Viniyoga Yoga Therapy For The Low Back, Sacrum & Hips With Gary Kraftsow - Collage Video
Backcover Description: Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back, Sacrum and Hips features short, simple therapeutic yoga practices...

Full Backcover Description

Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back, Sacrum and Hips features short, simple therapeutic yoga practices carefully designed to alleviate pain and promote health in the low back, sacrum and hips. For the first time ever on DVD, benefit from the expert guidance of Gary Kraftsow, one of the world's leading yoga therapists. Founder of the American Viniyoga Institute, Gary is the designer of the only yoga practices demonstrated to be effective for back pain in a National Institutes of Health-sponsored clinical study. If you are one of the 8 out of 10 Americans who have or will experience back pain, make the powerful therapeutic practices on this DVD a part of your everyday regimen for health and well-being! Highlights from this DVD include: Presentation on Understanding Back Pain and the application of yoga therapy. Technique Workshop on how to safely perform postures and movements. Focused practice for Low Back and Sacrum Therapy. Focused practice for Hip Therapy. Integrated practice for sustained low back Strength and Stability. Bonus MP3s of all practices for audio-only classes at home or on the go.

Viniyoga Yoga Therapy For The Low Back, Sacrum & Hips With Gary Kraftsow


$ 18.99 SRP $ 24.99

Level: Beg/Int/Adv

Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.

Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).

Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.

Instructor: Gary Kraftsow (Instructor Profile)
SKU: BV4474
Runtime: 115 min.
Region: 1
Street Date: February 3, 2009

Certified instructor description:

This DVD is designed to teach you how to alleviate and eliminate low back pain.  These workouts are highly educational and are designed to develop healthy movement patterns. The postures in this DVD are done slowly and held for at least ten seconds before the next progression is added on. New learners will have plenty of time to understand and practice the posture and ample opportunity to repeat each posture. This is a type of yoga called Viniyoga therapy: a series of modified yoga postures that are done as individual postures and stretches and are also adapted to meet the needs of each individual.

This DVD is unique because it does not feel like a yoga class. It feels like a physical therapy session for a person who has pain in their back and want to get rid of it. There are three separate practices on this DVD: the first one is called “Low back and sacrum therapy;” the second workout is called “Hip Therapy;” and the third workout is an integrated workout of the previous two workouts called “strength and stability.”  You can choose which workout to follow designed on how much time they have and what body parts they are focusing on.  The instruction in each of these workouts is very matter of fact. The customer will hear the instruction, see the name of the posture in text, see the instructor teach the posture and have the opportunity to click into a review of the posture if necessary.

Low back and Sacrum therapy is a series of recognizable postures that have been modified to give the customer the optimal benefits. A Cat and Cow posture will start out very slow and then exaggerated movement is layered in. Each posture has a starting place and the instructor gives the customer the option of advancing the posture by adding more challenges. The Hip therapy routine is designed to stretch, align and balance the hips and the postures included are specific to those areas. The last workout is an integration of the two workouts and blends the postures from the Low back and Hip therapy workouts. The postures have yoga names but they do not look or sound identical to everyday yoga vocabulary. Instructor Gary Kraftsow calls this type of workout Viniyoga. Viniyoga is different from yoga because it identifies weaknesses and adapts the postures to strengthen weak muscles, increase range of motion and improve structural stability.

Buying Guide: This is not a traditional yoga flow workout, this is for a specific condition: a how-to DVD routine designed to help get rid of pain. This workout is like having the Doctor, the trainer, the chiropractor in your house helping you with each exercise.
Low Back and Sacrum Therapy = 23 minutes total
Hip Therapy = 31 minutes total
Integrated workout = 31 minutes
DVD ©2007.

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