30-Minutes to Fitness: Cardio Sculpt Overload - Collage Video
Backcover Description: 30-Minutes to Fitness "Cardio Sculpt Overload" is an interval workout that is designed to burn...

Full Backcover Description

30-Minutes to Fitness "Cardio Sculpt Overload" is an interval workout that is designed to burn fat, increase muscle definition, and improve overall functional strength. With the added use of super-light DBs and a weighted vest, CSO will rev up your metabolism for an even greater Afterburn! Both workouts are presented in the same challenging format using totally different fresh and effective exercises. Numerous premixes included. Equipment Needed: Super-Light Dumbbells, One Heavy Dumbbell, Weighted Vest (optional)

30-Minutes to Fitness: Cardio Sculpt Overload

Collage Video

$ 14.95 SRP $ 19.99

SKU: BAY2807
Runtime: Approx 30 min.
Region: 0
Street Date: 8-28-2019

Certified instructor description:
30-Minutes to Fitness "Cardio Sculpt Overload" is an interval workout that is designed to burn fat, increase muscle definition and improve your overall fitness level.
The four different workout principals include low impact cardio, boxing, body weight exercises, and compound moves.
The optional use of a weighted vest is the main "overload" factor that will increase your your caloric output and rev up your metabolism for an amazing afterburn!  You'll never get on the floor in this workout...Kelly keeps you on your feet and moving constantly!
Other "overload" options are;  light dumbbells for the boxing drills,  a heavier dumbbell for the total body compound moves, and the personal choice to go beyond your usual 30 minute workout by 8, 16 or 24 extra minutes to further overload your session!
This workout is versatile and appropriate for all levels.

  • Introduction
  • Start Workout
  • Premixes
  • Low Impact & Box (29 Minutes)
  • Low Impact and Lower Body (29 Minutes)
  • Low Impact and Compound Moves (29 Minutes
  • Box & Compound Moves (30 Minutes)
  • Lower Body & Compound Moves (30 Minutes)
  • No Low Impact (41 Minutes)
  • No Boxing (41 Minutes)
  • No Lower Body (41 Minutes)
  • No Compound Moves (40 Minutes)
Equipment needed: one moderate to heavy dumbbell

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