Billy Blanks Jr.

Click to Meet the Instructor

Qualifications: Certified by AFAA. Has been teaching for over 15 years.

Personal History: At a very young age my dad involved me in karate and I enjoyed it. But it wasn't something I wanted to continue after achieving my blackbelt. I taught Tae Bo for him for many years. But I always watched some people come in try it, and then never come back, because they were intimidated by the workout and also the competitive vibe of the students. From that moment, I started making my Tae Bo classes more dance oriented and fun. It was funny my dad used to always get on my case because he said my class had too much dancing! But at a young age I had a definite following from those who wanted a different feel in their workout. The moment I first danced I knew I was hooked and that I wanted to create workouts that were effective but also fun and that made you feel good for the rest of your day. I feel extremely honored to be Billy Blanks' son, the heir to the throne of his longstanding great work and to be part of the only family dynasty in the fitness industry. How cool is it to work alongside my wife and to be called the new faces of fitness!

Workout Philosophy: My workout philosophy is that you can have fun and feel good when working out. We don't believe in getting you fit for a season -- we believe in changing your health for the better for life!

Success Story: Carol from Sherman Oaks, California. When she first started, I remember she seemed shy and tentative. But what has been amazing is that, not only has she lost an incredible amount of weight, but her joy and confidence has rocked my world. She first started out in back now she comes to the center of the floor and beams when she is dancing her butt off. The class goes crazy over her! The joy she emulates touches me more than anything. Her husband came to the class once to say hello to us and said she has never been happier! It is the best compliment ever to hear someone say they feel better!

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210 W. Parkway, Suite 7, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 ● © Collage Video ● Exercise Video Specialists ● Fitness Videos and Workout Videos ● 1-800-819-7111 / 201-464-4921 ●

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