Qualifications: Certified in OM Yoga and Anusara Yoga. On faculty at Kripalu. Instructor at ECA conventions. Had taught in Argentina, Spain, Italy, France, and the British West Indies.
Personal History: I was introduced to yoga as a freshman in college at Cornell University. I found it again upon graduating and moving to New York to work as a textile designer. After working as a designer in NYC and Italy, I studied Art Education at Parsons/The New School. During my studies, I met Cyndi Lee as she was about to open OM Yoga on 14th Street; she invited me to apply for her first teacher training. In early 1998, I began teaching privately as well as teaching classes at OM, then moved to the Movement Salon. I met John Friend and began studying Anusara Yoga intensely in 2000. I then opened up Virayoga in Soho in 2002, which is still thriving. In 2005, I met my husband, Anthony, and gave birth to our son, Jonah, in October 2006. Ever since, my job consists of traveling, teaching, and seeing the world through Jonah's eyes.
Workout Philosophy: Always give preference to deeper breathing over deeper postures.
Success Story: Tom in NYC was able to fully heal himself of acute arthritis via his yoga practice within one year. He's now an active teacher on the staff at Virayoga. I'm so proud of him.