thumb never use the same routine for more than 4 weeks.
Mistake 3: You don’t warm up
Most people consider warm up time to be wasted time – they’d rather jump right into the heart of the routine. What they don’t realize is that a good warm up will allow you to perform at a higher intensity, which means greater results.
The point of a warm up is to increase your muscle temperature. This increases blood flow, muscle contraction and reduces muscle resistance. Your warm up should last 5-10 minutes.
Mistake 4: You use bad form
Gyms are filled with people performing exercises with bad form. The two biggest reasons are that you aren’t concentrating on the exercise, or you’re trying to lift weight that is too heavy. Lifting with improper form almost always results in injury.
Take the time to achieve proper form, by doing so you’ll avoid injury and will reap the full benefit from each exercise.
Mistake 5: You workout alone
People who exercise alone are less challenged, less accountable and typically see fewer results. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Why rush to the gym if no one is there waiting for you? Why push yourself if no one is watching? Exercising alone is a recipe for disaster.


Jari Love – original creator of Get RIPPED! DVD series and group exercise classes. The hot-selling and critically acclaimed Get RIPPED! series enables individuals of any fitness level to burn up to three times more calories than the traditional weight-training program, and has received rave reviews from fitness critics throughout North America since the first title debuted in late 2005.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Healthy, Jari Love, Motivation, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Belly Bloat Solutions

by Jari Love

Looking to trim down to get fit and have that flat belly? Sometimes it’s “easier said than done.” It may not be the extra weight around the midsection that is preventing you from enjoying a trim and toned tummy!

There are foods, eating habits, and other issues that can lead to a bit of bloat, and all of the crunches and abdominal exercises in the world won't overcome them. So, if you want to get that flat stomach for the upcoming beach weather or just so you can feel more comfortable in your everyday clothing, follow our belly bloat solutions:

  • Too much fiber too fast - If you have just started a diet in order to shed some weight, you may have added too much fiber, too quickly. As an example, if you switched from white to whole grain bread and rice, added a few cups of fresh raw vegetables, and a serving of lentils or beans to each day's food - well, you are definitely going to be bloated until your digestive tract adjusts. Slow it down on the fiber, add it slowly, drink lots of water, and get plenty of exercise. In as little as two or three weeks you should be able to go "full fiber" without any troubles.

  • Swallowing air – Have you been using a straw to drink water or beverages, talking while eating, chewing gum, or consuming soda and carbonated beverages? Any of these behaviors can allow you to swallow gas and trap air in your belly! This has to make its way through the entire system, and along the trip, it is going to cause belly bloat.

  • Forbidden foods - Do you have lactose intolerance? Perhaps you get a bit of bloat when you eat foods containing gluten? Many people with unexplained bloating are witnessing the results of intolerance. Issues like celiac disease cause irritation and an inability for the intestines to absorb nutrients, and this leads to bloating.

There are other issues that might give you an undesirable "pooch" in the upper or lower abdominal area. Fortunately, you can often begin to address this by making changes such as those above, drinking plenty of water, and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. These behaviors ensure that your digestive system is functioning properly and that your entire abdominal area remains as flat as possible.

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Big Muscles Burn Big Calories

by Jari Love

Why do muscle builders eat so many calories? Some people believe that a person who wants to build up a lot of muscle has to maintain a much higher body weight. To a degree that is true, but there is also something about being very muscular that you may not know. What is it? The more well-developed muscle your body has, the more calories you burn every day! A body builder workouts ends up burning through a lot more calories because of the muscles and the exercise.

If you’re looking to boost the way your body burns up calories, it is best to consider building up your muscles too. One of the simplest ways to do this is through "interval" and "cross" training. However, you can take things one step farther and target the largest muscle groups in order to get maximum results and calorie burning.

This should be great news to those who are looking to develop a very attractive bottom or butt because the gluteus maximus, and surrounding muscles of the legs are considered the "biggest" muscles of the body. Doing exercises and training that target these areas is a surefire way of toning and lifting even a saggy bottom, but also a way of gaining maximum calorie burn throughout every day.

The exercises that will generate the best results will include lunges, squats, deadlifts, kneeling kickbacks, bridges and of course some cardio workouts each day. Around thirty minutes of brisk cardio is great for the entire body!

Developing a circuit of exercises targeting the glutes will definitely yield results; however, they will not be "overnight" and require about four weeks for true definition to be developed. Adhering to proper form is key in any exercise routine, and particularly with something like squats and lunges. This is because you are aiming to develop the right muscles but also trying to protect joints during each routine. Choose your favorite type of squat and lunge - or blend a few such as plie squats and side lunges or split squats and weight lunges - and do that half of an hour of cardio and you will soon burn up major calories and get the best bottom of your life.

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Safe and Effective Cleanse Exists

by Jari Love

More often than not, we know that there are many people who do a cleanse using things like laxatives. But laxatives deprive the body of nutrients and calories that are needed in order to enjoy the results. So can the words “safe” and “effective” really be partnered up with “cleanse”?

Yes! Fortunately, there are good and healthy cleansing options. It’s important to remember that a good cleanse keeps the body hydrated, functional, and tries to cue it to tap into any stored fat for energy. It may sound complicated, but it’s not!

It will require five days with the first day as the only "extreme". Even then, it is not extreme at all because you get to enjoy three delicious smoothies that will serve as your three daily meals. You will also need to remember to drive a lot of fresh water. As a result of this day, your body will shed stored water, reduce bloating, and let the metabolism know to switch gears. Once the metabolism understands that caloric intake will be low, it will burn up calories as consumed and stop storing food as fat. This will also let the body know that any shortages in calories will be met by fat burning rather than by dipping into muscle for energy.


The first day you will drink smoothies made from one cup of fat free yogurt (Greek is a delicious treat), the zest of an orange, the flesh of that orange, one half of a banana (without the peel), one whole fresh plum (pitted), the juice of a large lemon, and two cups of kale leaves. Puree these ingredients and drink right away.

You will find that this is filling, and you won't feel deprived. The next day you enjoy three meals and two snacks. Each meal has to include one serving of lean protein, one serving of healthy fat (olive oil, avocado, nut butter), half of whole grain (we suggest brown rice or oatmeal), and you may have two small servings of fat free dairy. Your snacks should be fruits, vegetables, nuts, or one of your two servings of dairy.

Continue to drink a lot of water and do gentle exercises like walking, swimming, or yoga. This cleanse is done on the fifth day and you will see that you have shed all of your "water weight", detoxified your body, and feel better than ever!

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8 Essential Tips that Will Help You Get in Shape for Spring

During wintertime, it’s easy to put exercise and healthy eating habits aside. Sitting inside, relaxing with a book or watching television is often more appealing than bundling up for exercise outdoors or to travel to a gym. However, many people are surprised at just how much they have let their health go when they put on a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, or a swimsuit once warm weather returns. The following tips will help you to shake off your winter hibernation habits so that you are prepared to walk out of your door in confidence when warmer weather arrives.

  1. Find Your Source of Motivation

Is running 5 miles a day not your thing? Don’t worry, there are plenty of options when it comes to fitness training. If you enjoy bicycling, spring is a great time to get outdoors to enjoy the fresh air while maintaining a rigorous cycling workout. If you are an extrovert who becomes energized when around other people, look for an exercise buddy who can help you to push yourself harder during exercise.

  1. Mix Things Up

Just as your mood may change from day to day, so may your preferences for exercise. Give yourself plenty of options. For instance, take on an exercise class a few times a week. Run, cycle, or work out at a gym on the other days.

  1. Exercise Variety for Better Results

By including exercises in your routine that work your core, upper, and lower body, and that also provide a great cardio workout, you will ensure that you are able to optimize your overall health. Come up with a fitness routine that targets all aspects of your health for the best results.

  1. Professional Instruction

When it comes to preparing for warmer weather by maximizing your workout efforts in the spring, time really does fly. If you are worried about not achieving your fitness goals in time for summer, consider hiring a personal trainer or joining a fitness class led by an experienced fitness instructor. This will help you to maximize your time and effort while providing some form of accountability to stick with your fitness routine.

  1. Set a Date for a Physical Challenge

To give yourself added motivation to get in top shape by a certain date, sign up for a physical challenge that coincides with your goals. For instance, if you are giving yourself three months to lose so many pounds and to build up a certain level of endurance, sign up for a running or cycling race. This will give you something specific to prepare for so that you are less likely to skip workouts.

  1. Share Your Fitness Achievements

In today’s world of social media, you will find plenty of websites and blogs dedicated to those working toward achieving personal fitness goals. Use these forums as support groups to share your achievements and to receive tips on how to further your goals. Discuss your goals and achievements with friends and family who are also working to optimize their health.

  1. Don’t Forget About Your Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for maximizing the effects of your workouts, for losing those excess pounds gained during the winter months, and for optimizing your overall health. Work towards making healthy eating a lifestyle change and not a short-term solution. Avoid starvation diets or other types of dieting techniques that cannot be sustained long term. Instead, focus on eating a well-rounded diet that includes unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods.

  1. Maintain a Positive Attitude

When setting goals for yourself, do not go over the top. Setting unrealistic goals will put yourself in the inevitable position to fail and to feel poorly about yourself. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve over time. Reward yourself whenever you achieve your goals. If you have any setbacks in your fitness routine, don’t beat yourself up about it. Get back on track as soon as possible, and have fun in the process of getting fit. Follow the fitness techniques that are the most enjoyable to you, make sure that you have emotional support and professional fitness guidance if needed, and use a variety of motivational tools so that you can maintain a positive attitude while you work your way toward improved health.

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