Yoga Pulse: Sexy Legs - Collage Video
Backcover Description: Most people wish their lower body was long, lean and toned. Most people wish for...

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Most people wish their lower body was long, lean and toned. Most people wish for their workout to be a relaxing and stress-free experience, while still being fun! Offering carefully selected and well-targeted yoga poses in a gorgeous serene beach setting, the YogaPulse: Sexy Legs DVD program gives you both of these things and more. This program, designed and developed by Anastasia, a yoga expert, nutritional consultant, former international model and a mother, teaches you safe and fun ways to move your body, and the gentle ways to calm your mind. The breathing exercises and the affirmations, taught by Anastasia can help you to feel strong, calm, capable and free, and all while getting a great workout for your lower body. As a result, your legs and rear end will be finely sculpted and toned and your mind will be relaxed, peaceful and stress-free. The YogaPulse program has helped many people worldwide to achieve their fitness goals and the positions used are fun, effective and safe both for long-term practitioners of yoga and for beginners alike. Reshape your Body, Transform Your Life!

Yoga Pulse: Sexy Legs


$ 1.99 SRP $ 14.99

Level: Beginner

Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.

Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).

Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.

Level: Intermediate

Beginner: Just starting out, very overweight or haven't exercised in over six months.

Intermediate: Active in sports, dance or any regular exercise (2 to 3 times per week).

Advanced: Very active in sports or consistently work out four or more times per week.

Instructor: Anastasia (Instructor Profile)
Runtime: 45 min.
Region: 0

Certified instructor description:

The teacher and 2 students demonstrate poses on elevated pedestals in a serene beach setting with palm trees. Overall this is a basic, slow-moving practice with a focus on good alignment and standing hip openers. It provides a good workout for the legs, and the spiritual connection to the hips and source pulse zones make it unique. At the end, I felt tingling energy in my pelvis, hips, and legs which signified that the visualizations and affirmations included in this practice worked and helped me connect to the hips and source pulse zones.

Yoga = 45 minutes

The focus of this short practice is on opening and strengthening the lower body, specifically the hips, legs, and the base of the spine. The teacher, Anastasia, aims to connect yogis to their inner strength and creativity, and to be more open and connected to the earth and to others. By opening the area at the base of the spine and the hips, yogis can strengthen and tone their legs, hips, and butt with this practice. ©2009; Optional yoga block, blanket, and yoga strap

Anastasia, a yoga and nutrition expert and former international model, has developed a terminology for different areas of the body using the word pulse. The pulse zones seem to be similar to the chakras. This practice is customized to help open the hips pulse zone (also known as the second chakra) and the source pulse zone at the base of the spine (also known as the root chakra). What makes this practice different from others is that the teacher frequently reminds students to use affirmations to cultivate strength, connection to self, and creativity. Throughout the practice, she consistently invites yogis to bring the energy of the colors red and orange into the source and hips pulse zones, respectively, to deepen the connection to these qualities and areas.

The way this teacher connects the movements to simple yogic philosophy makes this DVD unique, particularly with the pulse zone concept. She helps practitioners center themselves with an easy-to-follow breathing exercise and affirmation at the beginning of the practice. Then she guides practitioners through some warm-up sun salutations. The two other students demonstrate some Level 1 and 2 modifications using props to help yogis with tight hips, shoulders, or hamstrings. Anastasia reminds students to align both sides of the body to correct any imbalances, which is an important awareness to develop in yoga. For example, she discusses how emotional opposites in life, i.e. being happy or sad, focused or spaced out, can be reflected in the body. She encourages yogis to just focus on aligning the left and right sides of the body, and oftentimes the emotional alignment will follow.

Practitioners who enjoy the spiritual side of yoga will benefit from this practice. Any yogi who is feeling disconnected, scattered, physically or emotionally weak, or unhappy on their path, can find connection and strength with Anastasia’s instruction. Warm up is followed by slow-moving instruction for common standing poses to open the source pulse zone. It may feel challenging to hold some of the poses as long as suggested, but this is where the teacher’s encouragement to connect to spiritual energy helps yogis go one step further with their practice. For example, in Tree pose, a common balance pose, she directs practitioners to focus on the base of the spine and “imagine a vibrant red color there, extending through the legs, into the earth as if you are growing roots.” Seated hip openers follow the standing poses to open the hips pulse zone. The instruction suggests that opening the hips pulse zones helps yogis share the strength built in the source pulse zone with others. Anastasia is well-versed in the benefits of common yoga poses and this will help practitioners deepen their awareness of yoga and its effects on their health. Final relaxation includes positive affirmations to help yogis feel more balanced and creative.

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210 W. Parkway, Suite 7, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 ● © Collage Video ● Exercise Video Specialists ● Fitness Videos and Workout Videos ● 1-800-819-7111 / 201-464-4921 ●

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