Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews

Posts in the Wellness category

Don’t Hate Me Because I’m a 10

by Suzanne Andrews

Size 10 that is!


Don’t you despise the prejudice against fat in the United States?

Spending my young adult years in New York City, I was surrounded by the fashion industry bombarding me with media images of women who looked like their last meal was served in a starvation camp. Working in television, I knew many young models who starved themselves regularly. I don’t blame them.  It was either conform to the expected size or don’t work.

So my question is: why idealize a size that can cause osteoporosis, heart attacks and in some cases- death?  Do you know women are actually having their ribs removed to be thinner?  That’s crazy!!

As the host of a national series on PBS TV, Functional Fitness, I feel it is my duty to help you become ALL that you can be without the numbers on the scale dictating what kind of day you’re going to have. 

Stop comparing yourself to those photo-shopped images of anorexic waifs. You are so much more than your size.  For example, I’m a wife, a mother, grandmother, an occupational therapist, and producer. What are you? You’re a unique individual and yes -  you are BEAUTIFUL!   

Starving yourself is insane. I should know, I’m an expert at it.  I struggled with my weight for years.  Turns out I have Hashimoto’s disease which really slows down metabolism. 

I used to be a size 18 and dieted down to a size 4.  That’s impossible to keep and I’m just not going to do that to myself anymore.  Yet because I’m 5 foot 2, being a size 10 is larger than what the media considers attractive.  Well I don’t need to be a size 0.  I want to be a size healthy!  

How about you? Do you want to be a size healthy?  No starvation diets, no crazy insane high impact exercise moves that leave you feeling like you got hit by a truck.  If the answer is yes, Functional Fitness is for YOU! 

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Motivation, Suzanne Andrews, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | Read more

Overcoming Death Defying Odds

by Suzanne Andrews

Overcoming Death Defying Odds: A True Story

This is a fairly personal blog. But I hope it inspires you to keep going, to never give up on your dreams.
You might know me from my DVDs like 30 Day Bladder Fix or from my PBS TV series, Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews®.
But today I'd like to share something that you might not know about me...

Twenty years ago, I left a safe great paying job to start this crazy dream of producing a fitness show. I wanted to inspire people and help them improve their lives. I didn't really know how, but as I always say 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.' Even if that first step has some pretty big bumps that included:

  • A car accident that injured my neck and back (that’s where the Back and Neck DVD came from).
  • Surgery complications that resulted in eerily similar circumstances like the late Joan Rivers surgery gone wrong- a lady I had worked with while at CBS studios in New York City. (died on the operating table)!
  • A work accident while treating a patient that made my left shoulder totally useless – I couldn’t lift it one inch! (the patient lost control of her power wheelchair and the force from holding back her chair so she wouldn’t get crushed tore up my shoulder). It took me a year to regain function of my left shoulder and just one week later, my right shoulder tore while working with another patient. Another year that included surgery and lots of therapy. The most painful recovery you could ever go through.  Worse than child birth.

At that time, no one knew me. TV studios turned down three of my proposals, hordes of potential sponsors didn’t return phone calls. Many were kind. Some were cold. None believed. Imagine the frustration of everyone telling you NO. For some reason, I just didn't let their opinions dictate my potential.

My first DVD, Beginners Dynamic Yoga was a DVD about releasing stress and accomplishing your goal and I knew I would accomplish my goal to help women over 40 regain their health with programs that were not like anything you see anywhere else. While Beginners Dynamic Yoga was the first yoga video that you didn’t have to be a contortionist or require you to get on the floor, I still wanted to add another dimension to my workouts.

At that time, there weren’t other programs that offered two to three fitness levels for specific health conditions.  And degreed medical professionals showing exercises in both sitting and standing was simply unheard of! Other fitness programs didn’t have doctors giving health tips and again I was the first.  Being the first is not all it’s cracked up to be because you have to convince the powers that be that there is a strong need for your idea. People who sit in offices and despise exercise.

Yet I knew there was a need for a corrective exercise program that helped people overcome health challenges like overactive bladder, arthritis and osteoporosis in the comfort of their home and so I persevered.

Finally an executive saw the wisdom in my proposal.  But it didn’t come easy: I volunteered numerous hours working 7 days a week and risked my finances to achieve my dream. The show became a success with PBS, and broadcast on 159 stations.
The reality is it's okay that those professionals doubted me. My past didn't reveal anything about me becoming a #1 Best Selling DVD producer with 30 Day Bladder Fix DVD, COPD DVD and the award winning Arthritis DVD. (I've designed from conception to completion 35 shows with 10 more not yet released).

Nothing about my circumstances back then would indicate my series would reach an area of 49 million on Public Television. No one imagined my DVDs would be on Collage Video, my favorite fitness DVD site.

I simply BELIEVED that if my intention was to serve and I demanded the best of myself every day then things would turn out well.

Luckily, they did. And so I say this to you my friend... Never let rejection, ridicule or doubt from others slow you down. Wake up each day and follow your heart and dream. When you're starting out - they'll reject you. When you're successful, they'll reject you. So what's going to keep you going? When you find the answer to that question – don’t let go of your dream.  BELIEVE in YOURSELF. I believe in you!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Motivation, Suzanne Andrews, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | Read more

Baked Apple A La Mode Weight Loss Recipe

by Suzanne Andrews

The hardest part of being on a diet isn't watching what you eat, it's watching what everyone else eats! Our family events often focus on food and being Italian, that means a plethora of delicious treats.  

Since I have a thyroid disorder that makes staying at my optimal weight very difficult, I came up with recipes that taste totally fattening and also help improve your health.  I sneak these recipes into my families diet so they don't know it's actually good for them!  Even my college age son doesn't know :)  Just make sure to work out as that is 1/2 the weight loss battle. If you've read that weight loss is all about what you eat - that's simply not the whole story, you must exercise to lose weight and if you have a thyroid condition there's no and, if's or but's about it.

The walking workout in my new Get Stronger Bones DVD will burn off this delicious dessert and speed up your metabolism so you burn fat - even in your sleep. Thanks for taking the time to be with a very important person - YOU!  

Baked Apple A La Mode Recipe:


  • 1 chopped apple per crust
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon sugar
  • Pre-made pie crusts 
  • ¼ cup Low-fat vanilla yogurt


  1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees
  2. Assemble apples in pie crusts (one apple per crust)
  3. Bake the Apple A La Modes in the oven for 20 minutes
  4. Cool off before adding a dollop (or two!) per pie crust
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

By Collage Video | | Functional Fitness, goals, Recipe, Suzanne Andrews, tips, Weekly Blog, Wellness | Read more

Creamy Potato Egg Casserole for Osteoporosis

by Suzanne Andrews

Calcium Enriched Creamy Potato & Egg Casserole


  • 3/4 cups of grated cheese
  • 2 links of turkey sausage
  • 3 large potatoes, sliced
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs
  • 4 green onions
  • 1 TBSP low fat butter or margarine
  • 1/4 cup fat-free milk
  • 1/4 cup of flour
  • 1/4 cup low-fat light sour cream
  1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees.
  2. Heat butter or margarine in a skillet and add onions.
  3. Add flour, milk, let it reduce, and then add the sour cream.
  4. Add more milk as needed. Take off heat.
  5. In a large casserole dish, spread sauce and layer potatoes, sausage, eggs, cheese, and cream sauce.
  6. Place casserole in oven.
  7. Occasionally mix the casserole to ensure proper cooking.
  8. Once your fork easily goes through the potatoes, sprinkle cheese on top (optional).
  9. Serve and Enjoy!

Serves: 6 people

Get Stronger Bones NOW!

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

By Collage Video | | Functional Fitness, Healthy, Recipe, Suzanne Andrews, Weekly Blog, Wellness | Read more

Feta Cheese Salad

by Suzanne Andrews

Calcium Recipe: Feta Cheese Salad Recipe for Osteoporosis!

Thought calcium was just in cheese? Learn what other surprising foods have calcium in this Feta cheese salad to help you get stronger bones and beat osteoporosis.  Suzanne Andrews takes you into the kitchen and shows you all the ingredients in this calcium rich salad.  Bone appetite!

Suzanne Andrews, Occupational Therapy Practitioner/L

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

By Collage Video | | Functional Fitness, practice, Recipe, Suzanne Andrews, Wellness | Read more


by Suzanne Andrews

Do you know that Osteoporosis is known as the silent disease because women don't know they have it until they get a bone density test which is usually done after they fracture a bone!  As important as it is to work out when you have osteoporosis, it's equally important to know what movements are safe for thinning bones. 

If you have osteoporosis, one of the things to remember is to make sure you don't round your back. Some of my patients that I have on my caseload fractured their back bending down in the shower.  Yes, if you have thinning bones, fractures are not always caused from a fall.  Fractures can be caused from the wrong move. You're better off investing in a $10.00 reacher so you can pick up items without rounding your back.  In the mean time, bone building exercises are vital for bone strength.

Since walking for bone strength is easy and fun, it's a good option for bone health. Sometimes those Spring showers can stop the best of intentions of going for a walk outdoors so if you don't have much space in your home, here's four fabulous walk moves for you to get stronger bones in a small space.  Enjoy!

Healthiest blessings,

Suzanne Andrews 

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Tips To Stay Young

by Suzanne Andrews

 Four Fascinating Functional Fitness Facts You Need to Know to Stay Young
  1. After age 50, you lose 1 -2% of muscle strength per year.  After 60, you lose 3% a year, which comes out to about 4.5 pounds of muscle strength a year. 
  1. Your legs get weaker three years before your arms start becoming weak and that's why you'll notice it's becoming difficult to walk like you used to. 
  1. Your bicep muscles in your arms help you lift stuff and your triceps help you push up to a stand. 
  1. Not all the muscles that are important to move your arms are located in your arms: your latissimus dorsi (located in your back) pulls your shoulders back and your arms to your sides.)  
While strong legs are important, strong arms are also vital for a fully functional life.  With strong arms you can lift your baby/grand-baby out of a car seat with ease, carry in groceries, get items of the top shelf and get in and out of the tub without injuring yourself. 
You don't have to let nature take it course. With Functional Fitness, one day longer is one day stronger! Fight Back with this Functional Fitness move...  
  • Arm and Leg Strengthen and Stretch 
Place one leg forward as shown.  Place back leg on an angle as shown.  Bend your knees and make sure not to allow your knee to go past your toes. Raise your arms to shoulder level.  Hold this position for 5 seconds.  Release the position, stand up straight for 2 seconds and repeat 12x.  
Holding the position for 5 seconds recruits your muscle power and increases your strength quicker.  When you do exercises quickly, you work momentum instead of muscle. 
  • Functional Fitness Challenge 

Too Easy?  Hold a dumbbell.  Start with 1 lb and workout your way up in increments of 1 lb per week as tolerated until you've reached 5 lbs. Bonus! This move will also increase your bone strength and is osteoporosis safe.  54 million people over the age of 50 have thinning bones (Osteoporosis)!  

Healthiest blessings,
Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

By Collage Video | | exercise, fitness, goals, Healthy, Motivation, practice, Suzanne Andrews, tips, Wellness | Read more

Surprising Fitness Facts after 50

by Suzanne Andrews

One surprising aspect of practicing fitness after 50 is how it affects your endocrine system. That's the system of organs in your body that produce and regulates hormones in your bloodstream. Just like a thermostat signals your heating and air conditioning system when to turn on and off, so does your body. If you're going through menopause, you feel how important it is to regulate your hormones every time you get a hot flash. So what can you do besides stripping and throwing a bucket of ice water on you? First, and bear with me, I need to explain how your body works…

The pituitary gland in your brain produces growth hormone (GH) and that production is increased during aerobic exercise. This is vital for muscle tone and bone density and also helps strengthen your tendons, cartilage and ligaments which literally holds you together. So if you're having a mood swing that even chocolate can't fix and someone says, "Get it together," if you exercise, you can proudly claim, "I'm being held together quite nicely, thank you".

Growth hormone also communicates fat deposits to be used as fuel instead of blood glucose which helps you to stay energized longer while exercising, which is also why exercise is vital for people who have diabetes and why it helps to keep your metabolism running smoothly during menopause.

You've probably heard that the longer you exercise, the easier or less painful it gets. The pituitary gland also produces endorphins. This is one of my favorites because it sends a chemical signal to the brain to reduce anxiety, tension, decreases your appetite, blocks pain and gives you sense of euphoria known as "runners high" where you can exercise for longer periods of time with less pain. Now, you don't have to be a runner to experience this. An increased sensitivity to endorphins can be achieved if you've exercised for several months because it winds up staying in your blood for longer periods causing that "runners high" to last longer as well. Good stuff.

Testosterone is produced in both sexes, in the ovaries in women and the testes in men. Women have about one tenth the amounts of men but it still affects your metabolism by burning fat during exercise along with increasing muscle strength and tone, and producing a sense of self confidence. When you're healthy and strong you feel good! Testosterone can remain in your bloodstream at elevated levels up to three hours after exercise. In women it can also benefit the intensity of orgasms and that's never a bad thing.

Here's another reason to exercise. Another hormone that helps to breakdown unwanted body fat is estrogen. It increases your metabolism (burns fat as fuel), increases both your libido and your mood. The ovaries produce less of it as menopause is reached but exercising can elevate its levels in the blood for up to four hours after exercising so you feel sexier and happier. Now that's better than a valium and has much better side effects than any anti-depressant.

The thyroid gland produces thyroxine which again increases your metabolism in nearly all cells in your body. The increase induces a feeling of being more energetic, burns more calories which promotes weight loss. You get about 30% more thyroxine in the blood during exercise and it remains for several hours afterwards. The longer and harder you exercise the longer it flows through the blood even at rest. You can literally be burning fat stores long after exercising.

The adrenal medulla produces epinephrine (adrenaline) whose primary purpose is to signal the heart to pump harder and it also directs blood flow to the muscles being worked using the stored fat in those muscles as fuel/energy. While this chemical is flowing through your bloodstream it also activates the breakdown of carbohydrates (glycogen) in the liver and the active muscles. The higher the time and intensity of exercise the more epinephrine is released into the blood. But more is not always better. If you haven't exercises for a while it's best to start off with a beginner's fat burning program and progress as tolerated to avoid injury.

The human body is an amazing biological machine that isn't programmed so much as it responds to inputs we decide to place upon it. If you sit and eat, it responds by weakening, fattening and sickening. If you exercise and eat nutritious foods; it strengthens, tones and fights illness and disease. You ultimately choose the way your body reacts to the lifestyle you live. Exercising on a regular schedule causes the body to react with chemical signals that strengthen cells, burn fat deposits and increase blood flow to all the organs responsible for better bodily functions and health.

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets

by Suzanne Andrews

Every time I see a magazine featuring a celebrity who lost weight quickly, I wonder how many people think that if they did whatever the celebrity is promoting, it would work for them too?

Let's face it, finding time to cook healthy and exercise is hard. If you're like the rest of us, you don't have a cook, a maid, a driver, a make-up artist, hair stylist and a personal assistant who takes care of your daily chores.

Because I've worked with numerous celebrities, traveled with them and been in their homes, I know the reason they can lose weight with greater ease is because they have employees take care of the day-to-day chores. All they have to do is focus on work. Can you imagine if you had someone taking care of everything for you and all you had to do was get up and go to work?  You wouldn't have to shop, cook, clean or run around doing errands on your lunch hour and after work.

You may be thinking, "Suzanne, you're on national television, don't you have a cook, a maid and a personal assistant?" Far from it. Functional Fitness with Suzanne Andrews® is a labor of love to help people like yourself get healthy, stay healthy and put the personal in personal training.  I designed the workouts to be quick and effective so people like us don't have to spend hours at the gym.  I mean really - who has time? Most of us have been trained to think we have to jump up and down and exert ourselves until we're in pain to lose weight.  I lost 60 pounds by working out to Functional Fitness and Yoga moves just 30 minutes a day.  Because the workouts were smart, not hard, I wasn't  sore the next day.  That meant I could work out every day if I wanted to and that's what you need to lose weight - consistency with your workout and your nutrition plan.  

Functional Fitness began as a public service to my community. Why would I sacrifice 12 hour days, often 7 days a week without pay to help others take charge of their health? Because as an Occupational Therapy practitioner I've seen countless preventable lifestyle diseases and it just breaks my heart to see people suffer needlessly. If I can help you avoid the pain and frustration of a preventable illness, than I know I've done something valuable with my life because your life is priceless!

Love and Healthiest blessings,

Suzanne Andrews

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

What Does Your Body Say About Your Health?

by Suzanne Andrews

Did you know your reflection is an echo of what your body is trying to tell you?  Find out what your body is saying to you now!

Belly Fat = increased risk of heart attack, diabetes and back pain.

So what do you do when you want to eat health sabotaging foods? Redirect yourself with a healthy distraction. Take 3 deep breaths, go for a walk, call a friend for moral support. The craving will pass and you'll feel so much better! 

Wide Hip Bones = normal part of aging.

Don't fret, it's not your imagination, your bones really do widen as you age. I gained 2 inches of width! What you should be concerned with is if you have excess fat over your hips as that can cause hip, back and knee pain. According to the Arthritis Foundation, every pound of excess fat exerts four pounds of pressure on your knees which is another great reason to get the weight off if you're having knee pain.  You may even save yourself the cost, time and pain of knee replacement surgery! Not sure what exercises to do that are safe for arthritis and help you lose weight?  Check out Arthritis Walking Workout.

Arm Fat = risk of shoulder injuries.

Shoulder injuries are one of the most painful types of injuries. How do I know? I injured myself working working with a patient that required over 400 pounds of muscle power to save her from getting crushed. I had accident two when I saved a patient from a fall. I needed surgery on my shoulders. As bad as it was, the doctor said it could have been much worse. My arms were strong before the accident and I went from 0% function to  a full recovery with consistent therapy, determination and a mindset to work through the pain during therapy and just trudge through to regain full use of my shoulders. You need a well rounded arm workout to remain functional and strong -not to mention if you want to wear those sleeveless dresses!

Thanks for spending time with a very important person...YOU!

Love and healthiest blessings,
Suzanne Andrews

Suzanne Andrews founded Functional Fitness in 2008, the most popular fitness series for boomers and seniors broadcasting on over 159 Public Television stations throughout the US and Canada. Read Suzanne’s inspiring comeback story of how she survived a near fatal accident, From Deaths Door to Producing a National Fitness Series. Feel free to send Suzanne a message here.

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