This practice takes place in a serene beach setting with palm trees. Anastasia and two students demonstrate poses on elevated pedestals on the beach. The students demonstrate some Level 1 and 2 modifications using props to help yogis with tight shoulders or hamstrings.
Anastasia, a yoga and nutrition expert and former international model, has developed a terminology for different areas of the body using the word “pulse”. The pulse zones seem to be similar to the chakras. This practice is customized to help open the communication pulse zone (also known as the throat chakra), the intuition pulse zone (or the third eye/sixth chakra), and the connection pulse zone (or top of the head/crown chakra). What makes this practice different from others is that the teacher frequently reminds you to use affirmations to cultivate voice, intuition, and connection to the universe. Throughout the practice, she consistently invites yogis to bring the energy of the colors blue, indigo, and violet into the respective pulse zones to deepen the connection to these qualities and areas.
In the Preparation section, the teacher reviews the focus pulse zones, with the meaning and an affirmation for each. This section gives yogis an excellent sampling of various yoga breathing techniques and meditation to help relax and center themselves for the practice. This focus on specific breathing exercises and their benefits, including the unique and effective humming breath, makes this DVD stand out.
The Movement section starts with a slow-moving round of Sun Salutations, followed by some standing and seated poses to stimulate the communication pulse zone. Some interesting and innovative transitions between poses will keep experienced yogis engaged. The practice moves on to several inversions, including Handstand preparation, Handstand, Shoulderstand, and Plow, which are meant to stimulate both the intuition and connection pulse zones. Anastasia’s alignment cues are appropriate and important to follow for some of the more challenging inversions. The transitions and flow of poses are well thought-out and balanced to make sure the counter poses are included.
Buyer’s Guide:
Overall this is a slow-moving, intermediate-level practice with a focus on good alignment and inversions. The spiritual connection to the communication, intuition, and connection pulse zones make it unique. The sampling of breathing exercises at the beginning is useful and a great reminder. The visualization of violet light as “shower water” made it easy to feel the energy. I felt tingly and connected at the end of the Preparation section of the practice. This practice left me feeling rejuvenated, and more open and confident.
Practitioners who are seeking to lose weight or develop a deeper mind/body connection will enjoy and benefit from this practice. Anastasia emphasizes that several of the postures used to stimulate the communication pulse zone help increase metabolism, promote healthy thyroid function, and encourage weight loss when practiced on a regular basis. The inversions are very rejuvenating and help open and strengthen the upper back muscles. The teacher’s unique emphasis on bringing in positive affirmations and specific healing colors to the pulse zones and throughout the whole body make this practice different. This DVD is great for those who enjoy learning about chakras and energy to help them speak their minds, and feel connected and intuitive. The focus on alleviating stress in the mind supports yogis to build confidence and connection to themselves and others. Anastasia is well-versed in the benefits of common yoga poses and this will help you deepen your awareness of yoga and its effects on your health. Final relaxation includes positive affirmations to help you feel more intuitive and connected.
Preparation/Introduction: 15 minutes
Movement/Body of Class: 28 minutes
Relaxation: 2.5 minutes
Total: 45 minutes