Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews

Posts in the cardio category

Do I have to Stop Drinking Alcohol to Lose Weight?

by Suzanne Andrews

5 Things You Must Know About Alcohol for Weight Loss.
Would you like to permanently say goodbye to your over-sized clothes? We've all heard the cautionary tales about alcohol, weight loss, and how the two don't mix.
There are some very sound reasons to avoid alcohol when you're trying to lose weight. There are also plenty of healthier options for dieters who like a little drink now and then.
Here is a list of the reasons why alcohol can slow your weight loss and affect your weight.
  1. Alcohol is High in Nutrient Empty Calories.
       Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.  Protein and carbohydrates contain only 4 calories per gram, and fat contains 9 calories per gram.
       The difference is that proteins, carbohydrates, and fats pack nutrition into their calories. Calories from alcohol do not provide nutrition, and will not satisfy your hunger. This makes it easy to keep drinking – and racking up a high calorie count.
    1. Alcohol Delays the Fat-Burning Process.
       According to Dr. Robert Atkins, the human body burns alcohol before any other fuel source. That means your body will burn off all the alcohol you've consumed before turning to its store of carbohydrates and fat. This can delay your weight-loss efforts, especially if you drink frequently.
       If you can't bring yourself to abstain from alcohol, try sipping wine instead of beer or cocktails. Dr. Atkins considered the most diet-friendly drinks to be wine, hard liquor, or either of the above mixed with seltzer, tonic water, or diet soda. While losing 60 lbs I opted for a white wine spritzer once a week.  The trick is to drink it very slowly and not on an empty stomach.  Have a salad with water first and drink sips of water in between your drink. 
    1. Excessive Alcohol Consumption is Linked to Higher BMIs.
       There is a direct correlation between the amount of alcoholic drinks a person consumes during a day, and that person's Body Mass Index (BMI).    According to a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), study participants with the lowest BMIs drank three to seven times a week, but had only one drink during those days.
       Participants with the highest BMIs drank alcohol less frequently, but consumed several drinks at a time.    As with any food, alcohol isn't disastrous in small quantities. The real danger lies in overindulgence.
    1. Alcohol Ads Are Misleading.
       The latest alcohol marketing campaigns refer to certain alcoholic beverages as "low-carb" or "zero-carb". These campaigns are obviously targeting dieters, who have long avoided alcohol in their desire to lose weight. 
       While it is technically true that straight liquors are distilled and therefore contain no carbs, they still contain plenty of calories and no nutritional value.     Beer and wine do contain carbohydrates, which can lead to cravings and bloating. Mixed drinks are the worst of the lot, as they contain all sorts of added sugar and calories. 
    1. Alcohol Lowers Inhibitions.

        When we drink alcohol, our inhibitions go down. This can cause us to make decisions we would never consider while sober. When a dieter's inhibitions are lowered, they may find it difficult to say no to overeating or eating rich foods that are high in calories. 
       Intoxicated dieters might be susceptible to friends' urges to try "just one bite", or their insistence that "just one time won't hurt". Mindless snacking is also common while drunk.
       While the occasional planned splurge can actually help you stay on track to lose weight, alcohol can lead to an unplanned splurge followed by guilt and discouragement.
       It's up to you. The bottom line is that any diet boils down to how many calories you consume versus how many you burn.
       In small quantities, alcohol can be an occasional part of your weight loss plan. Just tread carefully, save the harder drinks for special occasions, and factor the extra calories into your daily total.
    Do you have weight loss questions?  Contact me at

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    7 Weight Loss Mistakes that Stop You from Losing Weight

    by Suzanne Andrews

     As any dieter knows, there is a lot of information floating around about diet and exercise - not all of it
    good. The worst part is that some of the 'tips' you read can actually sabotage your weight loss and make you fatter!
     Let's separate fact from fiction and look at seven of the most common mistakes dieters make.



       Mistake #1: Cutting too much fat.

       Many dieters believe that the less fat they eat, the better. What they don't realize is that fats are important because they make us feel satiated. Fat is also digested rather slowly, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Eat too little of it, and you could find yourself snacking more frequently but feeling less satisfied.

       Plus, many fat-free foods contain a surprising amount of sugar to improve their flavor, and sugar can lead to even stronger cravings and weight gain.

       Instead of cutting all fat from your diet, try consuming moderate portions of heart-healthy fats like avocados, nuts, olive oil, reduced-fat dairy products, and salmon. These will fill you up without harming your health.

       Mistake #2: Cutting too many carbs.

       Like fats, carbs have a place in a healthy diet. If you dramatically cut your carb intake, you might notice a quick initial weight loss. This is water weight.    When your muscles store carbohydrates, they also store water. When you burn through these carbohydrate stores, you also secrete the extra water. The pounds you lose in this fashion will be quickly regained when you start eating carbohydrates again.

       Carbs are an important energy source. They also promote a sense of well-being. The secret is to eat a reasonable amount of complex carbohydrates like those found in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and beans.

       Avoid simple sugars like soda and candy. They are a source of empty calories and will only increase your cravings for more sweets.

       Mistake #3: Cutting too many calories.

       All weight loss boils down to one simple rule: you must burn more calories than you consume. You shouldn't overdo it, though. If you eat too little, your body will rebel by slowing down its metabolism and losing lean muscle mass.

       You can avoid this by eating a minimum of 1,200 calories each day. A weekly caloric deficit of 3,500 calories will result in the loss of one pound. If you don't eat enough, you risk setting yourself up for a hunger-induced binge.

    Mistake #4: Avoiding dairy products.

       Dairy products have a bad reputation among dieters who consider them to be too high in fat and lactose. While it's true that too much whole milk and rich cheese can contribute to weight gain, there is ample evidence that low-fat dairy products are an excellent choice for dieters.

       Dairy products contain a hormone called calcitriol. This hormone tells your body to burn more fat and to convert less sugar to fat. Plus, the protein in dairy products helps you feel fuller longer. Try to consume three servings of low-fat dairy each day.

       Mistake #5: Following the latest fad.

       Nobody likes to fail at their diet, but some of the popular diet plans you read about in the headlines are simply unrealistic and unhealthy. I tried them ALL.  They are set up to fail.

       Who can live on a diet of lemonade and maple syrup? Who can be happy eating nothing but cabbage soup? Nobody, that's who. Stay away from diets that promote fast weight loss through radical means.

       The very best diet is a well-balanced eating plan that you can comfortably stick with for the rest of your life. If a diet is too drastic or unnatural, it's not a viable lifestyle choice. And if a diet says you will not have to exercise, that is simply not true.  Especially if you are over 40.  The metabolism slows down during the middle age to senior years and you must exercise to get your metabolism in the fat burning mode.

       Mistake #6: Using stimulants.

       Caffeine and ephedra are often touted as natural weight loss aids and hunger reducers. While these stimulants can make you feel less hungry, they can also cause high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and stress.

       When your body is stressed, it produces too much of the hormone cortisol, which causes your body to go into survival mode. While in this mode, your body sends out signals for you to eat more food, which it then stores as extra fat.

       Nobody needs stimulants to help them lose weight. Reduce your hunger by reducing the stress in your life and eating small, frequent, nutritious meals. That being said, I’m not saying to stop drinking coffee if you feel you must.  I admit, I have one cup every morning.  Everything in moderation, unless your doctor says otherwise. 

       Mistake #7: Avoiding strength-training exercises.

       Some dieters, particularly women, avoid strength-training because they don't want to "bulk up" and gain weight. This is unfortunate, because muscles speed up your metabolism. Strength training actually promotes fat loss and, like all exercise, helps your body release feel-good endorphins.

       Don't let the scale be your only measure of dieting success. Get a tape measure and keep track of the inches you lose when you add strength-training to your workouts.

    Own Total Strength & Conditioning Workout

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    How to End Emotional Eating and Lose Weight

    by Suzanne Andrews

       Did you know visualization is a powerful tool for achieving what you want in life? Get the weight loss
    results you want by creating your own mind movie.

       Food is fuel for the human body, and we eat it to get ourselves through the day. We also gather around the dinner table to celebrate special events and spend time with our loved ones. In times of grief, it's common to offer food to the bereaved. Is it any wonder that food and emotions are so connected?

       Unfortunately, some people feel compelled to eat far past the point of satiety. This is done in an attempt to calm volatile emotions or to fill an emotional void.

       The National Institute of Health estimates that 3% of Americans (over 9 million people) suffer from compulsive overeating, also known as Binge Eating Disorder. This disease can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and feelings of intense guilt and shame.

       Emotional eaters tend to be guided by their emotions rather than their hunger. Some eat when they are sad, lonely, or bored. Others eat when they are stressed out.

       Most are simply carrying on behaviors learned in childhood, when food was associated with comfort and reward. Emotional eating has little to do with actual hunger, and everything to do with unfulfilled needs.

       If you think you or someone you love might be struggling with compulsive emotional eating, follow these steps to start the recovery process.

       Recognize the Signs of Emotional Eating.

       Emotional eaters tend to eat until they are uncomfortably full, and they usually eat alone because

    they are self-conscious about the amount of food they are consuming. After an emotional eating binge, they might feel disgusted, guilty, or depressed about their lack of self-control.

       Learn to Identify Your Triggers.

       Every emotional eating episode has a trigger. Think back to a time when you engaged in compulsive eating. Was it a reaction to a particularly stressful day? Were you consoling yourself with food to overcome loneliness or boredom? Were you relieved that a stressful period in your life had finally come to an end? All of these situations can lead to an emotional eating binge.

     Discover Your True Needs.   

       It's not always an easy process, but if you want to overcome emotional eating, you must learn to recognize and ask for what you truly need. Do you need food, or do you need affection? Do you need food, or do you need to feel appreciated? When your true needs are fulfilled, the compulsion to eat will go away.

       Keep a Food Journal.

       A food journal is an excellent way to keep track of your food intake. You can also use it to track your feelings and emotional eating triggers. This will help you identify the thought processes leading up to a binge. Once you can identify these thoughts, you can take steps to change them and head off the next binge before it occurs.

       Replace Food with Other Rewards.

       Learn to reward yourself with treats other than food. If you need to feel pampered after meeting a stressful deadline, celebrate with a massage or a luxurious bubble bath. If you want to celebrate after losing ten pounds, buy yourself a new outfit or something related to a favorite hobby.

       Too many of us turn automatically to food as a reward, forgetting that there are many healthier ways to splurge!

       Talk to Someone Who Understands.

       Millions of people struggle with emotional eating, and you do not need to go through recovery alone. Sometimes it helps to hear from others who have beaten the disorder, and others who face the same challenges as you.

       Groups like Overeaters Anonymous ( offer support for compulsive eating.

    Healthiest blessings,

    Suzanne Andrews

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    Relax This Way to Burn Fat!

    by Suzanne Andrews

    (Week two of Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews three month FREE Fat Burning Series)

    Who would have thought that you could get a firm belly while you relax? It's possible with the help of yoga. Yoga has a two-fold effect on our bellies. First, it reduces high stress hormones that lead to weight gain. Stress-induced weight gain often results in excess belly fat. Reducing your stress level can also give you a flatter belly, trim hips and thighs and lower your risk for many diseases.
    To focus on your mid section, look for a yoga routine that includes triangle to firm your love handles and other postures that work the abdominal muscles. See the video here for three of the best fat burning yoga poses.  Try it and you’ll feel all your muscles  firming up.
    Lose weight with yoga try:

    Beginners Dynamic Yoga for Stress Release and Weight Loss


    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    Are You the Best You Can Be?

    by Suzanne Andrews

    As I walk along the Florida beaches thinking about how lucky I am to be able to see my family all around me, I can’t help but appreciate the little things.

    Being able to walk, to talk, to breathe and to laugh.

    Yesterday, I treated a patient who had no legs from diabetes (2) complications. (60 % of people with diabetes lose a limb).  

    Her name is Melinda and she is 56 years old - and what an incredible woman she is.

    When I got near her room I could hear the familiar sound that is always associated with Melinda -laughter.

    There she was - sitting on her bed surrounded by 2 church friends, who were so captivated by the amusing stories being shared by Melinda, they barely noticed me enter the room.

    Melinda has this amazing ability to lift people up, put smiles on their faces and make them feel good about the world - even if she is facing tough times.

    “Have you always been so uplifting?” I asked.  “No,” she responded.  “When I had two legs I was always miserable.  I never listened to the doctor when he told me to stop eating junk food.  And exercise? Forget about it! How I wish I had my legs to go for a walk now.” 

    Which brings me back to the amazing attitude change from Belinda. We’re working on getting her arms and abdominal muscles strong enough so she can transfer into her power wheelchair independently.

    It’s hard work and she is so cooperative with her therapy sessions. But the amazing thing is; before arriving at the rehab facility and despite all that she has to deal with, Melinda has created a life of happiness and giving for everyone she comes in contact with.

    I left her after an hour of providing her with her exercise treatment, but as I went back to document her session for Medicare, I had tears in my eyes - not tears of sadness but tears of joy and thankfulness.

    After all I have two legs and can walk.  I'm no longer focused on them being a size skinny, but instead, being a size healthy because that’s what we at Functional Fitness strive for.  The media has brainwashed too many women to feel like if they’re not a size tiny, their not attractive.  Hog wash, I say!  It’s is better to be a size healthy, than a size skinny!

    What about you?  What are your health hopes and dreams?  To have enough energy to play with your grandkids?  To be able to have strong legs to go on a cruise or sightsee?  To have a strong core so you have better balance and not become one of the 11 million people who fall every year, or to have strong arms to be able to reach into cabinets without pain?

    You can achieve all those things. Never give up your dreams and always strive to be the best you can possibly be!

    Healthiest blessings,

    Suzanne Andrews

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    By Collage Video | | cardio, exercise, Functional Fitness, Suzanne Andrews, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | Read more

    Using Weights Speeds Weight Loss

    by Suzanne Andrews

    Why Using Weights in Your At Home Workouts Speeds Weight Loss

    Don’t have tіmе to go to a gym or the mоnеу for a mеmbеrѕhір? Transform your рhуѕіԛuе with weight bearing workouts. In as little as 30 days, it’s possible to lose two dress sizes if you include weights in your at home workouts. Consistency and a sensible diet are key. 

    By uѕіng just a simple set of dumbbells and ankle weights, you can strengthen all major muscle groups when following the instructions in the Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews Total Strength and Conditioning DVD. Weights also strengthen уоur stabilizing muscles which help with balance when walking or climbing. In fасt, you rесruіt mоrе muѕсlе fіbеrѕ while performing exercise with weights. Dumbbells also activate nerve activity which boosts your mind and muѕсlе соnnесtіоn for improved реrfоrmance of daily living activities.

    Best Lower Bоdу Exеrсіѕеѕ for a Firm Butt and Legs

    Dеаd lіftѕ, Squats and Lungеѕ wіth dumbbеllѕ аrе аll extremely effective in toning and firming weakened leg and buttocks muscles. Nоt оnlу аrе thеу mоrе comfortable to use than dеаd lіftѕ with a bar, ѕԛuаtѕ аnd lunges with hand weights offer lеѕѕ ѕріnаl compression and pressure on your lower bасk. Nice feature.

    You саn реrfоrm саlf rаіѕеѕ by holding dumbbells іn either hand and raise up on the balls of your feet. Sԛuаtѕ аnd lunges target the quads but also work the calves, glutes аnd hamstrings.

    Best Uрреr Body Exеrсіѕеѕ for Firm Arms


    Dumbbells аrе аlѕо very effective in buіlding muѕсlе quickly іn the uрреr bоdу. Single аrm  rows tone and build the bасk muscles, (latissimus dorsi) and rеаr deltoids. They саn also bе uѕеd to build a firm chest аnd toned shoulders. (Think sleeveless dress!) Whіlе реrfоrmіng flat, decline оr іnсlіnе bеnсh presses you create an іnсrеаѕеd range оf mоtіоn thаt  targets the mid, lower and upper chest muscles. Alѕо dumbbells can bе uѕеd tо perform flyes on thе bеnсh аѕ an іѕоlаtіоn mоvеmеnt that really hіtѕ the ресtorals. Thay аrе grеаt fоr toning shoulder muѕсlеѕ as wеll. Sеаtеd shoulder overhead presses are very еffесtіvе, аѕ аrе ѕіdе and frоnt lаtеrаl raises. You can аlѕо do trарezius work by реrfоrmіng shrugs аnd upright rows.

    And of course, уоu саn tone thе bісерѕ, triceps, аnd the forearm muѕсlеѕ which helps you carry just about anything with greater ease. Standing alternating bicep curls really help to bring оut the dеѕіrеd arm firmness. Ovеrhеаd triceps extensions are great for reducing that behind the arm flap. Dumbbell hammer curls work both the fоrеаrmѕ аnd biceps.


    When beginning any workout routine start оut wіth light wеіghtѕ. Thіѕ is nееdеd tо allow аnd the additional stress оn уоur ѕtаbіlіzіng muѕсlеѕ to adjust safely. As you become stronger, slowly build up thе аmоunt of wеіght you lіft аnd over time watch your ability to do activities of daily living become easier.

    As you саn ѕее, thеrе аrе many еxеrсіѕеѕ you саn реrfоrm tо buіld strength and endurance wіth dumbbеllѕ. A uѕеd set оf dumbbеllѕ аnd an exercise bеnсh wіll uѕuаllу соѕt under a hundred dollars. Alѕо, this set up doesn’t rеԛuіrе a lot of space. They can easily be рlасеd іn a corner оf a small room or the gаrаgе. Itѕ іmроrtаnt when lооkіng tо tone muscle уоu реrfоrm thе right аmоunt оf rерetitions, pacing and ѕеtѕ so you can lose weight the fаѕtеѕt. With that ѕаіd, be ѕurе tо gеt оut mу other Functional Fitness tips hеrе on mу frее Functional Fitness blog. If уоu wаnt tо work оut аt hоmе, or уоu dоn't have thе money tо аffоrd a gуm, іt'ѕ реrfесtlу fine tо uѕе dumbbеllѕ to lose weight аnd get thе rеѕultѕ at home.

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    Benefits of Strength Training

    by Suzanne Andrews


    4 Unusual Benefits of Strength Training in Women Over 50

    Strength training, an important addition for the health of midlife and older women, is often overlooked. While we are in our 20’s and thirties, we are concerned with getting into that little black dress.  As a clinician who works with women who are middle age and older, I understand that the desire to look good never goes away.  However, as women age, there are far more important reasons to strength train.

    1. One surprising aspect of strength training after 50 is how it affects your endocrine system. That's the system of organs in your body that produce and regulates hormones in your bloodstream.

    Yet the myth of getting big, bulky muscles remains. Women don’t have enough testosterone to produce bulky muscles.  While Testosterone is produced in both sexes, (in the ovaries in women and the testes in men); women have about one tenth the amounts of men but it still affects your metabolism by burning fat during exercise along with increasing muscle strength and tone. Testosterone can remain in your bloodstream at elevated levels up to three hours after exercise. In women, strength training can also benefit the intensity of orgasms and that's never a bad thing.

    Own Total Strengh & Conditioning Here!

    1. Strength training helps improve body image… Why? A hormone that helps to breakdown unwanted body fat is estrogen. It increases your metabolism (burns fat as fuel), increases both your libido and your mood. The ovaries produce less of it as menopause is reached but strength training can elevate its levels in the blood for up to four hours after exercising so you feel sexier and happier. Now that's better than a valium and has much better side effects than any anti-depressant. (I do not advocate women stop taking their anti-depressant as they need to check with their doctor).
    1. The greatest loss of bone mass is women going through menopause.  Strength training not only helps women maintain muscle – it helps to maintain bone mass and reduces risk for numerous chronic diseases. 

    Osteoporosis is a major health threat for 44 million Americans every year. One out of every two women will get osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is known as the silent killer because half of the population who have low bone mass are not aware of it. Osteoporosis puts people at a much higher risk for painful bone fractures that are sometimes fatal. Over 300,000 seniors a year fracture their hip from a fall with sometimes serious complications, including death, from hip fractures.

    As we get older, the tissues that comprise the heart, lungs, arteries and veins weaken. Strength training slows that deterioration by keeping higher levels of blood, oxygen and hormones flowing.

    After age 50, you lose 1 -2% of muscle strength per year.  After 60, you lose 3% a year, which comes out to about 4.5 pounds of muscle strength a year.

    Your legs get weaker three years before your arms start becoming weak and that's why you'll notice it's becoming difficult to walk like you used to.

    Your bicep muscles in your arms help you lift stuff and your triceps help you push up to a stand.

    Not all the muscles that are important to move your arms are located in your arms: your latissimus dorsi (located in your back) pulls your shoulders back and your arms to your sides.) 

    While strong legs are important, strong arms are also vital for a fully functional life.  With strong arms you can lift your baby/grand-baby out of a car seat with ease, carry in groceries, get items of the top shelf and get in and out of the tub without injuring yourself. 

    1. What many women are unaware of is that calcium is needed for heart conduction.  If a woman has thinning bones and doesn’t have enough calcium, the body will remove calcium from the bones to give it to the heart to avoid a heart attack. So in essence, strong bones helps to decrease thinning bones and could potentially help with heart disease.

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    Get Functional with Suzanne Andrews

    by Suzanne Andrews

    Get Functional with Suzanne Andrews Third PBS Fitness Series on PBS TV

    PBS added the newest addition of Functional Fitness to its programming.  From Healthwise Exercise, LLC, the producers of the first and second series, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews® is a show you’ll want to start watching this week on your local Public Television Station.

    The 10 newest episodes added to the already airing 25 episodes offers people over 40 a unique at-home workout program that can be done seated on a chair or standing.

    While the workouts can be done in a small space at home, each episode offers an expansive scenic view of locations across North America. From the famous Sunken Gardens filmed at Butchart Gardens in British Columbia, Canada, to the Ladew Gardens in Marlyland, the scenery offers a motivating background of stunning beauty to “put the fun in Functional Fitness®.”

    Rather than only emphasizing weight loss or striving for an unrealistic image, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews® offers fitness editions for specific health conditions. While many instructors show you what to do, Suzanne Andrews, a licensed Occupational Therapy Practitioner, also educates you on what moves you should not do for specific health conditions.

    Already a best seller before it even aired on PBS, Suzanne Andrews Get Stronger Bones DVD carefully instructs the same osteoporosis safe moves Suzanne guides her clients through in rehab without the high priced rehab co-payments. Equally popular is Suzanne Andrews 30 Day Bladder Fix DVD, which demonstrates the only medically proven pelvic exercises that are done seated on a chair and lying in bed to stop urinary leaks. While each episode airs for 30 minutes, the DVD collection offers additional unseen exercises that can’t fit into the tight time constraints of television.  

    Originally airing on 159 stations nationwide to over 49 million on the PBS network of stations in 2009, viewers embark on a transformative journey in order to reach their full potential.  It’s not about being a size skinny, but about being a size healthy. It’s about getting and remaining functional and independent well into ones mature years,” states the executive producer, Suzanne Andrews.

    Get the series by emailing your local Public Broadcasting Station now and requesting, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews®. To find your local PBS station, go to

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    Fitness with Gratitude

    by Suzanne Andrews

    Looking at my desk, I can’t help but smile. The cards of thanks and emails from fans who are helped by Functional Fitness brings the greatest feeling of gratitude. 

    “Just a thumbs up on the new format. I like it! The natural background is relaxing and the types of exercises using weights more often is challenging, therefore making me feel as though I am getting a better work out. 

    I have been exercising with you for MANY years and find it a healthy way to start the day. Thanks and continue the good work. By the way, I am  73 and can still do the exercises that you, Suzanne does, and not the seated versions and that is in part because I have done the 6:30 A.M  exercises on PBS  since I retired.” Carol.

    Letters like that help me to ignore the occasional hater mail I get. What’s ‘hater mail?’  It’s mail from someone who has a hating heart. Like the lady who wrote, “You are too fat and need to lose weight.” I didn’t realize that being 117 pounds is too fat, especially after losing 60 pounds and keeping it off all these years. I have to admit it’s not easy to keep the weight off and as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to realize that it’s better to be a size healthy than a size skinny. 

    Since the camera adds 10 pounds, I used to lose 10 pounds before shooting my series. But I can’t do that anymore because I’m not dying to be thin!

    The lady didn’t know I have Hashimotos disease – a condition that slows my metabolism down so much a turtle would win the metabolism race with me. She didn’t know I have hypoglycemia and if I starve myself to get real skinny, I could go into a coma. I feel a great sense of gratitude that I’ve survived death so many times, I have had more lives than a cat. She just figured that since I’m on TV, I must have an easy life and how dare I not fit into her idea of what a fitness person should look like! 

    I remember growing up and all I saw in the media was super tall, skinny blonds.  Nothing against them of course, but the world is made up of ALL KINDS of beautiful women.- short, large, average size, red heads, brunettes, grey haired and tall blondes. And beauty is more than skin deep. 

    It’s easy to judge people when you haven’t walked in their shoes. That’s why I believe it’s not my job to judge – just to help all women over 40 that are short, tall, large, or small, reach your best health ever! Functional Fitness has brought me a quality of life I would never have imagined. It takes effort of course, but well worth the results.

    All without drugs or surgery and so it is with a loving heart, I encourage you to live a life filled with your best health ever.

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    Can You Walk Sitting?

    by Suzanne Andrews

    Can You Walk While Sitting? Now You Can!

    Walking workouts continue to increase in popularity but what if you're one of the millions who have mobility issues or what if you’re just too tired after a long day’s work to walk the traditional way?

    Walking, one of the best exercises for arthritis, can be challenging when you’re having knee and hip pain. Yet doctors encourage their patients to walk five days a week for improved joint function.  So what do you do when walking the traditional way is not an option?

    Having treated 1000’s of patients with arthritis over the years, I answered the strong need for a walking workout with therapeutic moves to ease joint pain that you can do sitting (or standing). But designing just a seated walk wasn’t enough because walking and sitting in the same spot can get boring. So, after 6 months of negotiating, we flew to the Butchart Gardens - the most beautiful gardens in North America. Now instead of a boring studio walk, you are treated to a plethora of spectacular flowers while easing joint pain with medically proven walk moves for improving arthritis health naturally.

    Photo:  Butchart Gardens

    The Butchart Gardens is one of my absolute favorite gardens and I’m not the only one.  They get one million visitors a year who stroll the gardens either on foot or on wheelchair. Filming in the famous Sunken Gardens section and the spectacular rose gardens was amazing! Even more amazing is seeing and doing the workout on DVD. I have to confess, I’m a bit of a garden enthusiast. While I don’t have a green thumb, I can appreciate the beauty and stress releasing effects of a beautiful garden. 

    In doing the six months of research for the Arthritis Walking Workout DVD, a doctor told me how stress release slows down aging. Looking at the thousands of spectacular flowers while you work is a definite stress releaser and can help you look younger!

     Whether you’ve been to the gardens or not, you'll love the results of the two walks.  Arthritis Walking Workout one makes you feel like you’re in the midst of the greatest rose garden ever developed. Arthritis Walking Workout two was filmed in the Sunken Garden, one of the most famous spots in Butchart Gardens. The moves of each walk are equivalent to a two mile walk and give you the option to use an exercise band which is included in your Arthritis Walking Workout DVD.

    Photo:  Butchart Gardens


    So what are you waiting for? Have a seat and let’s take a garden walk! 

    Sale Price: $16.99!!! BUY NOW!

    Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

    Stay in Touch


    210 W. Parkway, Suite 7, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 ● © Collage Video ● Exercise Video Specialists ● Fitness Videos and Workout Videos ● 1-800-819-7111 / 201-464-4921 ●

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