Dancing with the Stars: Dance Body Tone
Level: Begin/Inter
Aerobics Impact: Mixed
Aerobics Choreography: Moderate
Toning Emphasis: Lower Body
Toning Emphasis: Total Body
Instructor: Dmitry Chaplin (Instructor Profile)
Instructor: Kym Johnson (Instructor Profile)
Instructor: Lacey Schwimmer (Instructor Profile)
SKU: 5773
Runtime: 52 min.
Region: 1
Street Date: 11/24/2009
Certified instructor description:
A series of “real” dance moves selected and taught to incorporate a muscle toning element. You get the energy of dance with the fat-burning and body-sculpting benefits of traditional exercise. The Latin dance section is led by Kym Johnson. It's primarily cardio with varied hip moves that engage your abs and core. The Tango, by Dmitry Chaplin, is next. Taught more slowly, it emphasizes Tango's deep, lunge-type motions — movements that really work your buns and thighs. The final section, Freestyle Tango, is led by Lacey Schwimmer. It boosts the tempo, adds some attitude and includes new Tango-style moves. It's mostly “learn as you go;” there is not much “cuing.” Filmed on the TV show set with dance-specific music. ©2009.