Qi Gong Fire & Water with Matthew Cohen
Ark Media
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Level: Inter/Advan
Instructor: Matthew Cohen (Instructor Profile)
SKU: 5503
Runtime: 80 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: 05/01/2008
Certified instructor description:
Two separate Qi Gong (Chi Gung) workouts. “Fire” is slightly faster-paced; it's designed to increase energy and expand your senses. “Water” is a little more contemplative and breath-focused; it's designed to reduce stress and promote calmness. Both programs demonstrate 15 to 17 postures. They range from simple overhead arm motions like “moon circles,” to more detailed total-body movements like “taming the tiger” (where you squat down to “push on the tiger's back" with your hands). Each workout starts with a “grounding” segment and ends with a gentle meditation. Precise, non-intimidating cuing. Quiet instrumental music. Filmed outdoors in the Arizona desert. ©2007.