Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews

Posts in the practice category

Get a Firm Belly

by Suzanne Andrews

Get a Firm Belly Without One Floor Ab Crunch!

Are you tired of all those ab moves that insist on doing crunches on the floor?

You can firm and tone your belly with just weights and a chair.  If going to a gym is not for you, you can get excellent results with chair exercises or standing ab crunch without the fancy gym equipment. 

I’m writing this because the one thing I don’t like about floor ab workouts is that they hurt your neck, even when done with proper form.  And if you’re just beginning, you can get severe neck pain from floor ab crunches.  But if you’re sitting on a chair or standing, you’re in what we rehab therapists call a “gravity eliminated” position which also eliminates neck pain and helps to isolate the ab muscles making them firmer and toned.    

Because I am a clinician, I feel it is only ethical to tell you that you must also follow a well-rounded weight loss diet plan in order to see your toned belly. I’ve seen far too many fitness “gurus” tout the latest 6 pack abs by just doing an ab workout.  That simply isn’t scientifically correct because even if you have a six pack: if you eat too much, you will never see the six pack because it will be covered with a layer of adipose tissue (fat).

Here’s how to do an ab crunch without getting on the floor! (As seen in our newest DVD, Suzanne Andrews Functional Fitness Total Strength and Conditioning).

Standing or Seated Crunch

Grasp hand weights as tolerated - (how heavy depends on your fitness level).  Bring elbow to opposite knee as shown.  Repeat on other side. Do one set of 15 and work your way up to 3 sets of 15.


The added benefit of doing an ab crunch while seated on a chair is that you don’t have to bend your back!  (Demonstration of osteoporosis safe crunch shown in the seated level).)


Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

How Medical Yoga Speeds Weight Loss

by Suzanne Andrews


How Medical Yoga Speeds Weight Loss

I’ve been practicing yoga way before it became popular. I did my first yoga pose 30 years ago and I was hooked so it was only natural to incorporate yoga into my patient's treatment plan to help them decrease stress. What followed was surprising - my overweight patients who had tried diet after diet unsuccessfully were losing weight.

Even my paraplegic patients who were in wheelchairs lost as much as 50 pounds and another obese patient bound to a wheelchair, a 60 year old male, lost 145 pounds. The most challenging part is convincing them to do the yoga, but once they see the results, there's no stopping them. Dr. Marcella Bakur Weiner, Ph.D. states, "Simply put - we deplete ourselves by constantly thinking, worrying and wondering. Then when clear thinking is needed, we may lack the focus and reserve to a satisfying functional life. Medical yoga offers a way of gaining control above the over - expansion of your emotions and removing all the distracting debris in the overactive mind."

What is Medical Yoga?

Medical yoga's unique approach to weight loss focuses on both physical fitness and physiological fitness of the mind, body and spirit offering cutting edge weight loss techniques. With its focus on gaining control over stress eating medical yoga offers a distinctive solution to promote weight loss through scientifically researched therapeutic yoga techniques.

How Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

By recognizing that meditation is undoubtedly the most important step one can do to lose weight, medical yoga centers on the most important aspect of successful weight loss - our minds. Meditation increases self-awareness, so that we are in tune with what we need to do. Instead of eating mindlessly, one becomes aware of their actions, resulting in a "domino effect" empowering the mind's ability to fine tune what the body really needs instead of what it wants. By combining stress releasing meditation with modified yoga poses, the plus size person eliminates cravings for food that sabotage a weight loss plan and is able to participate in yoga poses designed especially for the larger sized person.


For myself, there is a personal side to offering medical yoga for the larger size population because with my 5'2" frame, I was a very uncomfortable size 18 and I wasn't able to participate in the unattainable yoga poses made for the slimmer population. By combining medically proven stress releasing techniques I changed my relationship to food and began eating to achieve fitness of the mind, body and spirit.

Release Stress and Lose Weight Now with Beginners Dynamic Yoga for Stress Release and Weight Loss which includes doctor recommended meditation for weight loss made exclusively for plus size. Used in medical centers as a weight loss aid to eliminate stress related eating and instructed by licensed occupational therapy practitioner, Suzanne Andrews.

Suzanne Andrews is a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician with 30 years exercise expertise. Airing to over 49 million on Public Television, Suzanne Andrews, a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician, (they specialize in function) creates evidenced based fitness programs for specific health conditions. Originally created in 2008 with it’s first run on WDSC TV, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews broadcasts on 113 Public Television stations.

What Does a Hurricane Have To Do With Your Health?

by Suzanne Andrews

With the impending Hurricane Irma predicted to land in Florida, we are busy preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. There are long lines to purchase water and it seems like the entire town has purchased all the non-perishable goods. I’m going over my check list and making sure we have enough supplies. Not sure if we’re going to have to evacuate, but if it’s headed for us, we’re not sticking around. A category 5 is serious business.

Just like your health, preventative measures are a must. Don’t wait till your health is hit by a storm. So many patients I’ve treated could have prevented their heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer, diabetes 2 and other lifestyle diseases. That was one of the catalyst for me producing Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews on Public Television. I provided it as a public service because it is heart breaking to hear the ones who survived reply (when asked what they liked to do) say, “I like to read.” Reading is good, don’t get me wrong.  When pressed further, I ask if they did any physical activity prior to their rehab admittance and the response? “Well I walk to my mailbox and the bathroom.”

Did you know if you sit a lot your legs can become fixed in that position? (Knees bent as if you’re sitting). Your hamstring muscles shorten and it makes it impossible to walk.  

Try this test:  (Do not do this if you have osteoporosis).

See how far you can bend down and touch your toes while keeping your legs straight. Make sure to not lock your knees while keeping them straight. 

Is this hard to do? Does the back of your legs (your hamstrings) feel tight? That’s a warning signal. It means you need to add stretching into your routine daily... (Please scroll down to keep reading)


Tip: Since tight hamstrings also cause back pain, stretching them can help your back.

I’ve seen too many people wondering why they can’t walk. That’s why reading, which I confess is an enjoyable past time of mine, should not be all a person does. It’s important to practice prevention. 

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

What You Need to Know About Balance After 40

by Suzanne Andrews

Did you know that balance is not natural? That's right -we must work on balance to keep it as we begin to lose it as early as age 40. Another thing to note is the exercises you've been doing to improve your balance might not be enough. Keep reading and I'll explain: (I'll keep it brief)

Maintaining and improving balance is an important factor in enjoying a healthy lifestyle, strengthening your body and preventing injury. Most falls occur within the home, (from my experience as an occupational therapy clinician, the bathroom is the number 1 place to fall.) These injuries include broken hips, wrist/shoulder fractures and brain injuries. 

Not only do these injuries result in long hospital stays and painful recoveries, they also cause loss of independence, decreased daily function and loss of the ability to participate in social activities. Lack of proper balance can inhibit daily activities that we often take for granted such as getting in and out of bathtubs, climbing stairs and using a car. It is important to be proactive in your health and prevent balance injuries before the happen by participating in an exercise program that strengthens “spinal stabilizers”, (back and abdominal area) your legs and specific balance exercises to increase your “proprioception”, (your brain's ability to sense where your limbs are positioned in space).  Since your proprioceptors weaken over time, it is vital to strengthen this sense, just like you strengthen your muscles. 

You won't find these balance exercises in most DVDs as these specific balance exercises are therapy based. Therapists will place you on "uneven surfaces" to strengthen your balance muscles and your proprioception. Why? Because when you are on an uneven surface, you activate all your balance muscles by challenging them. That's why in the Get Stronger Bones DVD, you will see the most advanced version demonstrating on an uneven surface.   

If you're not ready for that, it's advisable to start either seated on a chair - and yes - you can strengthen your balance muscles sitting if done to medically proven exercises. If you're beyond chair exercises, you can do the modified standing version using a chair for balance when necessary. Happy balancing and if you have any questions about your exercises make sure to message me - (link below).

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Why 95% of Diets Fail (and 6 Ways to be in the 5%)

by Suzanne Andrews

   Would you like to achieve amazing weight loss results while outsmarting your body and still eating what you want? Learn how now in today’s Functional Fitness blog. 

   How many times have you gone on a diet, only to give up because of hunger and frustration before your goals were met? Chances are, you've done this a few times and you've known others who had similar experiences. 

   That's because when you diet, you set yourself up for failure. 

   95% of diets simply do not work. Let's take a look at the reasons why, and then learn how to attain that most coveted goal of all dieters: long term weight loss that leaves you healthier and happier. 

   First, the reasons why most diets fail: 

   Reason 1: Diets are Temporary. 

   A diet is a temporary solution to a long-term problem. Dieters often find themselves thinking in the short-term. "If I can just get to my goal weight," they tell themselves, "I'll be able to eat my favorite foods again!" 

   That's exactly the thought process that leads to failure, because returning to old habits leads to regained pounds. If you want lasting weight loss, stop dieting and make some permanent lifestyle changes you can comfortably live with. 

   Reason 2: Diet is Only One Half of the Weight Loss Equation. 

   Trying to lose weight through diet alone is like trying to swim using only one arm. Can it be done? Yes, if your 20 something and don’t have any metabolism issues. 

   Exercise should be a part of your healthy weight loss plan. Without it, you'll experience a very slow weight loss, or you'll have to cut so many calories that you'll

end up feeling hungry and deprived. Don't do that to yourself. Exercise doesn’t have to consist of insane moves to be effective for weight loss. As a producer of Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews on PBS TV, I get to hear lots of feedback from viewers like Julie, a 53 year old lady who emailed me and said, “I started doing your show and at first I thought, the exercises were too slow for me and not fast enough to lose weight but somewhere along the line, something amazing happened.  My clothes got too big, my blood pressure got better and my doctor (who insisted on I do your workouts)took me off my blood pressure medicine!” That’s because all of Suzanne Andrews Functional Fitness programs are medically designed with years of proven results and research in every workout. 

While you won’t find our workouts free on You Tube because all the doctors, physical therapists and occupational therapists who’ve contributed to each workout are highly regarded experts in their field. On the other hand, at only 19.99 a DVD, we make each Functional Fitness program very affordable as you don’t pay the $280.00 plus fee or ($400.00 plus a month co-pay once your deductible is met) that these experts charge for a session with them. The savings in medical bills, pills and sick days far out weigh the cost of your healthy functional lifestyle! 

   Reason 3: Diets are not Satisfying 

   Some diets require you to eat low-calorie foods that contain very little fat. Others require you to eat very small quantities of food. Others encourage you to eat plenty of protein but drastically cut your carbohydrate consumption. 

   None of these diets will satisfy you for very long. The healthiest and happiest eating plans are those that contain a mixture of lean protein, heart-healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. 

   Add plenty of fiber and water, and your body will be more satisfied with the fuel you put in it. 

   Reason 4: Diets Can be Expensive. 

   Healthy food typically costs more than junk food, but special diet foods can really strain your food budget!

   The expense of special bars, shakes, and supplements is pretty appalling, not to mention unnecessary. Diet plans that require you to buy pre-packaged meals are the most expensive of all, and they often contain additives that can sabotage your weight loss. 

   Don't waste your money on special foods. Get your nutrition through whole, natural foods that you can cook for yourself. Your budget - and your waistline - will be thinner as a result. 

Suzanne Andrews Functional Fitness Tip: Cook a bunch of foods at once and put it in correct size portions.  Freeze what won’t be eaten in 3 Days. You’ve just saved your stomach, your waistline and your budget with preservative free natural foods. 

   Reason 5: Diets don't Easily Fit into Your Lifestyle. 

   Have you ever watched your friends and family eat normally while you had to settle for a liquid or prepackaged meal? Do you spend an inordinate amount of time trimming, weighing, and measuring your food while everyone else digs in? 

   It's hard to feel like one of the crowd when you're following an inconvenient diet. That's another reason why so many dieters give up in despair and frustration. 

   Your lifestyle is an important consideration. Don't choose an eating plan that requires a radical departure from the norm. 

   Reason 6: Too Much Dieting Can Cause Weight Gain. 

   When you go on a diet, your body reacts by squeezing every bit of nourishment from the foods you do eat. After the diet ends, your body still processes food with

increased efficiency, causing you to pack on the pounds even though you're eating "normally". 

   This is a survival mechanism that helped our ancestors survive times of famine. Diets are the new famine, and they can actually leave you weighing more than you did  before the diet! 

   How to Succeed 

   For weight loss to be safe and permanent, it needs to come as the result of a lifestyle change. Find a healthy eating plan you can stick with for the rest of your life. Add exercise 5-6 days a week that doesn’t make you feel like you got hit by a truck or that you have to keep up with a 20 year old. You’ll stick to an exercise plan and won’t injure yourself (which could really set you back). 5- 6 days of working out is best because consistency is key.

   With those bases covered, you're free to live your life without constantly worrying about your diet. The weight you lose will stay gone, and you will enjoy greater health and happiness. 

   You can achieve amazing weight loss results by outsmarting your body with a sensible eating plan and following the program millions of women and men over 40 follow on PBS TV with Suzanne Andrews Functional Fitness

Get started today and be on your way to a happy healthy you.  See results in 30 Days!

 Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Spinach-Ricotta Portobellos

by Suzanne Andrews

This vegetarian treat goes great with whole wheat pasta and a side salad. As an added bonus, each stuffed mushroom cap serves up a healthy dose of calcium and protein!

  What You'll Need:

  •    4 large Portobello mushrooms (caps)
  •    1/4 tsp sea salt
  •    1/4 tsp black pepper, divided
  •    1 cup reduced fat ricotta cheese
  •    1 cup fresh spinach leaves, chopped
  •    1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese, divided
  •    2 tbsp kalamata olives,diced
  •    1/2 tsp Italian herb seasoning
  •    3/4 cup marinara sauce  

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Coat a baking sheet with no-calorie cooking spray and preheat oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Place Portobello caps on baking sheet, gills facing up.
  3. Sprinkle with sea salt and 1/8 tsp black pepper. Cook until tender (about 20 minutes).
  4.  While caps are cooking, mix ricotta cheese, spinach leaves, 1/4  cup Parmesan cheese, diced olives, Italian seasoning, and remaining pepper in a bowl.
  5.  Pour marinara sauce into a separate bowl and cook or microwave until hot.
  6. Remove caps from oven and drain them. Place them back on the baking sheet and spread 1 tbsp marinara sauce on each.
  7. Heap each cap with 1/3 cup ricotta spinach filling. Sprinkle all caps with remaining Parmesan cheese.
  8. Bake for 10 minutes, and serve with remaining warm marinara sauce.

 More Tips

  Here are some more tips for putting together exciting and healthy recipes:

    * Try new meats. Veal, lamb, and bison are ultra-lean and full of flavor.

   * Add color to your recipes. A balanced diet should contain plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. Take this opportunity to try new varieties of produce.

   * Use whole-grain rice and pasta. Whole grain products provide plenty of fiber and keep blood sugar spikes to a minimum. Many dieters also find them to be heartier and more satisfying than regular white flour products.

    Remember that with "Eating for Energy" you can fall in love with beautiful, healthy foods you never knew existed and be on your way to a slimmer, healthier you.

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Tangy "Fried" Chicken

by Suzanne Andrews

This recipe puts a healthy spin on a Southern favorite. It's also packed with selenium, a vitamin that boosts the production of disease-fighting antioxidants.

 What You'll Need:
  • 3 tbsp Dijon mustard    
  • 2 tbsp grade B maple syrup    
  • 2 tbsp peanut oil, divided    
  • 1 tbsp fresh thyme, chopped    
  • 3/4 tsp black pepper    
  • 1/2 tsp salt, optional    
  • 4 lb bone-in chicken pieces, skinless and fat-trimmed    
  • 1 1/2 cups whole grain breadcrumbs    
   Cooking Instructions:
  1. In a large bowl, mix Dijon mustard, maple syrup, 1 tbsp peanut oil, thyme, salt and pepper. Whisk until well-blended.
  2. Dip chicken pieces in mixture until evenly coated on all sides.
  3. Cover chicken and place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes (up to 6 hours). 
  4. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place a wire rack over a large baking sheet to cook chicken. 
  5. Mix breadcrumbs and remaining peanut oil on the surface of a large plate. Dredge the meatier side of each chicken piece through the breadcrumb mixture. 
  6. Arrange pieces on wire rack, dredged side up. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown. Serve hot and enjoy! 

 More Tips:
Here are some more tips for putting together exciting and healthy recipes:
* Try new meats. Veal, lamb, and bison are ultra-lean and full of flavor.
* Add color to your recipes. A balanced diet should contain plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. Take this opportunity to try new varieties of produce.
* Use whole-grain rice and pasta. Whole grain products provide plenty of fiber
keep blood sugar spikes to a minimum. Many dieters also find them to be heartier and more satisfying than regular white flour products. Remember that with "Eating for Energy" you can fall in love with beautiful, healthy foods you never knew existed and be on your way to a slimmer, healthier you.


Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Orange-Tamari Salmon

by Suzanne Andrews

This recipe features an exotic blend of citrus and tamari, with all the nutritional benefits of omega-3s!  


What You'll Need:
  • 1  1/2  lb salmon fillets (4 equal portions)
  • 1/3 cup dry white wine
  • 2 tbsp low-sodium tamari
  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 3 tbsp ginger (peeled and grated)
  • 1/4 cup chopped scallions
  • 1/2  tsp olive oil (extra virgin)
  • 1 tsp raw honey 
Cooking Instructions: 
  1. Rinse fillets and pat them dry. 
  2. Combine white wine, tamari, orange juice, green onions, honey, and ginger in a bowl and whisk them until they form a well-blended marinade. 
  3. Place fillets in a baking pan with the pink flesh facing up. Pour the marinade evenly over all fillets. Cover pan with foil or plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 4-6 hours. 
  4. When you're ready to cook, remove fillets from refrigerator while you preheat your broiler. 
  5. Remove excess scallions and ginger from the fillets, and brush the scaled side of each fillet with extra virgin olive oil. 
  6. Place fillets, skin down, on broiling pan. 
  7. Broil fillets on high heat for 10 minutes, or until cooked through. The flesh should be slightly brown on top, and firm, flaky, and light pink throughout. 

More Tips

Here are some more tips for putting together exciting and healthy recipes:
* Try new meats. Veal, lamb, and bison are ultra-lean and full of flavor.
* Add color to your recipes. A balanced diet should contain plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. Take this opportunity to try new varieties of produce.
* Use whole-grain rice and pasta. Whole grain products provide plenty of fiber and keep blood sugar spikes to a minimum. Many dieters also find them to be heartier and more satisfying than regular white flour products.

Remember that with "Eating for Energy" you can fall in love with beautiful, healthy foods you never knew existed and be on your way to a slimmer, healthier you.

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Evening snacking stopping you from losing weight?

by Suzanne Andrews

4 Steps to STOP Evening Snacking

    You may have heard the old wives tale about eating after 8pm: Don't do it, they say, because the food you eat will be stored as fat. While that's not true, night time eating is a real problem for millions of people who just can't seem to stop bingeing before bedtime.

 I’ve often asked myself why do I start the day with such resolve and by evening it’s gone?

    People who suffer from Night-Eating Syndrome (NES) feel especially compelled to eat a lot of high-carb, high-fat foods at night. They might even eat more food after dinner than during dinner. Many eat very sparingly throughout the day, but eat a lot at night.

    Some sufferers find themselves unable to sleep because they cannot stop thinking about food. Afterward, they may feel guilty and disgusted, fearful that another binge will soon occur.

   NES was studied in 2009 by a team at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. Their findings, published in the January 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, linked this newly designated eating disorder to stress, low levels of melatonin, and elevated levels of cortisol throughout the night.

    Sufferers were also more likely to have other eating disorders, sleep disorders, and mood disorders such as depression.

    If you suspect that you might be suffering from Night-Eating Disorder, speak to your doctor about available treatments. In the meantime, here are four effective steps you can take to get your night time binge eating under control.

    Step 1: Eat a late dinner.

    Sometimes real hunger exacerbates the symptoms of NES. Make sure you never go more than three hours without a small meal or snack. This might require you to move your dinner to a later time, especially if you tend to stay up late at night.

    If you eat dinner at 6pm but don't go to bed until midnight, you've gone six hours without eating anything. This long stretch without food can make you more susceptible to bingeing.

   Step 2: Get rid of temptation.

    People who binge at night almost exclusively crave foods that are high in sugar and fat. These "comfort foods" cause the brain to release serotonin, a chemical which improves the mood and makes it easier to fall asleep. This is especially tempting for those who struggle with insomnia resulting from obsessive thoughts of food or stress.

    To reduce temptation, get rid of all the foods you commonly binge on: cookies, baked goods, ice cream, or any other foods you feel compelled to eat at night. Don't keep these foods in your house. You're far more likely to binge on readily accessible foods than to drive to the store and purchase them.

    Step 3: Exercise at night.

    Some people avoid exercising at night because it makes them feel too energetic before bed. But if you time it right, you can reap the appetite-suppressing effect of exercise and still get a good night's sleep.

    When we exercise, our bodies produce endorphins which give us a general sense of contentment and well-being. Try ending your workout one hour before bedtime, and follow it up with a warm, relaxing shower. This could leave you feeling too content to succumb to a nighttime binge.

    Step 4: Trick your body into feeling full.

    There are other ways to trick your body into forgetting about food. Sometimes a warm drink will leave your stomach full and satisfied. Try drinking low-fat, caffeine-free hot chocolate before bed. Hot herbal teas are another good choice. If you must snack, choose high-fiber foods such as raw fruits or vegetables.

    Other night time eaters brush their teeth when they feel a binge coming on.

    Try brushing your teeth with a strong, minty toothpaste. Then follow it up with some equally strong mouthwash. Your teeth will feel so clean that you won't want to dirty them again. Plus, the Sodium Laureth Sulfate in toothpaste makes food taste less appealing by suppressing the taste buds that detect sweetness.

    If you've ever tried to drink orange juice after brushing your teeth, you're familiar with this effect.

    Note that some over-the-counter sleep aids, such as diphenhydramine, have been linked to increased hunger and cravings. If your nighttime eating is interfering with your sleep, let your doctor know. They may be able to prescribe medications that don't have this side effect.

 Healthiest blessings,

Suzanne Andrews

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Functional Fitness Tips & Motivations Now Posted!

Check out this week's Functional Fitness Motivational Moment!
Learn more Age Reversing & Weight Loss Tips every Thursday
here by Suzanne Andrews.

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