Burn 400 Calories in 20 Minutes With Kettlebells

by Kathy Smith

Every bit of exercise counts. But the truth is….some workouts are more efficient than others and you owe it to yourself to experiment and try new things when it comes to fitness. Take kettelbells for example. Kettlebells are not just glorified dumbbells. They’re a workout tool that optimizes how you move your body to torch fat and tone muscle in less time.

A University of Wisconsin study found that a kettlebell workout can burn up to 20 calories per minute or 400 calories during a 20-minute session. With those numbers, all excuses for not enough time to exercise go right out the window!

It’s easy to quickly move from one exercise to the next during a kettlebell workout because of the kettlebell’s distinctive shape. When you’re smoothly moving through each exercise without stopping, you’re in what’s called the “kettlebell flow.” The calorie-burning and muscle-building don’t take a break, either.

So imagine this…You’re at the gym, moving along through a 30-minute elliptical workout at a moderate intensity. On the other side of the gym, another woman is powering through a 12-minute kettlebell routine, at high intensity, with little to no rest!
Which one of you will burn more FAT and CALORIES?
Even though you probably burned more calories during your elliptical workout, the woman doing the all-out kettlebell exercise is more likely to torch more fat and calories overall…even though she is working out for HALF as long.
Both workouts are effective ways to get in shape for summer, but the high-intensity kettlebell workout requires a bigger oxygen deficit. This leads to something called EPOC, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. This means that after your workout you need to take in more oxygen to recover properly. Because this requires more energy, your body burns even MORE calories after the workout is complete.
And because a kettlebell’s center of gravity shifts during the course of each exercise, your body – especially your core – naturally responds by engaging more muscles. Plus the shape of a kettlebell is very similar to every day objects like a heavy suitcase, moving a piece of furniture or stack of books, or even a shopping bag. Training with kettlebells has the instant benefit of making life’s heavy lifting a little easier.
Not only that, but kettlebell workouts combine the toning benefits of resistance training with the fat-blasting benefits of aerobics. The full body resistance training you get from kettlebells helps create lean muscles, which burn more calories, and reduce fat even when you’re not working out.
If you’re ready for quick results from an invigorating workout that will boost your metabolism, don’t miss today’s 5-minute FAT-BLASTING kettlebell video above.

Own your copy of Kathy Smith's Kettlebell Solution today!


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