Sienna Smith
Click to Meet the Instructor
Qualifications: Yoga Journal Contributor, Registered Yoga Alliance teacher trainer, fully certified in two systems of yoga, registered yoga therapist, and owner of Yoga Mountain Studio.
Personal History: Teaching yoga in the San Francisco Bay Area for 12 years, she has studied extensively with Gary Kraftsow, John Friend, Christina Sell, Lama Palden, Maritza, and Georg Feuerstein. Her daily yoga and meditation practice brings inner and outer strength, and clarity and compassion to her life. Her classes, privates, and trainings align students in their physical body, and anchor their heart and mind in life-affirming yogic philosophy leading to greater freedom and joy. Sienna has appeared in Yoga Journal three times, Gary Kraftsow’s top-selling yoga DVD, Yoga for the Low Back, and has two home practice DVD’s. She has two children, enjoys hiking in Marin’s beautiful open space, and has a sweet tooth she remedies with her raw chocolate creations.