Healthy Tips When Eating Out

Question: I travel a lot so I am constantly eating in restaurants. I know the meals I am eating are not the healthiest for me but I have to select from what is available.  Do you have any suggestions for people in my situation?

Answer: When eating out there are many choices you can make to help you maintain a healthy diet.


First, stay away from fast food restaurants as much as possible.  It is more difficult to get healthy meals there.  Try to pick a restaurant that offers healthy food choices with fresh natural foods.  It is a lot easier to find healthy restaurants these days than it was in the past because the public, as a whole, has become a lot more conscious about what they eat.  
I find that most restaurants these days will try to accommodate special requests such as 'dressing on the side' for your salad, minimizing or eliminating calorie rich sauces and substituting salad or steamed veggies for calorie rich carbs.  I think that you will find that many restaurants will even accommodate alternate preparations such as broiled or steamed vs. fried.
The key is to be aware of how you would like to eat and ask for it!  You will find that most times you will be accommodated.  

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By Collage Video | | Abs, Ask Gilad, cardio, exercise, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments
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