Qualifications: Senior Teacher with Down Under Yoga and DVD instructor for Yoga Journal.
Personal History: As a dedicated Ashtanga practitioner for many years, Natasha is equally captivated by the precision of the Iyengar system. These two traditions inform her teaching, creating a mindful and dynamic blend of Vinyasa Flow.
Now a Senior Teacher with Down Under Yoga, and a writer, teacher, and DVD instructor for Yoga Journal, Natasha is known world-wide for her ability to communicate the essence of sophisticated postures and ideas in ways that have a transformative effect upon one’s understanding of Yoga.
Over the past twenty years, she has refined a method of teaching that empowers students to make profound connections between the alignment of the body and the mind, the physical and the spiritual.
This perspective on Yoga and Asana is Align Your Flow™ It is meditation in motion. It’s about using the linking of breath and movement to become completely absorbed in the present moment. It’s an approach to Vinyasa that emphasizes alignment as a way to develop what the ancient Yogis called eka grata or one-pointed focus.
It’s a physical practice that encourages the most vital and intelligent Self on the mat, disengaged from the chatter that so often distracts and defines. It’s a way to move the body consciously and thoughtfully, accurately observing the effects of actions and therefore acting more skillfully, which is both the essence and the goal of Yoga. It’s about cultivating a quality of attention in asana practice that translates into daily life.
It’s a way to create a relationship between what you do on the mat and who you are off the mat.