Wash It Out With Water
by Jari Love
When you step onto that scale, you suddenly weigh more than you did the day before. Think about it some more. Your scale could be lying to you…
It only tells you how much you weigh at the time you are on it. It doesn’t tell you that you did not drink enough water the previous day or you had too much sodium. Think about what you ate yesterday. The extra weight could have come from the excess sodium consumed in the previous day. Those extra pounds could just be from water retention.
Fun Fact: One teaspoon of table salt is around 2,000 mg of sodium and if we consume more than 3,000 mg per day we start to retain water.
The old adage is that the "more you put in, the more you release" and someone who attentively consumes eight glasses of water each day is going to shed just as much fluid - if not more. The less water you drink, the more your body will hold on to.
Always aim to drink plenty of water and at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday. This will be the key for a happy digestive system and rolling out a flat abdomen. Now let’s talk about what you are eating.