Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.
Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).
Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.
Aerobics Impact
Lower Impact: Both feet never leave the ground at the same time. This minimizes stress on your knees.
Higher Impact: Includes movements like jumps, hops and skips. Very high-impact is called plyometrics.
Mixed Impact: This alternates or combines the above styles.
Aerobics Choreography
Basic: The easiest to follow. It ranges from simple walking-style marches to sports and athletic movements.
Complex: More intricate combinations and patterns. They're ideal for people who like to dance.
Moderate: More interesting than Basic, less dancy than Complex.
Toning Emphasis
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Toning Emphasis: Total Body
Upper body: Arms, chest and back.
Lower Body: Legs, thighs, hips and buttocks.
Abs: Abdominals (stomach), core and sometimes lower back.
Total body: Tones all three of the above muscle groups.
Joshua Smith (Instructor Profile)
SKU: BV951
Certified instructor description: The new Pilates Sports Center “Pilates for Men: 10-20-30 Challenge” three DVD series puts to the ultimate test the training philosophy of Joseph Pilates, who believed that if you follow his program, in 10 sessions you’ll feel a difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see a difference and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body! The program was developed by men, for men, and is a series of variations on traditional Pilates work. You are about to try something you’ve never seen before and are going to see fantastic improvement in your posture, flexibility, strength and control. DVD 2 – The Band Workout: This workout concentrates on resistance work in ways you have likely never seen before. If you never thought that a simple elastic band could ever do much in the world of fitness, then think again. BONUS FEATURES: Safety Tips, Beginner & Advanced Options, Version 1 (includes verbal cues), Version 2 (music only).