Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews

Posts in the stress category

How Medical Yoga Speeds Weight Loss

by Suzanne Andrews


How Medical Yoga Speeds Weight Loss

I’ve been practicing yoga way before it became popular. I did my first yoga pose 30 years ago and I was hooked so it was only natural to incorporate yoga into my patient's treatment plan to help them decrease stress. What followed was surprising - my overweight patients who had tried diet after diet unsuccessfully were losing weight.

Even my paraplegic patients who were in wheelchairs lost as much as 50 pounds and another obese patient bound to a wheelchair, a 60 year old male, lost 145 pounds. The most challenging part is convincing them to do the yoga, but once they see the results, there's no stopping them. Dr. Marcella Bakur Weiner, Ph.D. states, "Simply put - we deplete ourselves by constantly thinking, worrying and wondering. Then when clear thinking is needed, we may lack the focus and reserve to a satisfying functional life. Medical yoga offers a way of gaining control above the over - expansion of your emotions and removing all the distracting debris in the overactive mind."

What is Medical Yoga?

Medical yoga's unique approach to weight loss focuses on both physical fitness and physiological fitness of the mind, body and spirit offering cutting edge weight loss techniques. With its focus on gaining control over stress eating medical yoga offers a distinctive solution to promote weight loss through scientifically researched therapeutic yoga techniques.

How Does Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

By recognizing that meditation is undoubtedly the most important step one can do to lose weight, medical yoga centers on the most important aspect of successful weight loss - our minds. Meditation increases self-awareness, so that we are in tune with what we need to do. Instead of eating mindlessly, one becomes aware of their actions, resulting in a "domino effect" empowering the mind's ability to fine tune what the body really needs instead of what it wants. By combining stress releasing meditation with modified yoga poses, the plus size person eliminates cravings for food that sabotage a weight loss plan and is able to participate in yoga poses designed especially for the larger sized person.


For myself, there is a personal side to offering medical yoga for the larger size population because with my 5'2" frame, I was a very uncomfortable size 18 and I wasn't able to participate in the unattainable yoga poses made for the slimmer population. By combining medically proven stress releasing techniques I changed my relationship to food and began eating to achieve fitness of the mind, body and spirit.

Release Stress and Lose Weight Now with Beginners Dynamic Yoga for Stress Release and Weight Loss which includes doctor recommended meditation for weight loss made exclusively for plus size. Used in medical centers as a weight loss aid to eliminate stress related eating and instructed by licensed occupational therapy practitioner, Suzanne Andrews.

Suzanne Andrews is a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician with 30 years exercise expertise. Airing to over 49 million on Public Television, Suzanne Andrews, a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician, (they specialize in function) creates evidenced based fitness programs for specific health conditions. Originally created in 2008 with it’s first run on WDSC TV, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews broadcasts on 113 Public Television stations.

3 Worst Exercise Mistakes

by Suzanne Andrews

That saying, "bite your tongue" means to not say anything. That can be very difficult for many of us at times. If that were a literal statement, I would come back from the gym with a swollen tongue! (LOL),

Why? Not any everyone appreciates advice and some people get downright mad so I keep my mouth shut. It doesn't matter that I'm giving free medically proven advice medical insurance pays physical/occupational therapy agencies a hefty fee for.

I see so many people doing exercises that can either hurt them or not help them. If you're doing your workout and wondering why you're not getting the results you need, today's tips can help you reach your desired goal.


When strength training you must move through the movement slowly. This means a slow controlled movement when lifting and lowering weights. You will get fitter FASTER! Medical insurance wants us rehab therapists to get our patients off caseload quickly and in most cases in 30 Days. And our patients come in very weak. So we have to get them strong quickly and safely. Science proves that lifting slower is more effective. (I'll spare you the science details, but if you want to know email me!)


I just had a DVD reviewed and while it got 4 out of 5 stars, I know if it was reviewed by a Physical or Occupational Therapist it would have gotten 5 stars. The reviewer was not aware that using hand and leg weights with arthritis helps to [decrease pain] in the joints or that weights improve bone health. I don't blame her as she does not have the training that physical or occupational therapy professionals have.

This brings me to mistake number 3. Of course if you have arthritis and you're having a flare up, common sense, which I know you have, tells you to lay low.


This one is going to surprise you. Many people think that MDs know everything about exercise. While very knowledgeable about diseases, medications and diagnoses, MD's get very little exercise training. Physical and Occupational Therapy practitioners get 3 - 6 years of training, depending on the degree. On top of that they have ongoing training requirements and teach exercise all day to people with all kinds of medical complications.

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Three Life Lessons

by Suzanne Andrews

What You Must Know to Get Through the Tough Times

I wrote this when my youngest son was little. It stemmed from a patient responding to my coaxing her to exercise, "what would you know, you've probably never been sick a day in your life!"  (Nothing could be furthest from the truth). 

My son is in college now, but the message is timeless and it can help you get through tough times...

The teacher who influenced me the most didn't produce a scholarly curriculum or carry out formal daily lesson plans. Even though he often wishes to, he is unable to assist me with my day to day operations. Yet, he motivates me day after day to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of and surpass it. Every new day, he continues to teach, to inspire and to influence my life in a way I never thought was humanly possible. He weighs a mere 68 lbs and proudly stands 4 feet 3 inches tall. He is my son, the child that several doctors predicted I would not be able to conceive.

Lesson One: A Ray of Light From Darkness

At the age of 10, I was placed in the terminally ill section of the children's hospital.  At the age of 20, I again overcame odds and beat a severe infection in my right ovary that affected my reproductive system. At the age of 24, my left ovary was removed and for the third time, emergency surgery saved my life. However, there would be one more emergency surgery and this one would bring great joy. My son's triumphant arrival by C-section on a memorable day in spring taught me to believe in the unexpected and to never give up hope.

Lesson Two: Appreciate the Little Things

To this very day, I marvel at my son's accomplishments and realize how important it is to praise not only his efforts, but also other people who come across my path in life. My son has taught me that the simplest joys in life; laughing, listening and loving are the best gifts we can give and receive. As he continues to discover life's daily events with sheer fascination, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to reflect on his newly acquired knowledge and see the sparkle in his beautiful innocent eyes. Each fresh new moment I spend with him offers the most enriching learning experience I have ever had. He's taught me to believe that I can be a compassionate mother, a loving wife, an inquisitive student of life and a better person who has the ability to make wise choices.

Lesson Three: Choose Healthcare, Not Sick Care

One of those choices is keeping off those extra sixty pounds that once wore on me like a backpack full of rocks adding stress to every joint in my oversized body. Now I'm not talking about being a size 2, I'm talking about being a size healthy. My dear son made me realize that "love thyself' is not just a cliché. By getting in shape, you are essentially saying to all those that love you, "I love myself enough to take care of my health and I want to be around a long time to share my life with you." When we commit to love our body, we make wholesome choices and feel free to discover the restorative powers of good health. From the moment you realize you love yourself enough - a paradise lost is regained. Those seeds of wholeness - given to you at creation are within you. When you are discouraged, just look at your creation, your little miracle, and know the motivation to make healthcare a priority is within you!

Keep those letters coming as you motivate me!

Healthiest Blessings,

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

5 Triggers that Cause Weight Gain

by Suzanne Andrews

5 Triggers that Cause Weight Gain and Diet Failure
Here's How You Can Overcome Them...

I lost 60 pounds after giving birth and have been struggling to keep it off now that I’m in menopause, so I can relate with weight loss being a daunting challenge.  From yo-yo dieting to unrealistic goals and deprivation, people who struggle to lose weight often face an uphill battle. By identifying the triggers that lead to overeating and overcoming them, you will be well on your way to successful weight loss.

  1. Stress

People have to deal with stressful situations every day. From hectic work schedules to strained family life and the pressures of the daily grind, stress can wear out even the strongest person. Some who struggle with weight loss use food as a way to ease the stresses in their life. This leads to weight gain, which leads to more stress, creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. You can’t get away from stress, but you can learn how to react in stressful situations.

  1. Culture

One of the main obstacles to people trying to lose weight is pressure from family. It can be very difficult to eat healthy meals when the family members are snacking on high fat and diet busting high calorie foods. In some cultures, it is a badge of honor to be overweight. Family gatherings such as holidays and celebrations may also lead to the pressure to overeat. Have an apple, soup (not creamy soup) or salad as an appetizer. This will help fill you up so you don’t eat too much.  

  1. Time of Day

Does the clock dictate what goes on your plate? Many people eat not because they're hungry, but because they are accustomed to eating at a certain time every day. Others fail to listen to their body's cues and allow social pressures to dictate what they eat. Visualize yourself at your goal weight before ordering your food.

4.  Place

Studies have shown that where you eat has a huge bearing on how much we eat. When you sit down at a table to eat a meal you tend to eat less than if you're sitting on the couch. Eating while doing other tasks such as working at a desk can lead to overeating and weight gain. When eating a meal or a snack, focus on eating only. Attempting to multi-task while eating can cause you to lose track of the amount you're eating and take in too many excess calories.

5.  High Expectations

There is no pill or potion that can make you lose weight.  As a practitioner of Occupational Therapy, I cringe when I see those hyped up claims, “Lose 30 pounds in 30 Days!”  Be accountable and responsible for what you put in your body.  Combine that with exercise and the weight will come off.

Suzanne Andrews is a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician with 30 years exercise expertise. Airing to over 49 million on Public Television, Suzanne Andrews, a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician, (they specialize in function) creates evidenced based fitness programs for specific health conditions. Originally created in 2008 with it’s first run on WDSC TV, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews broadcasts on 113 Public Television stations.

5 Types of Urinary Incontinence

by Suzanne Andrews

Did you Know There are 5 Types of Urinary Incontinence?

Find out Which One You Have to See if You Can Treat it At Home!

  1. URGE INCONTINENCE: you have this if you have involuntary large leaks at unexpected times, including sleep. You also have a strong urgency to void. This can be treated naturally, providing you don’t have a neurological condition like dementia, multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries.
  1. STRESS INCONTINENCE: if you leak small amounts of urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh or jump you have stress incontinence. (Very treatable without drugs or surgery provided you don’t have a neurological condition as mentioned above). The most common causes are:
    • Weak pelvic floor musculature.
    • Pregnancy
  1. MIXED INCONTINENCE: if you have a combination of urge and stress you have mixed incontinence. Most common causes are:
    • Disuse atrophy of the uro-genital anatomy (weak pelvic floor muscles).
    • Sedentary lifestyle.
    • Non specific engagement of muscle innervation. (Not doing specific exercises correctly for this area).

This is highly treatable without drugs or surgery.

  1. OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE: Sudden leaking because of a full bladder. This happens without physical movement. Causes are:
    • Fecal Impaction - dry stool that cannot pass out of the body. Caution: this can cause death so see your doctor immediately if you suspect this!
    • Weak Detrusor Muscle: ( A muscle that forms the wall of the bladder). Highly treatable with 30 Day Bladder Fix. 
  1. FUNCTIONAL INCONTINENCE: Leakage due to inability to reach a toilet because of physical disabilities and/or dementia and tramatic brain injuries. This type is not When a patient has functional incontinence, they are the ones who need adult diapers and pads. 

If you have one of the treatable types of Urinary Incontinence mentioned above, there is no reason you should be flushing your money down the toilet. The average person with Urinary Incontinence spends $4008.00 a year on pads, creams, laundry, soiled clothing, soap and doctor’s visits. Start saving money and preview what 30 Day Bladder Fix can do for you.

Suzanne Andrews is a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician with 30 years exercise expertise. Airing to over 49 million on Public Television, Suzanne Andrews, a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician, (they specialize in function) creates evidenced based fitness programs for specific health conditions. Originally created in 2008 with it’s first run on WDSC TV, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews broadcasts on 113 Public Television stations.

Why Urinary Incontinence Kills: How to Protect Yourself

by Suzanne Andrews

(Part 4 of My Pelvic Floor Journey)

I remember the exact moment when I realized that I no longer had to worry about having those pesky embarrassing accidents…

“3,2,1,” cued the stage manager as she pointed at me to begin another episode of Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews® for Public Television. I was fearful of doing workouts that could cause leaks, but this workout was a gentle stretch so no worries – Until – “ACHEW!”  I sneezed and immediately thought, “Oh no, not now!’  As soon as that thought raced through my mind, I realized that I was dry!  Hallelujah! What a far cry from the first time that happened (that I shared in part two of My Pelvic Journey). My patients from age 30 to 90 were also reporting great progress every week. 

Doris, an articulate 50 year old lady originally came to me for treatment of a fractured wrist. Because the relationship between rehab therapist and patients is a close one, she eventually confided in me that she hurt her wrist from falling on urine.  She leaked, rushing to the bathroom, the floor got wet and boom - down she went and instinctively reached her hand forward to protect herself from the impact. So I immediately added treatment for urinary incontinence to her plan of care.

Fast forward to 30 days later…her sleep wasn’t interrupted by an urgent need to pee. 60 Days later, she could cough and sneeze pee free!  More importantly she was no longer at risk for a fall. Fall prevention is vital because according to Erika J. Mitchell, MD, and numerous studies, “Hip fractures kill,” the 30-day mortality rate after hip fracture is about 9 percent. It rises to 17 percent if the patient already has an acute medical problem. If a patient has heart failure while being treated for a hip fracture, the 30-day mortality increases to 65 percent. And if a patient has pneumonia after a hip fracture, the 30-day mortality increases to 43 percent.”  Because I’m a therapist, everything I teach is evidenced based which simply means research supports my claims.   According to Pub Med, “Urinary frequency, nocturia, and rushing to the bathroom to avoid urge incontinent episodes most likely increase the risk of falling, which then results in fractures. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of urge incontinence may decrease the risk of fracture.”

Doris’s plight is an all too common one and thankfully she survived.  My heart goes out to all women who suffer in silence so I’m breaking the silence by offering help with 30 Day Bladder Fix: a medically proven sequence of easy pelvic floor exercises to treat overactive bladder and urinary incontinence naturally.

Suzanne Andrews is a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician with 30 years exercise expertise. Airing to over 49 million on Public Television, Suzanne Andrews, a licensed Occupational Therapy Clinician, (they specialize in function) creates evidenced based fitness programs for specific health conditions. Originally created in 2008 with it’s first run on WDSC TV, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews broadcasts on 113 Public Television stations.

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