Viniyoga Yoga Therapy For The Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders With Gary Kraftsow - Collage Video
Backcover Description: Viniyoga Therapy for the Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders features short, simple therapeutic yoga practices...

Full Backcover Description

Viniyoga Therapy for the Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders features short, simple therapeutic yoga practices carefully designed to alleviate pain and promote health in the upper back, neck and shoulders. For the first time ever on DVD, benefit from the expert guidance of Gary Kraftsow, one of the world's leading yoga therapists. Founder of the American Viniyoga Institute, Gary is the designer of the only yoga practices demonstrated to be effective for back pain in a National Institutes of Health-sponsored clinical study. If you are one of the 8 out of 10 Americans who have or will experience back pain, make the powerful therapeutic practices on this DVD a part of your everyday regimen for health and well-being!

Highlights from this DVD include:

Presentation on Understanding Back Pain and the application of yoga therapy.

Technique Workshop on how to safely perform postures and movements.

Focused practice for Upper Back and Neck Therapy.

Focused practice for Neck and Shoulder Therapy.

Integrated practice for sustained upper back Strength and Stability.

Bonus MP3s of all practices for audio-only classes at home or on the go.

Viniyoga Yoga Therapy For The Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders With Gary Kraftsow


$ 18.99 SRP $ 24.99

Level: Beg/Int/Adv

Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.

Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).

Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.

Instructor: Gary Kraftsow (Instructor Profile)
SKU: BV4481
Runtime: 170 min.
Region: 1
Street Date: February 3, 2009

Certified instructor description:

Gary Kraftsow is passionate about what he teaches and he is an excellent instructor: you will feel like he is teaching only to you. If you are looking for an educational as well as functional workout, this will not disappoint. These are focused practices designed to strengthen and mobilize the upper back and stretch and align the neck and shoulders. Every posture has the same overall purpose: to alleviate pain. ©2007; No equipment required

This DVD includes three separate programs each with their own objective. Gary Kraftsow uses yoga postures to accomplish the different tasks. A modified Warrior posture is included to help you focus on what it feels like to pull the scapula apart and open the chest. A Triangle posture is used to stretch the neck. The postures that are used are recognizable but the instructor has taken liberty to position an arm or leg differently to maximize the benefit from the posture. The postures do not move quickly. This is not a yoga flow. This is a series of postures that are not rushed. You get plenty of time to feel the benefits of the move and breathe into each posture as the stretch gets deeper. Very clear directions are given on how to perform these moves and it is helpful that the instructor is not doing the workout. Instead he demonstrates hands on teaching and viewers can see the right and the wrong way to do the movements. The instructor has plenty of experience and knows common mistakes. This allows him to address the possible mistake before it happens, making it a powerful teaching style.

The first workout is for the upper back and neck. This workout includes floor, kneeling and standing postures. The second workout is called, “Neck and Shoulder therapy.” These postures are more range of motion movements then only strength building moves. The third workout is the integration practice. This workout combines the strength postures from the first workout and the stability and mobility movements from the second workout. The third workout most resembles yoga, because the postures are familiar. Standing crescent pose, Warrior III pose, Triangle and seated staff pose are all included in this workout. Like always, each posture is not rushed and there is enough time for the participants to add difficulty if they would like to.

Buyer’s Guide:

After doing these three practices, there is no doubt that my shoulders and neck moved with more freedom. These are not very exciting programs, but they are well taught and do exactly what they say they will. I prefer a faster paced workout but would include this type of workout every once in a while if I was looking for a specific stretch focused on just a certain body part. This is a workout that is very educational. You will learn how to do these postures and, more importantly, why to do them.

Upper Back and Neck = 22 min

Neck and shoulder therapy = 32 min

Strength and Stability = 40 min

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