Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Aerobics Impact
Lower Impact: Both feet never leave the ground at the same time. This minimizes stress on your knees.
Higher Impact: Includes movements like jumps, hops and skips. Very high-impact is called plyometrics.
Mixed Impact: This alternates or combines the above styles.
Aerobics Choreography
Basic: The easiest to follow. It ranges from simple walking-style marches to sports and athletic movements.
Complex: More intricate combinations and patterns. They're ideal for people who like to dance.
Moderate: More interesting than Basic, less dancy than Complex.
Toning Emphasis
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Level: Advanced
Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Aerobics Impact: Higher
Lower Impact: Both feet never leave the ground at the same time. This minimizes stress on your knees.
Higher Impact: Includes movements like jumps, hops and skips. Very high-impact is called plyometrics.
Mixed Impact: This alternates or combines the above styles.
Aerobics Choreography: Complex
Basic: The easiest to follow. It ranges from simple walking-style marches to sports and athletic movements.
Complex: More intricate combinations and patterns. They're ideal for people who like to dance.
Moderate: More interesting than Basic, less dancy than Complex.
Toning Emphasis: Abs
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Toning Emphasis: Total Body
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Toning Emphasis: Upper Body
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Cathe Friedrich (Instructor Profile)
SKU: 7421
114 min.
Street Date:
Certified instructor description: Two of the toughest workouts ever — pure cardio and aero/tone intervals. Superbly cued by Cathe Friedrich, both programs are sure to challenge the most conditioned athlete. “Imax 2” features ten three-part circuits — an aerobic segment, an anaerobic “sprint,” and a recovery period. It's all super-intense. The aerobics are complex and innovative. The anaerobics are off-the-chart tough (a single section may include dozens of plyo-jacks and airborne “flying angels”). Even the “recovery periods” are quick-paced. The challenge continues with the “Cardio & Weights” interval workout. It features complex choreography and varied-duration aerobic intervals. Its compound conditioning segments use extra-heavy dumbbells to work multiple muscle groups (with smooth transitions that, somehow, never slow your pace). Includes some recognizable vocals like “Pina Colada,” “Build Me Up Buttercup” and “Somebody's Watching Me.” Requires at least three sets of heavy dumbbells (e.g. 5, 10 and 20 lbs.). ©2002.