Alive Magazine interviewed Suzanne Andrews...

by Suzanne Andrews

Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews Top Trending Workout for Healthy Aging!
Alive Magazine interviewed Suzanne Andrews, the producer of Functional Fitness on PBS. Due to it's strong and growing popularity with adults who want to remain active into their later years Functional Fitness is one of the fastest growing ways to stay healthy and Suzanne knows because she's the founder of this style of working out. 
Question:  "In just a couple sentences, could you explain exactly what functional fitness is to you?"
Suzanne Andrews Answer: Functional Fitness is more than a trend to me.  I've personally benefited from it several times... After sustaining back and neck injuries from a major car accident and severe bilateral shoulder injuries from a work accident, I regained full function through Functional Fitness.  As a rehab clinician,  I've had the pleasure of helping many patients with arthritis, osteoporosis, copd and women's health issues, regain a better quality of life through Functional Fitness healthy aging techniques.
What an honor to be rated the top trend for healthy aging!  Thanks for taking the time to be with a very important person - YOU!
Remember to be Healthwise-Exercise:)

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

By Collage Video | | fit, Functional Fitness, health, Healthy, healthy aging, Suzanne Andrews, Weekly Blog |
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