Ellie Crawley

Click to Meet the Instructor

I am incredibly passionate about health & fitness, swinging kettlebells, lifting the barbell and how building physical strength can make you strong mentally and emotionally too.

I am just like most people though, I haven't always been into fitness, in fact at school I would be the last person around in every race. After finishing school I went straight into work, over the years I have worked in pubs so used to smoke and drink a lot, I have had stressful sales jobs which has meant lack of sleep and not looking after myself.

So my journey has been filled with up's and down's, experimenting with the latest fad diet, craze and filled with self doubt just like most peoples.

After finding weight training I became addicted to going to the gym and how lifting weights empowered me. Then came along Strong First - The School of Strength. I started training with kettlebells and I have never looked back. I am now a SFG1 & SFL Strong First Instructor and I am qualified in nutrition coaching for sports & exercise. The Strong First principles are something I train by, believe in and incorporate in all my PT training sessions and classes. I am on a path to learn, develop and grow. I am a student of strength. By being the best version of myself, learning more and giving you all the best information and knowledge I can then hopefully I will add some extra value to your lives too.

So with a little bit of self belief, swinging some kettlebells and lifting some heavy weights, I am content, motivated, energized and ready to help you feel the same.

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