Gentle Yoga for Beginners with Sarah Starr - Collage Video
Backcover Description: Gentle Yoga for Beginners Sunny Bloom: Soak up the sunshine energy in the bright spring...

Full Backcover Description

Gentle Yoga for Beginners

Sunny Bloom: Soak up the sunshine energy in the bright spring bloom while enjoying a gentle seated yoga practice, great for all levels…especially beginners! Stay low on your mat and experience the benefits of gentle yoga. Includes seated, all fours, and supine stretches for your shoulders, back, hips, legs, and more. Approx. 30 minutes. Closed Captions: English SDH

Golden Rays: Allow the ocean waves and golden sunset to recharge your body as we gently stretch from head to toe with seated and standing poses for your shoulders, chest, back, hips, hamstrings, and more. Relax and enjoy all the benefits of yoga as we tone, strengthen, improve balance, increase flexibility, and reduce stress. Approx. 30 minutes. Closed Captions: English SDH

Happy Yoga is designed to bring you the beauty of Mother Nature as you receive yoga’s rejuvenating benefits, including flexibility, toning, clarity, and balance. Enjoy a yoga practice that is invigorating, fun, and effective.

Gentle Yoga for Beginners with Sarah Starr

Happy Yoga TV LLC

$ 16.99 

Level: Beginner

Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.

Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).

Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.

Instructor: Sarah Starr (Instructor Profile)
SKU: BAY3528
Runtime: 60 min.
Region: 1
Street Date: 9/14/2021

Certified instructor description:

Happy Yoga from Sarah Starr is designed to bring you the beauty of Mother Nature as you receive yoga's rejuvenating benefits, including flexibility, toning, clarity and balance. This DVD contains two complete Yoga practices designed especially for beginners.

Sunny Bloom: Soak up the sunshine energy in the bright spring bloom while enjoying a gentle seated yoga practice, great for all levels... especially beginners! Stay low on your mat and experience the benefits of gentle yoga. Includes seated, all fours, and supine stretches for your shoulders, back, hips, legs and more.

Golden Rays: Allow the ocean waves and golden sunset to recharge your body as we gently stretch from head to toe with seated and standing poses for your shoulders, chest, back, hips, hamstrings and more. Relax and enjoy all the benefits of yoga as we tone, strengthen, improve balance, increase flexibility, and reduce stress.

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