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by Kathy Smith

The TRUTH About Stretching

Entire Workout Available Here!

Research shows that certain types of stretching before a workout may actually do more harm than good. The American College of Sports Medicine advised against it prior to workouts or competitions.

When we talk about exercise, we usually focus on what happens during the workout: The proper form, the number of repetitions, engaging the correct muscles, and so on – all elements of a successful routine. But, if you’re not following the right steps before you exercise, you might just be sabotaging your results and weakening your muscles.

But, when people hear about those studies, they’re often confused: “Does this mean stretching is actually bad? Okay, guess I’ll skip it altogether.” There are two types of stretching…static and dynamic.“Static Stretching” is the definition of what generally comes to mind when we imagine stretching: Holding a pose for a 20-30 seconds. But research discovered that static stretching before a workout doesn’t adequately warm the muscle, and in fact has the following negative results:

  • Weakens the muscles for up to 30 minutes after stretching (athletes generated less force from their leg muscles after static stretching than they did after not stretching at all)

  • Decreases muscle strength by as much as 30 percent

  • Reduces strength in the leg that’s not being stretched, most likely because the central nervous system rebels against the movements.

The right warm up needs to both warm up the body and lubricate muscles and tendons. The best way to do this is with “Dynamic Stretching.” These stretches are actually specific movements that loosen up muscles, increasing blood flow and body temperature. Today, I’ll guide you through a 5-min warm-up that uses dynamic stretching to warm muscles, and dilate blood vessels so your body can  pull oxygen from the bloodstream more efficiently and use stored muscle fuel more effectively.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Kathy Smith, Motivation, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

Boost Your Metabolism

by Kathy Smith

18 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism After 40

Do you feel like it’s getting harder to lose weight? Your metabolism may be to blame. As we age, metabolism slows down, mostly because we start to lose about 0.5 percent of muscle mass every year, and that mass is responsible for burning calories. But don’t worry: There are ways to boost your metabolism without hitting the gym for hours on end.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the chemical process in which the body converts food into energy. The number of calories a person’s body needs to perform basic functions is called basal metabolic rate (BMR). There are several factors that can influence BMR, including body size and composition (those with more muscle burn more calories), gender (men tend to have less body fat and more muscle), and age (muscle mass decreases with age). Weight gain is the result of taking in more calories than you burn.

A slower metabolism can start as early as your twenties; that’s when bone stops growing. After this age, the metabolic rate decreases by two percent or more per decade, which may be why some of us notice a few extra pounds even though diet and physical activity has been consistent.

Not all weight gain can be attributed to a slow metabolism. It’s a combination of diet, genetics,hormones, physical activity, and stress. But being more active—even if that means just fidgeting more—can help burn more calories and reduce the risk of weight gain.

Remember, in order to maximize your metabolism, it’s important to workout smarter, not harder. The key is interval training. Working out this way means you’ll decrease your fat, increase your muscle, and amplify your energy. It’s simple. It saves time. It’s effective.

How to Boost Metabolism:

Calorie Intake

As BMR decreases each decade, we need to consume fewer calories for energy. But consuming too little can have unintended consequences. If you crash diet and drop a large amount of calories from your usual daily intake, your body assumes you’re starving and will slow down your BMR to preserve energy. Losing any amount of weight, whether intentional or unintentional, slows down metabolism slightly. A crash diet may result in a drop in weight, but it is typically temporary. Decreased calorie intake can lead peoples’ bodies to burn fewer calories and gain weight faster than before a diet.

So how much should you consume?

Though it’s not an exact calculation, you can multiply your current weight by 11 to lose around a half pound to two pounds per week. So a 140-pound person who wants to lose weight should aim for around 1,540 calories a day. Don’t drop below 1,200 calories a day—research shows women who consume less than that had their resting metabolic rate plummet by 45 percent.

Bump up Protein Intake

Protein is the building block of muscle mass so it’s a good idea to eat a variety of protein sources to equal about 20 grams per meal. Digesting protein uses more energy than digesting carbohydrates or fat. Variety is key; research shows animal protein can actually speed muscle loss. Along with lean meat, add legumes and grains, such as beans, lentils, asparagus, quinoa, and buckwheat, into your diet. Eat a protein-packed breakfast such as hard-boiled eggs or Greek yogurt.

Love smoothies? Add a scoop of whey protein powder to the mix. It increases calorie burn and fat utilization and helps the body maintain muscle. One study shows whey may be the most effective non-meat protein, beating out soy and casein. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, try hemp protein powder for a 100 percent plant-based option that’s high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Brown rice protein powder and pea protein powder are two more great options.

Drink Coffee

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which boosts metabolism. A study also found that people who drank caffeinated coffee had an average metabolic rate 16 percent higher than those who drank decaf. It’s proven to increase energy levels during exercise and help people work out harder. Sipping java is also beneficial after a workout: It can increase muscle glycogen by 66 percent. Muscle glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates and the primary fuel for muscles.

Muscle glycogen depletes during your workout and it’s important to replenish it after exercise since it is the primary fuel for muscles. Go ahead and have a cup every morning; just don’t overload it with cream and sugar, which can add up to 70 extra calories. Avoiding empty calories (like sugar) helps people achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Another reason to skip the sweet stuff? A new study suggests a diet high in sugar can increase your risk of breast cancer.

Sip on Green Tea

Don’t like coffee? Green tea, with its caffeine content, also boosts metabolism. On top of that, it has a rich source of catechins, which are antioxidants that can reduce body fat. If you tend to drink several cups of coffee throughout the day, try switching one out for a cup of green tea in the afternoon. Drinking five eight-ounce cups of green tea daily can increase calorie burn by 100 calories per day. And when combined with three hours of moderate exercise each week, green tea can reduce abdominal fat over time. But don’t reach for the bottled stuff: It’s usually loaded with added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Eat Smaller Meals More Often

Nibbling throughout the day instead of eating three large meals helps keep metabolism ticking along throughout the day. Try to eat at least every four hours and vary the types of food. If you go a long time without eating, you risk becoming so hungry you may overeat.

Don’t Be Scared of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates sometimes get a bad rap because refined carbohydrates—including bagels, white bread, and pasta—can create a surge in insulin that promotes the storage of fat, decreasing metabolic rate. But good carbohydrates, like whole grains, starchy vegetables, and fruit, are an important, fiber-rich part of a healthy diet. If you crave pasta, choose a spaghetti squash recipe or whole-grain variety that won’t wreak havoc on your metabolic rate. Whole grains can help the body burn additional fat because they require more energy to break down than do processed carbohydrates.

Spice up Your Meals

Capsaicin, the substance that makes chili peppers hot, may increase your metabolism by 23 percent. It may also inhibit the generation of fat cells, so go ahead and sprinkle some red pepper flakes on your pasta dish or cook with some chopped red or green chili peppers.

Incorporate Strength Training

Since we slowly lose muscle with age, it’s important to counteract that loss. Incorporate two or three 30-minute strength-training sessions each week along with moderate exercise. Compound movements such as squats, lunges, and planks engage multiple muscles at once. Every pound of muscle uses about six calories a day, while every pound of fat only uses about two calories daily.

When you strength train, take it slow. Count to three as you lower the weight back to its start position to increase the breakdown of muscle tissue. The repair after your session boosts your metabolism for as long as 72 hours.

Interval Training

Longer doesn’t always mean better. Studies show that short bursts of intense activity combined with rest periods torches calories after you leave the gym. (So don’t worry if you don’t have an hour to kill at the gym every single day.) Try alternating one minute of fast running or biking with one minute at a much slower pace. Repeat this cycle for 25 minutes for a quick calorie-burning workout. Alternating speed with slow cardio also increases aerobic capacity and improves endurance.

Say No to That Second Drink

There’s nothing wrong with a glass of wine. In fact, enjoying one drink can raise your metabolic rate. But having two or more cocktails can cause the body to use the alcohol for energy, which reduces your its fat-burning ability.

Get More Sleep

Hitting the sack early helps keep metabolism stable. Irregular sleep patterns and lack of sleep can disrupt the hormones that help regulate energy and appetite. One study showed adults who slept for nine hours had fewer cravings for sweet and salty snacks, reduced hunger, and healthier metabolisms than those who slept for four hours.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Kathy Smith, Motivation, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

The Easiest Way To Lose 23 Pounds

by Kathy Smith

Walking – The Easiest Way To Lose 23 Pounds

Video from my FastFit DVD

Ready to melt away the inches?

Research studied women who wanted to lose weight, and discovered that when they incorporated a 45-minute interval training walk into their routine four times a week, they lost an average of 23 POUNDS in 16 weeks!

Good news is, I’m giving you a 35-minute walking workout (below) and 10-min toning video from my FastFit DVD (above)

Walking can fast-track your fat burn, because it releases human growth hormone (HGH) — also called the “Fountain of Youth hormone.” When you’re younger, you release ample amounts of HGH, but as you age, become less active, and sleep less, your HGH levels decrease.

However, when you power walk, your body produces this fountain of youth hormone to help you decrease body fat and increase lean muscle.

The other category of hormones that are stimulated during your walk around the block are called “catecholamines,” which help your body release fat, and belly fat in particular. Catecholamines are a fat burning hormone and there are a lot of catecholamine receptors in belly fat. Basically, interval training burns stomach fat first, before all other parts of the body.

Use the 35-minute calorie-incinerating walking workout below to tone your thighs, tighten your buns and cinch your waist. You can use the workout outdoors in your neighborhood or indoors on your treadmill. For best results, do the workout four times a week every other day.

  • 5 minute Warm-Up Pace
  • 3 minute Aerobic Interval – Push slightly more than your steady-state pace
  • 3 minute Recovery Interval – Catch your breath and get ready for the next interval!
  • 3 minute Aerobic Interval
  • 3 minute Recovery Interval
  • 1 minute Anaerobic Interval – For one minute, walk as fast as you possibly can! On a scale from 1-10, you should be pushing yourself from a 7-9.
  • 3 minute Recovery Interval
  • 1 minute Anaerobic Interval
  • 3 minute Recovery Interval
  • 1 minute Anaerobic Interval
  • 3 minute Recovery Interval
  • 5 minutes Cool-Down Pace

But what’s the trick to turning your interval walk into a fat-burning workout? It all comes down to perfecting your form. Start with these 4 tips:

  1. Get Your Abs In The Action: The foundation of any walking workout starts with your core! Poor posture weakens your abdominal muscles and minimizes the flow of blood and oxygen to your muscles and brain. Imagine a string coming out of the top of your head, pulling you up. Then, tilt that long body forward slightly, tilting from the ankles, not the hips or the waist. Contract your abdominals so that your pelvis shifts forward slightly, to keep your spine in a neutral position. Don’t arch your lower back or stick your butt out.
  2. Shorten Your Stride: Speed burns. Your body is comfortable at your normal walking pace, because it’s working efficiently. But when turning your walk into a workout, efficiency is your enemy. As with a fuel-efficient car, the most efficient pace burns the fewest calories. As soon as you walk faster than your normal “around town” pace, your body starts using more oxygen and burning calories at a higher rate. Focus on taking more steps, not longer steps. But moving your legs that quickly takes an enormous amount of effort. In fact, at 5 mph, it’s much more efficient to run — and cover more ground with each stride — than it is to walk. So you actually use more energy, and burn more calories walking a 12-minute mile than running a 12-minute mile.
  3. Speed Up Your Swing: The speed of your arms determines the speed of your legs. Let your arms swing freely, but with purpose. This will improve your balance, circulation, and burn more calories. Your arms move in opposition to your legs…The right leg and left arm always move together. Swing your arms forward, not across your body. Imagine your body on a clock face, with your head at 12 o’clock, your arms should swing from about 7 o’clock (just behind your hips) to 4 o’clock (about belly-button height).
  4. Use Your Propellers: Strike the ground with your heel and let your foot roll forward naturally. At the end of your stride, really push off with your toes, to propel your body forward. Use a stride length that’s comfortable for you. Don’t overstride.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Kathy Smith, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

22 Simple Snack Recipes

by Kathy Smith

Almonds and avocado slices

Good news: you can still snack, even when trying to lose weight  – in fact, I insist on it. Healthy snacking keeps your blood sugar, energy and hunger levels stabilized and your metabolism humming. Check out my mouth-watering snack recipes below. These delicious snacks all provide a good source of fiber and protein and are perfect for tying you over, especially midmorning (between breakfast and lunch) and midafternoon (between lunch and dinner). And you won’t even miss things like crackers, cookies and chips.

  1. Apple slices with 1 tablespoon almond butter and raisins
  2. Celery sticks filled with 1 tablespoon natural crunchy peanut butter and raisins
  3. ½ avocado and 1 small tomato, chopped, with a squeeze of lemon
  4. ½ avocado with salsa and diced jicama
  5. Handful of raw almonds with 1/2 cup blackberries
  6. 2 hard-boiled eggs with bell pepper strips or steamed green beans
  7. 5-ounce pouch tuna in water, seasoned with dill, lemon juice, and chopped scallion with a chopped tomato
  8. 5-ounce pouch tuna in mixed with Avocado Mayonnaise, wrapped in lettuce leaves
  9. 2 sheets nori seaweed topped with tuna, avocado, and cucumber, and rolled up
  10. 2 lettuce leaves topped with 2 ounces turkey slices and 1 ounce of cheese, rolled up
  11. 2 lettuce leaves spread with 1 tablespoon hummus and raw vegetables and wrapped up
  12. 2 to 3 ounces roasted turkey spread with mustard and wrapped around 1⁄4 of a sliced avocado
  13. 2 tablespoons hummus with celery sticks and bell pepper strips
  14. 1 string cheese with a green apple
  15. 3⁄4 cup organic plain yogurt and 1⁄2 cup fresh berries
  16. 3/4 cup organic plain yogurt with ground cinnamon and apple slices
  17. 1⁄2 cup cottage cheese with 1⁄2 cup berries, sliced kiwi, or chopped melon
  18. 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1⁄2 a chopped apple and cinnamon
  19. 1 wedge cantaloupe with 1⁄2 cup cottage cheese
  20. 2 ounces turkey or beef with 1⁄2 or 1 medium cucumber, sliced
  21. 3⁄4 cup cooked shelled edamame
  22. 4 steamed asparagus spears wrapped with 4 ounces cooked sliced turkey

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | goals, Healthy, Kathy Smith, practice, Recipe, tips, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

How Exercise Controls Inflammation

by Kathy Smith

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to infections. But sometimes, due to stress, poor diet and…lack of exercise, inflammation can become uncontrolled. Increased inflammation in the brain can negatively affect memory and mood. Since lack of exercise contributes to inflammation, maintaining regular exercise routine is a – excuse the pun – no-brainer when it comes to controlling inflammation. Plus, because exercise stimulates blood flow throughout your body, it’s especially good for your brain because the increased circulation signals the release of a brain chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor – or BDNF for short.

Get a copy of the entire workout HERE!!!

BDNF starts the process for new neurons to be formed in the area of the brain involved in memory, learning and decision-making. It also repairs brain cell damage and makes the connections between brain cells stronger. BDNF is not the only thing that helps rejuvenate the “memory side” of the brain. The increased oxygen that you’re taking in while exercising reduces the risk of disorders like diabetes and cardiovascular disease that lead to memory loss. So breathe deep while you’re working out! All of that from a daily workout? Yes – It’s amazing and true!
The Centers for Disease Control recommends 150 minutes – or two and a half hours – of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week AND muscle-strengthening exercises for the major muscle groups at least two days a week.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, Healthy, Kathy Smith, practice, tips, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

4 Ways To Banish Cellulite

by Kathy Smith

Think you can’t get rid of cellulite? THINK AGAIN! Living with those lumpy bumps can be a real drain on your confidence, and keep you from enjoying activities you love.

In fact, top Beverly Hills Dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein says that nearly 85% of all women have cellulite. No wonder women across the country are spending millions of dollars on anti-cellulite creams that claim to diminish the dimples!

If you are struggling with unwanted orange peel bumps on your thighs or buns, here are 4 surprising ways to banish cellulite.

Remember, at the end of the day, it’s not just about having sleeker-looking legs, but about having increased energy and vitality as well as a decreased risk for back paint and joint issues.

It’s important to first understand that cellulite is not a medical condition. It’s is nothing more than fat lying directly beneath the skin. What happens is there’s only so much room for these fat cells and they get pushed up toward the skin. This action puts pressure on the surrounding fascia.

Fascia is a web of connective tissue surrounding muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. Think of it like the netting of a tennis racket with the strings representing the fascia. Over time, though, those strings or tissues lose their collagen and elasticity or too much fat develops and the fat gets pushed through the netting. That’s what gives a dimpled appearance, or what we call cellulite.

The good news is that there are four key ways to effectively minimize cellulite for the long-term:

1. Increase circulation

Sitting is the new smoking! It’s not enough to work out for 30 minutes at a time, you need to keep blood flowing to the lower body throughout the day. If your job demands you sit at a desk, get up to walk around every 20 minutes to increase you circulation.

Also, If you have time and money, get a massage to restore the fluid state of your connected tissue. In between massages, use a foam roller to help support the tissue on a daily basis.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

The more weight you carry, the more fat cells push through the fascia. Losing weight can result in a noticeable reduction of cellulite. To get an accurate predictor of a healthy weight, start by measuring your waistline with this 10-second string trick…Cut a string to the length of your height, and then fold it in half and wrap it around your waist. If the ends of the string overlap, then your waist is less than half of your height…right where you want to be! If the string is snug, you’re not alone. In fact, two-thirds of all women are affected by abdominal obesity. If you’re a woman, you fall in this category if you have a waistline of more than 35 inches. For men, abdominal obesity is defined as a waistline of more than 40 inches.

And then, start moving! I can’t stress enough the importance of getting 150 minutes of exercise each week. Research shows that less than 30 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) three times a week is just as effective as moderately exercising for 40 minutes or longer four or five days a week.

3. Eat high-fiber and diuretic foods

When the body holds onto extra fluids, it adds more pressure to the fascia. If you’re feeling like your cellulite is more noticeable or you’re getting ready to wear something that shows a little skin and you want to minimize dimpling, then fill your plate with foods high in fiber or natural diuretics, such as: asparagus, steel-cut oats and artichokes. Also, green tea is one of my all-time favorite beverages, can give relief from bloating.

4. Stay hydrated

Not enough fluids or dehydration also contribute to cellulite.  Most studies show that about 2/3 of us are dehydrated and need to drink more water…so stay hydrated throughout the day! I aim to drink a gallon of water a day (yes…a gallon!). Although this may be a hefty goal for you, aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

To achieve this goal, set an alarm on your phone every hour on the hour from 8 am to 5 pm. When the alarm goes off, it’s time to get up, get your blood circulating, and drink a glass of water.

Remember, while you may not erase cellulite completely, being active and eating healthy is the best way to control it. 

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Healthy, Kathy Smith, Motivation, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

5-Min Easy & Energizing Breakfasts

by Kathy Smith

Great days start with a smart breakfast. To set your self up for success, you need simple breakfast shortcuts that pack in a lot of healthy in not a lot of time. 

Today, you’ll learn four fast & easy breakfast recipes that are ready in 5 mins or less…

  • Toasted Coconut Overnight Oats – It may seem a little out there, but one little jar of overnight oats is packed with unexpected deliciousness. Plus, they’ll keep in the fridge for 3 days.
  • Mediterranean Frittata – This is microwavable eggy goodness dish is as easy as it gets! Fill it with your choice of olives, artichoke hearts, and veggies.
  • Mochaccino Coffee Protein Shake – If you’re a coffee lover, trade out your morning cup of joe with this coffee-infused protein shake!
  • Raspberry Peach Smoothie Bowl – Creamy, but thick enough to eat with a spoon, this breakfast bowls are made in less than five minutes, and packed with protein and nutrients.

Toasted Coconut Overnight Oats

1 cup rolled oats
1 (15 ounce) can coconut milk (light or full-fat, your choice!)
1/2 cup greek yogurt, preferably coconut flavored! (I used siggi’s)
1/4 cup toasted unsweetened, flaked coconut (I use bob’s red mill), plus extra for topping
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup almond butter (I use justin’s)
for serving: extra toasted coconut, almond butter, sliced kiwi, honey for drizzling

Honey caramelized pineapple
1/2 cup pineapple chunks or spears
1 tablespoon honey

Note: to toast the coconut, I simply place a 1/2 cup or so in a dry pan and set it over low heat. I cook, stirring often, until it is golden brown and fragrant. Don’t leave it unattended – it will burn!

In a large bowl, stir together the oats, coconut milk, yogurt, toasted coconut, honey, chia seeds and vanilla extract until combined.

In two jars, bowls or containers, layer 1 to 2 tablespoons of almond butter into each and press it on the bottom of the jar. Top each with equal spoonfuls of the overnight oat mixture. Add another tablespoon or so of the almond butter (basically, finish what you have) and top with the remaining oats. I like to top it with more toasted coconut then cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge overnight.

When ready to serve, top the oats with the pineapple, sliced kiwi, a bit more almond butter and toasted coconut. Drizzle everything with honey and go at it!

honey caramelized pineapple
Add the pineapple to a skillet over medium heat and add the honey. Cook, tossing and stirring often, until the pineapple becomes golden and caramely.

Mediterranean Frittata

Nonstick olive oil or coconut oil spray
¼ cup onion, diced
¼ cup jarred roasted red peppers, drained and diced
¼ cup artichoke hearts, diced
3 eggs
1 teaspoon dried parsley
Freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese

Spray a small, microwave-safe pan with cooking spray. Whisk eggs. Add in all other ingredients. Microwave 30 seconds, or until mostly set on the bottom. Add more time in 10-sec intervals if needed. Flip eggs and microwave until set.

Mochaccino Protein Shake

1 serving chocolate protein powder
½ cup unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened coconut milk
½ cup brewed coffee, chilled
½ frozen banana
1 tablespoon raw cacao
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil or Omega-3 fish oil supplement

Raspberry Peach Smoothie Bowl

1/2 C unsweetened almond or coconut milk
1/2 C frozen raspberries
1/2 C frozen peaches
1 Tbsp ground flax seed
1 serving vanilla or chocolate protein powder

Blend all ingredients together. Splash in more milk if necessary, but be sure to keep the mixture thick. Serve in a bowl topped with 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds and 1/4 C fresh raspberries. Top with nuts and chia or flax seeds.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

By Collage Video | | fitness, goals, Healthy, Kathy Smith, Recipe, Weekly Blog, Wellness | 0 comments | Read more

The BEST Predictor of Weight Loss Success

by Kathy Smith

You already know that the formula for burning insane amounts of fat and keeping it off, is more than cutting calories and guzzling detox juices. All that will do is revert you back to old patterns and gaining weight faster than you can say yo-yo!

The vital process in the weight loss journey is to transform good habits into a LIFESTYLE. This requires a mental shift – a new way of thinking that, just like any other new habit, requires practice. Often times, women are hesitant to go all-in on the weight loss journey, because they’re afraid that eventually, their engine of motivation will ware off, and their train will de-rail and fall off the tracks. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Studies prove that the best predictor for lasting weight will be to analyze how many pounds you drop within the first 30 days. But, the first two weeks of your weight loss journey are the most important…this is the time where you develop habits and guidelines for healthy eating that you can follow throughout your life. During this time, you learn to curb unhealthy cravings and shift your mindset to change course. Results are motivating, and if you see the pounds start to drop in the first two weeks, you will naturally build momentum, to transform your new habits into a healthy lifestyle.

During the first few weeks when you feel the urge to pick up the fork and go crazy, remember the H-A-L-T method. Ask yourself:

H – Am I actually HUNGRY, or am I…

If you’re still undecided after answering those questions, try the apple test. If you’re truly hungry, the sweet, juicy flavor of an apple will excite your taste buds. If not, it’s time to keep investigating your feelings. Remember, if hunger isn’t what you’re feeling, then food won’t be the solution. Instead of grabbing for the nearest chocolate cake, try lacing up your shoes for a 10-min walk outside.

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

5 Rules For Optimal Eating In 2016

by Kathy Smith

Most people tend to get caught in a vicious cycle of dieting and then blowing the diet. It usually begins something like this…You’re unhappy with the way you look and feel. You seek a diet that promises instant weight loss through complete control of what, when, and how you eat. It feels safe, because you know exactly what you have to do to reach your goal. Soon enough you discover that you just can’t stick to it..and you end up right back where you started, with the exact same eating pattern that got you wanting to go on a diet in the first place.

And so the cycle continues.

The problem here is that those “diets” treat the dieter like a machine that can be programmed. But the truth is that eating well has to take into account the food’s less scientific side.

You may have already had an experience similar to this one. Maybe you, like millions of others, white-knuckled a liquid detox. If you did, then it won’t come as news to hear that the number-one reason people give up such diets is not because they reach their target weight. It’s because they couldn’t stand to go for so long without “real food.” Anyway, it’s simple human nature to rebel against such rigidity imposed from the outside. being told what we’re supposed to like, and be satisfied with it, will eventually create its opposite intended effect.

Most plans don’t take into account what food really means to us. They don’t consider how the flavor and color and texture and temperature and presentation of food can give us so much pleasure. They don’t consider how food is intimately entwined with our social and cultural customs. They don’t consider how food and the environment in which we eat comfort us. They don’t consider how eating foods that you don’t like leave you unsatisfied.

Eating well has to be seen as an ongoing process in your life. So in 2016, add these 5 eating habits into your routine for optimal eating:


Liquid calories are often the most dangerous, especially when it comes to sugary drinks. That’s because liquid sugars hit our liver even faster than solid foods – and the faster fructose hits our liver, the higher the chances that the liver will convert it to fat. That’s why sodas containing high fructose corn syrup are to be avoided at all costs. But even freshly-squeezed fruit juice can wreak havoc on our blood sugar because of its high Glycemic Index, a system that calculates foods’ effect on our blood sugar. So while orange juice is a great source of Vitamin C, it’s completely stripped of the fiber found in whole oranges, which means when we drink it, a blood sugar spike is right around the corner.

Nothing beats water, of course – but if you’d like to “jazz up” your daily water intake, try infusing it with some fruit or veggies. Sliced lemons, limes, cucumbers, and even strawberries can lend some flavor to a pitcher of water without adding sugar and calories. Herbal tea is another great option – and if you’re craving juice, try cutting it with sparkling water so that you can still enjoy the fruity sweetness without putting yourself back on the blood sugar roller coaster.


While the occasional cocktail is fine from time to time, try steering clear of alcohol for 30 days. It’s a source of empty calories (there’s a reason they call it a “beer belly”), and it can wreak havoc on your metabolism. Not to mention that it’s harder to resist the temptation of unhealthy foods when there’s some alcohol in your system. So for now, skip that happy hour and use that time for a workout instead!

BONUS Reason: Alcohol can prevent fat burning by up to 73%!

When you do decide to indulge in a cocktail, it’s important to understand that your choices – right down to the mixer – can determine whether or not you’re adding dozens of empty calories to your day. Traditional margaritas are among the worst offenders, packing a whopping 700+ calorie count, and often much of those calories are coming from high-fructose-corn-syrup-laden sweet & sour mix. Put some salt around the rim and you’ve treated yourself to some additional next-day bloat. Instead, try a vodka with club soda and just a squirt of cranberry juice for a touch of sweetness.


Chances are good that this isn’t the first time you’ve been told fiber is good for you. Grandmothers have implored us to eat more veggies, fruit, and whole grains for centuries. But an onslaught of new research and flashy media bites have given the classic f-word a sexy makeover. With yogurts, cereals and even chocolate bars boasting “added fiber” on their labels, fiber is suddenly the must-have diet product of the moment. And for good reason.

Because fiber helps you to absorb fewer calories by escorting them out of your digestive system before those calories can be transformed into fat, some diet plans consider high-fiber foods to be “freebies” – things you can eat in unlimited amounts. If you’re on a diet plan that tracks nutritional points, for example, these “freebies” might fall into the 0 point category. This is certainly true of many veggies, especially of the dark green, leafy variety. There’s no reason to practice portion control when it comes to kale.


Timing when you eat your carbs throughout the day can mean the difference between fat loss and fat gain. Here’s why…. When you exercise, sugar is shuttled to your muscles, instead of being stored as fat. And, exercise unleashes your muscle’s glucose receptors. So the trick is to eat most of your carbs in the hours after exercising. Remember… on days when you don’t work out, even a 10-Min HIIT workout or walk can help you process carbs more efficiently.

Here’s a ballpark range of what’s appropriate, safe and effective, depending on your level of activity –

0-50g Carbs Per Day: If you’re trying to lose a lot of water weight in a couple days, cut your carbs below 50/day.
50-100g Carbs Per Day: If you’re staying in this range, chances are good that you’ll achieve healthy weight loss.
150-300g Carbs Per Day: Even though this is represents the low end of a typical American’s daily carb intake, the truth is that this number can lead to gradual weight gain (depending on the types of carbs you’re eating, and your activity level).


Instead of grazing throughout the day, eat a smaller meal or snack every 3-4 hours. The weight loss math is simple: Three 400-calorie meals and two 200-calorie snacks equals 1,600 calories a day. Generally speaking, that’s a good daily caloric intake for weight loss, but of course these numbers vary depending on your body type and activity level.

The benefits of eating smaller portions of healthy foods every 3-4 hours include:

  • Stabilized insulin levels
  • Higher metabolism
  • Preserved lean muscle mass
  • Fewer mood swings
  • Helps control cravings
  • Prevents overeating

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

1-Day Energy Makeover

by Kathy Smith


It’s officially the season of Sundance Film Festival here in Park City, UT! A few of my friends are in town, and we’re going non-stop from films to new restaurants to early morning workouts. And, with 7 more days to go of the festival, I need all the energy I can get! Which is exactly why I created this 1-day energy makeover. So if you are feeling exhausted before the day even begins, and want to feel refreshed and ready to take on your day, try these tips for one day to give you more mojo than a cup of joe ever could!

The Day Before You Begin Your 1-Day Energy Makeover –

Schedule tomorrow’s workouts for the times you most need them. Almost everyone feels more relaxed, alert, and alive after exercise. If you can figure out at what point in your day you most need to recharge your batteries, and make it a habit to work out then, you’ll find yourself looking forward to it.

6:00 am – Energize Your Words

Before you roll out of the sheets, say aloud the following energizing affirmation

Vitality is coursing through my body
like a river of well-being. I have
so much vital energy that it
spills over and enriches my environment.
I give from a place of unlimited abundance
whenever I allow love to flow through me.

6:30 am – Open The Curtains

The natural light will help trigger your body to wake up and get moving! If it’s still dark outside when you wake up, flip on the lights! Artificial lights also help in optimizing your wake-up process. I recommend using compact fluorescent bulbs labeled “daylight.” This type of light is most similar to natural, outdoor color temperatures.

7:00 am – Start Your Workout Slowly

Tie up your shoes, and start your workout slowly and gradually. Your top priority should be to get some kind of exercise routine going, no matter how small. A daily five or ten-minute walk is far better than a full gym workout you never do. Start with a small, easy routine you can be consistent with. Begin with this 5-min indoor walking video. 

8:00 am – Go For The Green (Tea)

Get ready to take on the day with this ENERGY-PACKED smoothie recipe! Thanks to the natural lift you get with green tea mixed with the smooth chocolate raspberry flavor, it’s the perfect combination to allow you to DRINK MORE, and WEIGH LESS!

11:00 am – Sitting Is The New Smoking

Doctors, research journals, even the World Health Organization agree: Sitting is the new smoking. A sedentary lifestyle may be to blame for a host of illnesses, from fatty liver disease to diabetes, even for people who work out regularly but spend too much time sitting. Sure, we live in a computer-based world, and we can’t always jump up from our desks for a quick jog. For adding activity to your day, it’s the little stuff that counts. Try these three no-sweat moves to do at a desk.

12:00 – Add An Avocado To Your Lunch

Today’s the day to let go of fat-phobia, and add some healthy fats, such as an avocado or a handful of almonds, to your lunch. If you’re not eating enough of these good-for-you fats, it will actually shortchange your body’s ability to create energy-producing hormones.

2:00 pm – Snack On An Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away…but it also jolts your energy! Because apples are high in fiber, they take longer for your body to digest, which increases the amount of time that your body feels lifted. For an even more effective pick-me-up, eat your apple with a slice of cheese.

3:00 – Make Time For Magnesium

Magnesium is the mineral that improves cell efficiency, which allows your body to conserve energy. And, many women don’t get the daily recommended dose of 400 mg a day. A typical multivitamin will only have about 100 mg. Here’s a fun fact: one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds has as much magnesium as a whole banana and it delivers healthy fats at the same time.

4:00 pm – Shop For Bones

This year’s hottest energy drink is sweeping the nation, but surprisingly, it doesn’t contain any caffeine or kale, and has been a staple in your grandmother’s kitchen for ages. Women everywhere are heating up their stoves for a serving of the newest trend…bone broth. Grab my homemade recipe here.

6:00 pm – Savor Salmon

Salmon reigns king when it comes to its omega-3 fatty acids, but it also is packed with vitamin B6 riboflavin and niacin, which help turn food into fuel. Try my Broiled Salmon Dijonnaise recipe. It’s delicious and easy-to-make, and won’t take more than 20 minutes to make, including cooking time. So, enjoy!

8:00 pm – Rejuvenate With Yoga

Yoga is more than just a form of exercise. It also releases stress and gives you greater peace of mind. Of course, improved flexibility, range of motion, coordination, posture, concentration and circulation are amazing benefits, too! Before you slip into the sheets, try this 90 relaxing yoga clip using a wall and a chair. 

Kathy Smith, New York Times bestselling author, has stood at the forefront of the fitness and health industries for over 30 years. The numbers speak for themselves: Kathy has sold more than 20 million exercise DVDs - landing her in the Video Hall of Fame - and $500 million in Kathy Smith products. With her revolutionary approach to fitness, Smith has touched millions of people, inspiring them to move, live, and love.

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