Ask Gilad

Exercise Results

Question: I started an exercise program last week and I can't see any improvement. How will I know when it is working?

Answer: There are several things to look for to see if your fitness level is improving. Often when you are in the middle of something it is difficult to see the small changes that are occurring. That's why record-keeping can really help you. It gives you written proof of the improvements that are happening. Keep a notebook documenting your exercise sessions. Include facts like when you exercised, for how long, what you did, how far you went, how fast, how you felt, how much weight you lifted and how many times, what stretching exercises you did, etc.

Look for the following signs of improvement:
  1. Increase in endurance: The ability to train for a longer period of time without becoming exhausted.
  2. Increase in strength: The ability to lift more weight or perform more repetitions without becoming exhausted.
  3. Increase in flexibility: The ability to perform stretches with more range than before.
  4. Decrease in body fat:  A leaner look. Previous areas of fat deposits such as love-handles, thighs and buttocks shrinking and muscles beginning to show through.  
  5. Improvement in appearance and health: You will feel it and know it. It is an unmistakable feeling.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

How To Stop Binge Eating

Question: When I am hungry I tend to eat anything I can get my hands on. Needless to say, this has led to some bad choices. How can I avoid this?

Answer: Two things come to mind. Don't keep sweet, or empty calorie snacks on hand. Don't buy ice cream, chips or fancy pastries. If they aren't in the won't eat them. Only keep whole wheat snacks and lots of good fresh fruit. 
Keep in mind that your food is the fuel your body runs on. When you want to eat something, think to yourself,  "What food will give me lots of energy and make me feel good if I eat it?" The more you ask that question, rather than just grabbing the first edible thing you see, the better you will eat.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Ask Gilad, Gilad, health, Healthy, Lord of the Abs, Weekly Blog | 0 comments | Read more

This Week's Ask Gilad: Gaining Flexibility

Question: I like to work out with weights but afterwards I tighten up. I need to work on my flexibility and I know that means stretching.  Do you have any tips for me about flexibility training?

Answer: The most important part of flexibility training is stretching each muscle within the limits of comfort.  Forcing a stretch, or over-stretching a muscle beyond what it can comfortably do actually causes the muscle to contract in order to protect itself from being torn.  This is the opposite of what you want to achieve.  You want the muscle to lengthen, expand and relax in a stretch.

Pay attention to your breathing as you stretch.  Don't hold your breath while stretching.  If you exhale and inhale rhythmically, trying to relax into the stretch, you will stretch deeper and further.  Stay within the limits of comfort.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Getting In Shape

Question: I am going to start a workout program. How long will it take me to get into shape?

Answer: How fast will you get to the goal you set for yourself?  If you are committed to a program and really work at it, you can achieve noticeable results in 6 short weeks, good results in 12 weeks and excellent results in 6 months. The most important thing to remember is to let go of the idea that you can accomplish your goal faster if you take a short cut such as a crash diet or working twice as hard as your body can handle in its present condition. In fact, those are two sure ways to put you right into the 'roller coaster club' of those who gain, lose, gain, lose and so on. 

The fact is, if you work within your ability and if you implement slow and controlled changes that your body can adapt to, those changes will become comfortable and you will achieve incredible results. 

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

By Collage Video | | Abs, Ask Gilad, health, Healthy, healthy aging, Lord of the Abs | 0 comments | Read more

How To Get A Six-Pack

Exercise Results

Question: I started an exercise program last week and I can't see any improvement. How will I know when it is working?

Answer: There are several things to look for to see if your fitness level is improving. Often when you are in the middle of something it is difficult to see the small changes that are occurring. That's why record-keeping can really help you. It gives you written proof of the improvements that are happening. Keep a notebook documenting your exercise sessions.  Include facts like when you exercised, for how long, what you did, how far you went, how fast, how you felt, how much weight you lifted and how many times, what stretching exercises you did, etc.

Look for the following signs of improvement:
  1. Increase in endurance: The ability to train for a longer period of time without becoming exhausted.
  2. Increase in strength: The ability to lift more weight or perform more repetitions without becoming exhausted.
  3. Increase in flexibility: The ability to perform stretches with more range than before.
  4. Decrease in body fat: A leaner look. Previous areas of fat deposits such as love-handles, thighs and buttocks shrinking and muscles beginning to show through.
  5. Improvement in appearance and health: You will feel it and know it. It is an unmistakable feeling.


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Rest Up!

Question: In your fitness programs you always recommend getting plenty of rest. Why is rest so important?

Answer: The three most important elements to your fitness program are healthy eating, a regular exercise program and REST! Rest is often overlooked! Making sure you get enough rest and a good night's sleep becomes even more important if you are exercising vigorously. A good night's sleep is essential to our physical as well as mental health and positively affects our memory, creativity and overall well-being.Many processes happen during our sleep time.  Growth hormone, which is essential for recovery and improving fitness levels, is released during our sleep. Melatonin which is known as the 'sleep hormone' is often taken to recover from jet lag.  Melatonin is released during sleep.  It is an important and powerful antioxidant that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health and helping to reduce cell damage.

So, how much sleep do you need? The answer is that it varies from person to person. The bottom line is that a good night's sleep is a powerful tool to help you maintain your health and fitness levels. May you all have a good and restful night...!

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Curb Your Sweet Tooth

Question: I have a very active sweet tooth and that is my downfall when it comes to losing weight. Is there any 'cure' for a sweet tooth? 

Answer: The problem with eating sweets is that the more sweets you eat, the more you crave them.  Somehow we have to break that cycle. When you are craving sweets, try substituting a piece of fresh fruit instead. See if that curbs your appetite.  Fruit is just like dessert but with all those extra vitamins and minerals along for the ride. And, do yourself a favor. Don't buy candy, cookies, ice cream, etc. If you don't have them readily available, you can't eat them. Stock up on plenty of fresh fruit instead. Doesn't a handful of grapes or a bowl of fresh strawberries sound good right about now?

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Why is Swimming So Difficult?

Question: After reading your suggestion about a 'knee-friendly' swimming workout, I started to swim. I can hold my own with your aerobics workouts but I find myself getting winded much more easily when I swim. Why is this?

Answer: Swimming laps is a great form of cardiovascular exercise. However, even people who exercise regularly and think they are in good shape are often surprised to find that they can only swim a few continuous laps of the pool before feeling very out of breath. Part of the reason is that swimming, unlike cycling or running, involves working the whole body, and particularly the upper body. Also, more than other exercises, swimming requires the conscious control and coordination of breathing with motion, something that swimmers often find exhausting.  However, as you spend more time in the water, your breathing will become as natural in swimming as it is in land based sports.

Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

Swimming for Conditioning

Question: I am considering joining a fitness facility with a lap pool. How does swimming stack up against other forms of exercise?

Answer: Swimming involves all of the major muscles in the body, and as a result, provides the body with excellent overall conditioning as well as aerobic benefits. Swimming has the added benefit of being a nearly non-impact exercise with few stress-related injuries. The buoyancy water provides reduces pressure on the joints and bones.

But as long as you are joining a complete facility, I suggest you take advantage of the machines and weights as well. Putting a little variety in your workout makes it more interesting and will keep you coming back for more. 


Have a question for Gilad? Click HERE and send it in! Gilad will choose one question each week to answer.

Find out more information about Gilad and his Fitness DVD's HERE.

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