Qualifications: Certified personal trainer by NESTA and FitTour. Certifed in Pilates by AAAI, PHI, FitTour, and Sisome. Black Belt in Soo Bahk Do Karate.
Personal History: My love for fitness grew out of my passion for dance. When several injuries and surgeries forced me to train my body in a new way, I fell in love with total and balanced fitness - not just the love of the art of dance. I began to love my instrument. My injuries became my greatest lessons, forcing me to learn about myself from the inside out! My love for martial arts led me to achieve my black belt, which landed me the lead role in an independent martial arts film. When I'm not teaching or training clients or "the Mom thing," I am a fitness expert/guest on QVC and love bringing new fitness products to the viewers, inspiring them to workout at home. I have two children, Max and Noelle. They both have been blessed with beautiful, strong, healthy bodies and minds! I share my love of healthy living with them and that has created a special dimension to our relationship.
Workout Philosophy: Our bodies follow and reflect our thoughts. We need to work out from the inside out.
Success Story: This story is about Louise, Renee, Eileen, Laura, and Louanne who all attend my classes in Jenkintown, PA. I asked them to leave the comfort of their daily routines, step outside of their 'workout box' and 'star' in my Attitude Ballet & Pilates Fusion DVD. They committed to the nine months of training three times per week. They did everything I asked and made huge improvements in their flexibility, coordination, and balance. Even though their bodies came to me already beautiful, somehow, they seemed taller, leaner, and more graceful. They reported to the set, more prepared and more fit than any professionals I have ever worked with! What is so gratifying for me, as their teacher, is to hear them invite and encourage other women to come to class and share how beneficial the workout has been for them. I often hear: "Don't worry. Just believe you can do it! I couldn't do it when I first started either and look at me now!"